New dendro reactions, Overgrown and Intensified.
Credits : @Genshin_Intel, @lumie_lumie (twitter)
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#sedurin #genshinimpact #dendroreactions
bushes when it's raining: explosion
dendro + electro should be named as mutated or shock instead of intensified
the only elemental reaction I knew to dendro is "burning" (dendro + pyro).
Dr snakey is the dendro one coming right? I think his element skill is more like a poison because there a lot of snake elements in his model like it hinting something but still its just a guess.
it'd be* amazing if the crystals formed by overgrown did smth like 5% heal
Dendro + Pyro = Burning
But it would be a good idea to add a "High" elemental reaction if the Dendro was added during the "Burning" reaction. It must increase Damage, Critical Damage, and Elemental Mastery, but it induces hallucinations and significantly decreases accuracy & attack speed.
Just imagine.
Overgrown Is Quite Interesting
Anemo reaction should have been pollenate where when the two elements meet it would create a large aoe of dendro that would poison enemies
i hope the dendro archon has a dash like mona/ayaka and they leave plants behind
Since they are using place holders for the animations, there was no way to show swirl with dendro here without it looking like the remaining 4 swirl reactions. Also, swirl is already in-game, so the testing is already done. They just need to draw up the animations for bright green swirls on all the characters.
I hope I am not on copium.
So dendro is a buff element like electro?
I'm curious what this will do with electro damage.
So wait, Cryo doesn't have a reaction with Dendro?
Raiden will literally be the best support for any dendro, especially a dendro catalyst
We all know that Dendro is weaker than Pyro, and I’m pretty sure Dendro is also weaker than Cryo. However, I’m definitely sure that Dendro is stronger than Hydro and Electro.
Overgrown: Hydro and Dendro. But why the mushroom exploded with the electro?
We already know everyone is just gonna be using pyro in sumeru
Since cryo and dendro can coexist like electro and hydro, a burning + melt should also be possible. And since burning keeps pyro, we probably just have a source for reliable reliable reverse melt.
Also, dendro+cryo swirl sounds good
I'll definitely pull Kusanali over Kazuha if overgrown surpasses vape and melt comps
This is edited bruh,it's just name above and nothing else
They really need to a beta test where people critique this, there have gotta be more reactions
all im focusing on is :
ooga oosha shang lang oosh goosha row gren groosha
They better get this right….
i just want keqing to be good q_q
Geo + dendro = giant trees
Name song plz?
It's here!!! Dendro archon! my guaranteed pity since raiden rerun is waiting for you!!