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46 thoughts on “Lv 90 AMBER TO THE MOON – GENSHIN IMPACT”

  1. Hi. This is the ultimate thing that everyone already knows. But it also seems at times that they still work towards the goal of genocide. I know for a fact that these cops and this country of hostile run aways do. But like I said before. We are monitored by the whole world. U.S or even YouTube cannot stop foreigners. Heck.. Not even every person in America as well. But foreigners are your biggest worry. Word travels around you know. Even though this country controls media. It's still around dude. Even other countries are more open to speech and their own voice. So last time the country told youtubers and were coming as randoms to sneakily report the comments of mine that says what they are trying to frame for to genocide with rape and torture. In which you cannot cover up as well as it is widely known. Even a huge YouTube who turned to you guys openly still said what you guys are too in being hypocrites. It is hard to touch that dude as he is that huge and is one of yours. Unless you speak to him and he does it. You know.. the cover up. Yesterday they suffocated Mya and she was crying But yelling that she can't breathe. The cops over here was talking crap and said that hey! Maybe she has Covid19. I stated that it was a threat btw. But they also never sway and said it themselves that they will still go for it. Now yes, Youtubers have sided with them and even a bigger one will give other instructions on what to say and do. One youtuber has opened up on one of them and he himself is pretty big too in a certain type of game. I am not naming them. So don't be threatened by this comment. Others may not be that involved. But they still get hammered by cops and know how this is. My thing is how badly this country wants to showcase a family for profit and in their faces still go for what they intend to do with excuses in front of their faces as a we will do it anyways. If I getBANNED. That is simple. Cover up and the country ordered everyone to go in on it to make it happen. I would be off of media and they will move in on the family to kill and cover up with people getting ready to cover up the family genocide afterwards. Like I also said a long time ago before. Even if you try me. You still are screwed with the family genocide in which excuses comes soon for them. Now before you take us down and report me for this comment. You can't silence the world. Even if your people come in hard with fake proof of the family that got killed in what ever excuse you say. It's a genocide they all witnessed. Who also suffered greatly. In the hands of hypocrites. Just as that huge Youtuber says. HYPOCRITES. Done. Also like I said before. Even if they don't go for all fully. They will work on them eventually. Bo matter how long it takes. Thet like it clean.

  2. You know….it may be because it'd take too much time to set up but in theory you should've been able to increase the damage even further if you used Amber's Fiery Rain since you'd get the 15% bonus to movement speed and ATK%. Only other issue is i'm not sure if an arrow from Fiery Rain will trigger the hit the bunny's foot explosion (i don't have C2 Amber so i can test it out).


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