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I understand Time Gating content here and there, but for limited time events, it caused FOMO and makes people lose out on rewards. Please consider your players and their busy schedules!
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Install Raid for Free ✅ Mobile and PC: and get a special starter pack 💥Available only for the next 30 days! Thank You Raid for Sponsoring this video!
Everyone here complaining about not being able to do the event and in some cases your frustrations are correct.
If the event rewards aren't so great, like festering desire, then I can accept being location gated. I can miss out on an event because at the end of the day they'll max… Give you 500 primos. And a lyre.
But guys… Imagine this game 4 years from now. Some newbie AR 25 just reached liyue.
You can't expect this newbie to speedrun the story to do an event in Natlan right?
After a few years, players will simply have to accept the fact that some events are story/location gated, and some events are accessible for everyone.
You can't expect every event to be in liyue and mondstadt can you? They already do tons of those.
It is not defending mihoyo it's common sense.
Also, after 3 months of playing at least an hour a day. You should be able to reach Inazuma.
If ur doing it at your own pace then that's good and all… But you also can't expect to reach Inazuma by going through the motions.
You should expect this game to be a heavy grind. Gacha is a grind. Either for primos or to level a character.
Take it this way. Why should Mihoyo cater to players who can't even be bothered to actually play their game?
When all it takes is 1 and a half months to finish all the current quests and with it not worry about being location-gated.
Really, games like genshin are like that because… I hate to say it, it's a gacha.
Story progression and character progression are everything. Ascension mats are gated by locations, some events too. And if you can't do the events? Then you simply focus on the story and pay it no mind. You have a lot of resources available to you in the beginning and you don't need an event for that. (Unless that event gives you festering desire. If so then i hope it's in mondstadt.)
Also, none of you are actually forced to rush the story for an event. I can understand if it's for a weapon like festering desire, but anything else is just extra. If you are a beginner who just reached liyue, and there is an event in inazuma. Don't mind it and proceed at your own pace.
Personally i like going fast, it doesn't take away my experience because it's gonna be like watching a movie.
(The cutscenes makes me wanna finish the story quest to get to the next but thats just me.)
just do it like me …. ignore the event until the last 3days …. if i didn't get time for it i just leave it cuz meh, i lost my interest in the game long ago, i only play it for the gameplay. i don't even care about the bosses shards, resin. this forced timing isn't for me nor for anyone for little to spare for entertainment.
I agree !!
I agree 100% I’d rather have all the content and Oce but I understand why they’re doing it it’s better have people return everyday if u can when running a business
wait i can NEVER get the festering desire??? are there no minievent reruns? 🙁
Personally there was an event I was really looking forward to but yknow my dad died so as you'd imagine that kinda put a wrench in things, there's stuff I'll never be able to have cuz I was dealing with personal issues so yeah can be a bit crap, luckily it wasn't that important stuff tho I missed the gameplay which I actually did want to experience, I can get really invested and hate missing out on things so I'm the everyday type and that's the only event I've missed, other than the one it wouldn't let me play because of poor game design at the start which is another point to you, I think it was the second event? The Mona meteor one, I unknowingly started a quest that cuts your multiplayer capabilities off and that was beyond what I could complete at the time, the last 1/3 was multiplayer access only even tho there was a solo option so I could never participate, I even emailed them but nothing as you'd expect
"I hate that Genshin a Gatcha game does…. Brought to you by the Gacha game that does… RAID, Shadow legends!"
I have been talking about since release. Finally a bigger content creator also talking about.
You're right Tashed, it really is FOMO
there will definitely be some crackhead that will speedrun it in a day and then complain "OmG GeNSHIN STop bEING LAzY MAke moRE CONTenT"
Arguing that a game is allowed to have shitty practices just because it's a "Gacha game" is such a piss poor excuse. Just becuse something tends to be a certain way, doesn't mean it's good. You are allowed to improve things for the better. Mihoyo is an incredibly greedy company that happened to make great games that the competition can't seem to replicate. It is what it is but you don't have to white knight.
Imagine how much content we would have if the events never went away. Why not just leave them, so if we do decide to take a break we can come back and enjoy all the events from the past. its basically just more content for us to play and do during down time.
I do that stuff all in 1 day after its all out usually so I don't have this problem as much. I do have every Sunday to myself, strict life-plan xD I do wish they would give more content tho late game content needed.
I agree with you but this is the point of gacha like you said.
they want that daily number of players so they can say " LoOk HoW mAnY pLaYeRs PlAy DaIlY"
man i dont know why but i really enjoy those vids when he flames mihoyo
its hard to compare time-gating in genshin to other gachas since, as far as I know, it is the only open world gacha at the moment. If anything its more comparable to mmos or whatever warframe is. I understand time-gating since in my experience with older online games with little-to-no time-gating, plenty of people do be rushing content the moment it drops then complain there's no new content for the next couple weeks and it happened a lot.
with that said I still have to agree with the part about the inazuma 4* bow being time-gated for a week. In my under 2-week old f2p acc I literally just got childe as my first 5* excluding alloy, no rust or other good bows for him atm so I wanted to get the next best thing for him which is that 4* inazuma bow, but I've realized I have to wait an entire week just to get its blueprint. not in-game time that I can just speed up but real time, and its quite frustrating. I got to AR 36 and into inazuma in under 2 weeks without rushing, 1 whole week without that bow would mean I couldn't use my childe until then(cuz' I ain't wasting mats on bows I'll be replacing anyway).
