Mihoyo FINALLY added End Game in 2.3 | Genshin Impact

#genshin #genshinimpact #genshinendgame

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21 thoughts on “Mihoyo FINALLY added End Game in 2.3 | Genshin Impact”

  1. Genshin should be a game of adventure full of mini games, dungeons to explore, bosses that spawn out of nowhere, etc. I hope the game will be adding stuff like that so when the game ends it is one of the most complete video games ever.

  2. oh that's an interesting addition. not sure if I'll play much, but will give it a shot.

    personally, I tried the boss first. the new domain drops my zhongli's hp faster than the new boss. though ngl the first time the boss almost liked my party( and by that I mean zhongli and ningguang died twice so I was just running around not sure how to drop his shield) until I figured out I had to hit with geo on those wolf heads.

  3. I will never get why people are playing such a trash modes in games like Genshin. There are way better games to play with friends than half-assed genshin pseudo co-op. Genshin is just a game to play on your phone for 30 min a day on the bus, every player who thinks otherwise is delusional.


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