Here is my next custom character for Genshin Impact. This time with Kurumi from the Date A Live series.
Mod replaces HuTao’s outfit with Kurumi in Genshin Impact.
More Info/Download:
Private servers are highly recommended.
DISCLAIMER: The use of this mod on official Genshin servers is at YOUR OWN RISK
This project was made possible through the anime game modding discord:
AzureBerylBlue: Model Rip (Superdimensional)
Cybertron’s Gaming World: GI model importing guide
SilentNightSound: GI Model Importer
Hu tao attack pattern suits her
"Saa, watashitachi no deto hajimemashō!" RIP Abyss😈🖤
I'll play genshin again if this happens
Now tohka replacing noelle, i would fit a lot
shut up and take my money!
I think mihoyo should make a female character with a gun, that would be more suitable
It would be awesome if this actually happen or any of the other characters of date a live
Wish there was a tohka mod
I need her rn
Oh yes my waifu, now waiting for Genshin Impact collab with Date a live. If possible.
0:29 beautiful
Pasa los modos ❤
Oh is that german:0
Can you with Purple Heart too?
Watching Kurumi using a polearm instead of a gun feels weird.
I want to see that Pyro Fatui guy with a gun using Kurumi's model.
More focus on animtion to become better
If she comes to genshin, than I'll do anything to get her!
I thought that when you add mods you get banned, I don't understand?
Skin, collaboration or new character with her seiyuu!
Si fuckin cute
Fun Fact: Hu Tao (胡桃), if her name was one word instead of two separate words, can be read as "Kurumi" in Japanese.
I need that, it's amazing
if they didn't ban for modding i d use this one by default.
Kurumi use Shotgun, Not a Spear
but how do i install it? could you do a tutorial please?
This make wish there's a character that can manipulate time in genshin
Que bien que se ve 🤩👍
Given the limited weapon selection at the moment, having her replace Hu Tao is probably the most appropriate choice. Her normal attack string looks great.
it not working
Hu ever made that model did a great job
Didn't know Genshin has Mod support.
Random guy: "It hasn't."
Me: "I don't care. I NEED THIS MOD!!"