KLEE DPS BUILD | Genshin Impact – Slexein

Genshin Impact Klee Guide. 63k Charge Attack Damage. The guide you need for KLEE.

LVL: 60
Constellation: 0
TalentLevels: Kaboom 6 | Jumpy Dumpty 6 | Sparks ‘n’ Splash 6

Weapon: 4* Solar Pearl

2x Gladiator’s Finale (18% Atk)
2x Crimson Witch of Flames(15% Pyro DMG)

Attk: 2393
CritRate: 75.7%
CritDmg: 189.1%
Pyro DMG Bonus: 101%
ElemMastery: 21
Food buff: Adeptus Temptation, Flaming Essential Oil

#GenshinImpact #Klee #Build #DPS


26 thoughts on “KLEE DPS BUILD | Genshin Impact – Slexein”

  1. im at AR46 but my dmg is nowhere near yours, like im using klee xiangling diona mona (im f2p and i am blessed) i deal 600 dmg regular hits at most and 1400 dmg charged at most…. i dont have goood artifacts since literally no pyro goblet :/ crit rate 30% crit dmg 60%


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