Legend Vagabond Sword Day 3 is 100% PAY TO WIN for Max Score | Tips and Tricks | Genshin Impact

0:00 – Intro
0:32 – First Attempt
1:24 – First Clear 5150
6:16 – Tips for the Fight

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24 thoughts on “Legend Vagabond Sword Day 3 is 100% PAY TO WIN for Max Score | Tips and Tricks | Genshin Impact”

  1. Didnt max score only 5250 or so on my 2nd try. Had a Hu Tao with white tassel zhongli with black tassel a god Noel and xingqui with favonios sword. Not a fancy team but you can survive all attacks without much doge. Key point is heavy HP zhongli. I try to keep them together as much as I can. I use this set on previous challenges easy 5k

  2. Am I the only one that thinks day 3 is way easier than day 1 or day 2? Like just use Bennett and XL, as main dps use what you have, I use Klee and as last supp I choose Fischl.

  3. why would you immidiately call it pay 2 win.. when you have not tried everything yet.. dont forget that you can cook and most of the recipe and ingredients are free..

  4. Day 1: A Geovishap, which is already an extremely tanky boss, with almost as 3x as much HP.
    Day 2: An Oceanid that wastes a minute if not more of your already extremely limited time limit which is cheap af.
    Day 3: What the f..

  5. Funny how for me day 3 was the easiest and the one where I got the most points on it, 6050. Welkin+BP player fyi.

    My strategy was simply not pressing the dodge button at all (since that would make you take more damage) and face-tanking everything with a max health Zhongli + Xingqiu (close to 50% dmg reduction).

    My dps was Klee, so not dodging also saves stamina = more damage through charge attacking. The fourth character in my team is flexible, but I usually take Bennett (here too).

  6. Actually the two Maguu Kenki aren't that difficult when you Co OP ofc it won't be full score but having around 4,6k points per day is already enough for all rewards ^^

  7. Worst event ever. Definitely not F2P friendly. For someone without Childe and Keqing, who doesn't use Beidou and Fischl, this is a nightmare and worst outcome. After day 3, I'll just do the event for the sake of the primogems.

  8. Genshin Community: "We want more challenging content for endgame players."

    Mihoyo: "Let's make it so that they can't even win."

    Is balancing the content difficulty really that hard to do? Making it challenging yet not impossible.

  9. hey sekka , i did all the floors with a single team comp , and got 3900-5500 in all of them . i just used bennett jean diluc zhongli . If they can't kill you , you win .(Almost all challenges w/o a timer ofc)


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