Leaked Scaramouche Actual AoE and Gameplay with Enemies | 3.3 Genshin Impact

#genshinimpact #wanderer #scaramouche

Leaked The Wanderer aka Scaramouche Gameplay & Idle Animations with Enemies


35 thoughts on “Leaked Scaramouche Actual AoE and Gameplay with Enemies | 3.3 Genshin Impact”

  1. Lol you have the hiilichurls at hugging distance and you call this AoE. It's not like enemies will naturally group for him to use his attacks. And Faruzan's grouping is trash, far worse than even Sucrose.

  2. On this video he is C6 i dont believe he does have any change on crit rate or crit damage because it is on a beta like people are saying this is his damage based on maths. He will come pretty strong trust me and Faruzan will make Xiao and Scaramouche go easy against Hutao and Ganyu with their reactions.

  3. i know this is about scara but im honestly surprised they made ayakas charged attack like that lmao. numbers fill up the screen for every slash its crazy, and each target within range is locked on instead of one single aoe slash. the recent 5*s seem busted because they're new, but i feel like if ayaka released right now she wouldn't feel out of place lol


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