kid steals $20,000 for genshin impact

today I wanted to rant about kid steals $20,000 for genshin impact…so thats what we did, hope yall enjoyed it. #genshin #news #rant

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22 thoughts on “kid steals $20,000 for genshin impact”

  1. Genshin more like "downloading some game that takes way too much grinding and pretty much makes you play every day to get good and also takes up most of ur storage like 50 GB and then the update is like 9999999999999 GB and ur PC breaks and you need to uninstall it"

  2. Ryan genshin has a gacha feature to get new heroes so you get new stuff from new people
    You should also play it and put it in the gameplay behind your voice cause valorent bloons and Minecraft are awesome but you might like genshin

  3. Roblox is a virus for future gamers. My son, only 8 at the moment, thought you pay with roblox, real money, to revive yourself. I had to die in like 4 games on my ps4 and ps5 games to show you don't use real money on a real game.

  4. so basically the game is still easy when you never pay. The people who are paying like 2000 dollars are trying to max out their characters constelations whic makes the character stronger

  5. Yeah, the gacha is basically pay to progress faster, that been said the fact that you can still make it through out all the game without paying is fair enough. I don’t like that idea but in a PvE game is understandable since you don’t compete.

  6. i do play genshin but GEEZ 20K ?`!?! the top amaount i use is 50 dollars on each event cuz thats all u need to use to get the top best charakter of the event, 100 if u want eh top weapon aswell, that is if u are unlucky, ussaly u will get both for abt 60-80 dollars out of pure pitty and luck, probebly like 6-10 on on top new 5 star charakters each year, wich means that to get every one of them is like ¨500 dollars a year, and this kid used 20k in so little time

  7. This was like…. a month ago. Genshin is a colorful casino for kids. A trap that literally turns teenagers into ludopaths. It’s the most stingy, greedy and awful gacha out there.

  8. Why can’t games, that are free, just do something like;

    – 1 dollar for your choice of a common thing
    – 2 dollars for your choice of a common bundle(3 things)
    – 2 dollars for your choice of a rare thing
    – 5 dollars for your choice of a rare bundle(3)
    – 5 dollars for your choice of a legendary thing
    – 10 dollars for your choice of a legendary bundle(3)

    Instead of loot boxes and hope for the best, yeah, it won’t be that much of a money hog, but at least people won’t have to go broke for a item/character. And if you want to spice things up; give the loot box option, but for a cheaper price. Also make some items or characters, be locked until they complete some certain task, so they PLAY the Game, it’s about the grind, but it’s so much more fulfilling than, having it ALL barricaded, by a money gate and a chance of luck. Also, make to where, the items/characters, cannot be upgraded by money, let them play with, let them grind to that level, let them PLAY the GAME.

    One smart thing is, they could make a block on people, from spending too much money, like they want your money, but also care about. Like, the limit could be; $100, not too much, but not too little, and it refreshes every week or month…


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