MORE Genshin Impact Moves Recreated in Real Life

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I brought on my older brother Mike (@mikedoestricks on instagram) once again to recreate more Genshin Impact flips and attacks but in real life. Some went perfectly while others were a bit more interestingโ€ฆ

Intro: 0:00
Tears of Themis (Sponsored): 0:27
Eula Normal Attack Combo: 1:37
Xingqiu Elemental Skill: 4:59
Diona Elemental Skill: 6:01
Thoma Elemental Skill: 6:23
Bennett Elemental Skill (Hold): 7:08
Yunjin Elemental Skill: 8:09
Zhongli Trailer Sequence: 9:05
Part 3?: 10:48


45 thoughts on “MORE Genshin Impact Moves Recreated in Real Life”

  1. so glad to see another video in this series, it was gr8 once again. I loved learning about the spring floor too. gr8 tricks, gr8 editing, it's fun to see siblings working together, and congrats on the mihoyo sponsorship!

  2. Loving this series! Here are some animations that I want to see!

    – Kazuha's normal attack sequence
    – Rosaria's normal attack sequence
    – Rosaria's ult
    – Chongyun's normal attack sequence
    – Keqing's normal attack sequence

    – Beidou's normal attack sequence
    – Beidou's charged attack sequence
    – Albedo's normal attack sequence
    – Albedo's charged attack sequence
    – Xingqiu's normal attack sequence
    – Amber's normal attack sequence

  3. The Eula hair flick still gets to me, he didn't have to but that touch of detail amplifies the quality. Looks like you have a potential choreography or videography career with that ending masterpiece, you already have the teamwork!

  4. Iโ€™m shocked that Eulaโ€™s AA sequence is actually the most realistic, lol, it always seemed like the most over the top to me. For part 3 it would be super cool if yโ€™all could cover Yoimiyaโ€™s backflip

  5. In part three you're recreating Childe surfing down a goddamn waterfall, right? ๐Ÿ˜› Nah, please don't throw yourself down a waterfall, Redflaim's brother, I'm joking, I'm joking.
    Seeing you recreate the moves from the game and really break down the process behind them is really cool though, and that is NOT a joke!

  6. Could you try Dilucโ€™s character trailer attack? Iโ€™d like to see how you recreate the scene where he throws the claymore before leaping onto it, pulling it out, and swinging in one fluid motion.

  7. Yess another collab! Really educational to see your brother's insights about pulling off those moves with a weapon vs without a weapon, and your (and your other friend's) identification of where cuts would have to be in recreating it irl. Hadn't heard of tricking before your first vid and have been looking up tricking vids for great action reference poses. Thanks for the breakdowns and hope to see more content (both this and in general)!


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