MiHoYo's plan for shielders in Genshin Impact 2.5 & beyond…

Genshin Impact shielders are a staple in the game which provides many helpful support to popular carries. However, what does MiHoYo thinks of their dominance and what will they do to weaken shielders in the game.

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29 thoughts on “MiHoYo's plan for shielders in Genshin Impact 2.5 & beyond…”

  1. it's incredible how they are terrible at making a gacha game…
    people spend money because they like the character, and they still want their characters to be fucking good, and not just waste ton of money

  2. I like to facetank stuff, and I've found it to be easier to do that when I have a shield up just for the 'no interruptions' aspect of it,, as long as you can heal, then I can't wait to see what other bleed mechanics they include in future updates

  3. the new enemies in 2.5 called Husk
    There are 3 different types – Standart Bearer, Line Breaker and Defender … each get on his own way stronger if we player use a shield against them … the livestream on Friday will show their mechanic

  4. Then it’s gonna be useless for pulling rainden in 2.5, damn this game sucks because it’s so hard to get a 5stats character then MIHOYO it’s gonna nerf their character, it’s no fair I can’t spent 10k bucks in every single new version

  5. This is not gonna happen soon
    It will take plenty time, it's just a casual game in fact lol

    Do you think they are gonna screw yoimiya, Ganyu and hutao and maybe yelan interruption interaction with shield any time soon?
    Hell no , they aren't stupid lol

  6. At the end, rock will corrode. No one last. As long dev don't released snapshot unit, the combination is endless. Anyway, i agree shield true value is interuption resistance. I wonder what is heal true value? Dot resistance? I like where is mhy going to. I hope no more op unit to avoid over reliance mechanic.

  7. Wait until they add the " dispel " mechanic to the game, where it removes your buffs, then we will all cry.
    Bidou burst? Dispeled, Xingqiu burst ? dispelled, you have a shied? Dispel……oh look at that Yoimiya using her E…DISPEL….now THIS will be broken, and we will see many a tear.
    Edit: If they add this to the game, either your abilities are instant and can not be dispelled, or Physicals damage will become the next best thing.

  8. Knowing how useful is Zhongli really is. I do agree that he still useful for protection from interruptions. He can still decrease enemy resistance. He also can petrification some enemy. Well…. He not going away any time soon.. I still kind a testing him right now and maybe I will understand how broken he can be later on.

  9. Xiangling will never be obsolete. So i just collecting my arcons(for collection) some 5* here and there. More over i m not wasting 14400 primogems to get 150 primogems and flow 9 10 11 dont need meta to 9*

  10. I doubt they will make monster with shield ignore through EVERY region. I dont usually go to Inazuma ( unless to city to buy or farm stuff for characters ) and because of that i usually dont have this issue. while farming for Itto I did, its not pretty but Zhongli does help a lot. I dont have to worry about interruption. I have Itto and his geo shred is good with him. Petrification. His personality is AWESOME.

  11. Honestly I’m glad in a way that they made Zhongli not as viable. I did find his shield mechanic to be broken absurdly. Like don’t get me wrong he’s a good character i’m grateful that I got him but, I’m glad they have enemies that can challenge people even if they have him. Also in advance I’m sorry for the long comment but, i do have concerns when it comes to implementing new enemies to counteract old Charcters.

    The thing I’m more concerned with is with the fact, since they’re creating new enemies to counteract these older characters with their broken mechanics. The worrying part is, how will this affect new players. Because let’s say for example they release a new five star that’s good against these new types of enemies. Like OK but if you can only get the Ascension material in Inazuma for the new character, as a new player how are you gonna be able to utilize that character because they’re gonna be stuck at level 20 until they get there. Since you can’t exactly get to Inazuma like you easily could Monstad to Liyue to farm and that takes time. And if you’re an F2P or very casual, you may miss out on that opportunity to get that advantage.

    Yes of course Genshin’s story has never been difficult. Though that part of the story with Dainsleif was actually hard, even Raiden was a hard fight all of her fights were. It becomes a problem when they start appearing into the overworld and you’re stuck with 4 stars who may not have the same value as they did before these new enemies were released.

    Just because they release new enemies the 4 stars are bound to be affected in someway due to the overpowered 5 stars MiHoYo is trying to Balance. When Rift Hounds we’re released I know three friends who dropped Diona because her shield and healing were useless. keep in mind that was with recommended builds and max castellations. All because MiHoYo tried to Nerf Zhongli’s shield. They have 2 5 stars each and are F2P. And they had to quit Genshin Impact because when they got to Inazuma they were struggling to much. And one of them lost interest in the game entirely because The difficulty became too much for them. They couldn’t find enjoyment in the Content Anymore and the fact that Inazuma came of as not so F2P friendly for teams didn’t help either. Like unless you were playing Genshin day 1. Then you wouldn’t have the chance to have gotten a lot of the characters that we had previously that could’ve helped a lot.

    The point is I guess you could argue that while it’s a good thing for MiHoYo’s game design wise, as the veteran players we need to consider how this can affect all of use. Because there’s no guarantee that if MiHoYo continues down this trend that it’s always gonna work in their favour. There is a possibility that one day it’s gonna blow up in their face in a big way than what they anticipated.

  12. I feel like Corrosion is a subtle precursor to dendro, we might get reactions like toxin/poison, basically DoT hitting your hp directly ignoring shields, then they'll bring in characters that do cleanse

  13. Well then lemme skip zhongli, i just need him to shield atk, but if he just there for interuption then go bcm decoration, i just need more healer.

    Is kinda sad or good, bcs i dont yet get him.

  14. I think we're right at a turning point for MiHoYo because of the way they are going about this, and people are starting to see the pattern.
    They will likely see a hefty decline in sales going forward, because even the hefty whales who went all in for C6 characters arent going to want to spend anymore knowing that MiHoYo will just phase those characters relevancy out through content. Most will choose to simply subsist with what they have.
    The F2P who try to get most of the characters will likely not even do that, and the giga-whales who would C6 many characters will likely downgrade to simply obtaining all the new characters at C0.

  15. I think it’s a good thing honestly. It’s actually smart on Mihoyo. They could’ve went the dumb way and tweak the characters to be weaker and create fake difficulty but instead they use different enemy types to dictate the meta (Kinda) there’s ton of characters in the game I think genshin is most fun when you have to use something you didn’t like at first and end up liking it. Literally was my experience with diona at first.


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