I felt that.. I only play during weekends and missed many quest and event. AR52 but still havent unlock azdaha, Signora or inazuma. I opened the game but felt tired because there's a lot to do but didn't have enough time. Sometimes I need to pay someone to play for me. At this point I was thinking about to sell my account.
I didn’t get to finish the Liyue event
I love the music event because I love rhythm games
Mtashed mentioned a new open world gacha that's supposed to release sometime soon, I'm not sure if it was in this video or another but does anybody know what it was called?
I agree with this entirely because it’s already limited time why would you put even more of a time limited system into it.
Tbh I enjoy your rant videos, they are very entertaining lmao. And I totally agree with what you are saying here.
Holy shit what did the Chinese do to mtashed? He hasn't posted in 4 days
I really just don't like this event, it was okay as 1 of 3 events during Windblume but now we have to do like three times the content and wait in between. I think I might just skip an event for the first time since I started playing or do the bare minimum. I just don't see the point to this event.
Oh my I had to hear that I m not the only person who had that Fobia of missing the events …
MTashed please make how to 10x your bitches guide please
Honestly, I am skipping this event entirely on all my accounts. Not only is it time gated but it's also tedious (for me). Instead of letting me get in a groove and cruise through it stops me after one performance and I have to "warm up" into it all over again the next day. Hated guitar hero, hate quick time events, hate this. Hated having to find every single chest and emblem in the last event too, I just don't have the time to open a guide and meticulously check off one item at a time. I only got the fish claymore (R5) on one of my accounts because of this. It's just pointless grind once you start feeling the reward isn't worth the time investment. I can't be the only one playing multiple accounts. As F2P it's a great way to build different teams, get different characters and stagger what banners you pull on so you have the best chance of playing all the new characters that come out. "Missing out" on a few events on one of your accounts can absolutely kill your desire to play it. Events should be fun, not tedious. I know the current event appeals to some people, that is just a personal dislike but I don't think many people appreciated the whole "collect them all" nonsense from the fish sword event. The combat elements were fun, the quest line was a bit drawn out but acceptable but why oh why with the collecting nonsense.
I already quit genshin
Agree with you Tashman. I'm a casual player and I'm still in school (11th grade), so I'm really busy most of the time, and only able to play for an hour or so a day. Recently, my phone broke, and new phones wouldn't be in stock till a week, so I have to wait a week to play the game again, and all the events which I was excited for (Xinyan, music) will already be gone by then, and so will the Tortellini banner, which I had been saving up for 3 months.
Mtashed, please make a video about your opinions on the newly released event with Xinyan. Mihoyo did it again, new players can't take part of the event unless they ascend their characters. I feel like the new event was mainly made for super strong teams/meta teams. I feel lik those who are underleveled wouldn't have a change to beat this new event. It's such a shame that Mihoyo doesn't include the whole community to take part in their events unless they're on higher AR.
Mtashed: complains about sketchy business practices in a gacha game
Also Mtashed: promotes Raid:Shadow Legends
this is exactly what has been happening to me. I wanted to do these music quests so badly and get the guitar. definitely wont happen for me though
I unfortunately missed out on the fish sword ;~;
MiHoHo has shown that we can complain all we want and they still won’t give a shit
Hates your sponsor segment and yet you are doing it over and over again. Mihoyo doesn't make this game for YouTube content creators, so don't blame the game when you have no new content to generate income; other content creator seems to be doing just fine and not cry like a baby. I found no issue with this time gate mechanism when I causally play it just an hour or so once a few days.
Took the 2 k from shadow legends bought primogems haha
A WEEK?!!? It took me months to get the bow! I just got it last week! and I play a lot! lol
I missed out on the tuna lord sword as well… the same way. I can agree with you as well… I think an option could be time gating it based on playtime outside of the event or.. increase the time to get items… or complete events etc… compared to other progression.
I know I am spamming your comments but… on the sword… I did all the quests, but the last one to get it the sword… and I had life stuff come up.. So I missed it and I can never get it again. Even if this is just how gotcha games work. In many ways it's still a bad or immoral business model even it it makes a lot of money.
However games like this just seem to cycle. From what I have seen they make a lot of money do really well and then die. At which time the same company or new one makes a similar game with a different story and world. Rinse and repeat.
1 star!!! XD XD XD
I clicked on this video thinking that mtashed would rant once more about there having no content.
Instead I was greeted with a rant that can benefit a lot of players, if not all the players. Thank you for this rant mtashed.
On the side note, yes, it is a problem, content gating. Waiting for over 7 days continuously because miHoYo decided to lock the content behind daily logins.
Now people might say " But miHoYo is doing this so people will stop complaining about no content! And people need to take a break about this game. "
Yeah well that's not working well currently. Most gamers in genshin have lives.. I hope people do not compare every genshin players as people who got no lives and just play 24/7 and complain about having no content after speedrunning the new content.
Chinese mobile garbage that people compare to something like Breath of the wild cause they can't see quality until they stop getting dopamine.
I totally agree, I would rather get really into the event for a day or two and grind it out than play each level one time every couple days. It makes it less fun. Imagine if they dropped spiral abyss one floor at a time each day over the two weeks. It would be super boring
How about waiting until the event is fully available and then doing the whole event.
Literally I'm just burnt out trying to finish my resin, dailies and events. On top of that everything is time gated. This was literally on my mind for some time now. It's really getting annoying at this point. I'm not even doing the new event coz I'm so tired of feeling of missing out on something
give mora
I agree fully