Khaenri'ah, The Crimson Moon, and The Eye of Fate (Genshin Impact 4.5 Lore, Theory, & Speculation)

The book Perinheri dropped new Khaenri’ah lore in patch 4.5.
Speculation and tinfoil hat theory warning.
This book covers the Crimson Moon Dynasty and the Eclipse Dynasty, who favored alchemy + riftwolves and machinery as their favored weapons, respectively. I think that shift had to do with seeking alternative power sources…. and forbidden knowledge.
The Crimson Moon appears during periods of judgment and retribution, and as such can also symbolize fate. In this aspect, it’s the Auge fer Verurteilung, the crimson eye of the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, Fischl, which can see all fate and all that’s true. I also talk about King Irmin and the Sinner. Of course this comes all back to Kaeya.
(The book is probably mostly about Arlecchino, but this is a KAEYA ALBERICH channel.)

00:00 Introduction
01:13 Perinheri
03:26 Hleobrant Innamorato
06:57 A Tale of Two Dynasties
09:56 The Eclipse, Swallowed
13:35 Auge der Verurteilung
16:55 Fate-Resisting Royals
19:22 The Alchemist’s Fire
22:13 Shackles of Fate
25:00 King Irmin (My Beloved)
31:42 Outro

Dancing (Persona Specialist) Kaeya from @sucrettae
The guy saying “you’re on to nothing” is Jarvis Johnson in his conspiracy Tiktok video lmao – it’s a fun video, go watch.

Resources & further reading:
Mysterium Coniunctionis by Carl Jung
Anatomy of the Psyche by Edward Edinger

Check out my other videos!

✨ Khemia + Rhinedottir wanted to create a Descender
✨ Legend of the Shattered Descender
✨ Flowers for Princess Fischl
✨ The Holy Blade and the Descender
✨ Time is (not) an illusion

✨ “Ether Vox” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
✨ HOYO-Mix: Vestige of Dahri, Pathway to the Hidden Isles, Sink Into Oblivion, Chatter Beneath the Roots, Quo Vadis, Tagelied nächtlicher Gedanken, Traum durch die Dämmerung, A Shard from Past Glories, Striding Snowstorm, A Storm A Spire A Sanctum, Gaze of the Ancients, Stories of Remote Antiquity, WHITE NIGHT
✨ “Se Pone Caliente” by the U.S. Commercial Product Safety Commission (public domain)

#genshinimpact #hoyocreators #genshinimpact #genshin #原神


30 thoughts on “Khaenri'ah, The Crimson Moon, and The Eye of Fate (Genshin Impact 4.5 Lore, Theory, & Speculation)”

  1. Will add CCs soon, I promise! (I realize I still haven't for the recent khemia video oops)

    Any retrospective notes, comments, etc, will go here.

    – Some people have noted that Perinheri's pronouns change in different languages. I have checked this and this is ONLY true for Chinese TRADITIONAL. Not even Chinese simplified. I usually try to check for any language discrepancies in CHS, not CHT. Also, the pronoun change ALSO applies to the line with the king addressing the advisor – so it's not unique to Perinheri. Because of these observations I'm inclined to think this was more of an error or unintentional (or the developers had different ideas originally, and it was not fixed for the update).

  2. "The Sages think themselves to be all knowing, but we alone are wise to the virtue of those acts of folly"
    Does this imply that Pierro belonged to the Crimson Moon dynasty and the sages from the Eclipse one, the "acts of folly" being the heavy usage of forbidden knowledge (FB). Was he already aware of what FB was or what it could do, how the constitution of beings from Teyvat would not be able to properly process it. How old is he and why the fuck does he keep wearing a piece of a broken mask… Let me see that left eye Pierro, LET ME SEE THAT EYEBALL MR.KHAENRI'AHN ROYAL MAGE.

    Kaeya, Dainsleif and Pierro walk into a bar, Chlothar is the bartender and there is only Death in the Afternoon. Make it happen Mihoyo, i know John Hoyoverse is reading this 🧐

  3. I may be as delusional as you because, I've been thinking for a while now that there really is some link between Kaeya & King Irmin. Great minds think alike!!! The Auge der Verunteilung thing made me go like "WOOOO, POGGERSS!!" (this is a joke but the sentiment is true). If Kaeya really is the a vessel/avatar for King Irmin….can see other's fates (but not his??) then….. DRAGON KING KAEYA REAL??!!!! person who is so delusional they think King Irmin & NIbelung are either one & the same or made some sort of pact?? i have nothing to back this up, just vibes only

    serious question though, how did the royal family of Khaenri'ah manage to escape the curse of the wilderness?? where do the Khaenri'ahn royal family come from? I guess it's not impossible to surmise that before the Archon War that there were people who were nomads & thus didn't stay in one place for long so they didn't really worship any one god….. We know Perinheri wasn't afflicted since he's probably not originally from Teyvat. Are the royals perhaps… dragon people a la Natlan???? (yet again, I have no basis for this, I'm sure hoyoverse will crush my delusions thoroughly someday soon lmao)

  4. Ah a great theory vid for my birthday! Perinheri is truly mindbreaking and I'm obsessed with it. Hope that with the release of Arlecchino the info from the book gets referenced and explained more in depth.

    Got to the kaeya part: I'm taking this as fact now. Nothing else matters Kaeya is Genshin Impact

  5. yet another classic roozevelt banger, what a great video

    reading the books I was immediately intrigued by the arle connections more than anything, but I'm always so impressed by how well the writers manage to tie multiple threads into the lore books

  6. This is my favorite lore channel, and I'm sorry to all the other lore channels. Your sense of humor delights me. Yes, my smoke detector batteries are good, the red blinky light tells me it's all good. Also, I will not be looking directly at the solar eclipse because unlike Kaeya and Fischl, I do not have protective eyepatches nor magical vision. I will tolerate this channel indefinitely and look forward to all the tinfoil hats. <3

  7. What if this whole time we thought keaya’s “real father” was a man, but he’s actually just been an orphan from the house of the hearth this whole time, and the previous knave put him in mondstat as a sleeper agent.

  8. I love everything about this but also when you mentioned that Kaeya put “Father” in quotes, like Lyney and Lynette, I went “Huh that’s kinda funny that they both do that AND they’re spies tasked by said ‘Father’ I wonder if every nation is supposed to have crazy kaeya lore or kaeya parallels’

  9. Purgatorial fire… which is Arlecchino's constellation

    she has black hands and eyes, very similar to Caterpillar from the Fontaine world quest, who was ( SPOILER AHEAD )

    Heavily hinted to have been "reborn" from some kind of alchemical process. She's heavily associated with crimson imagery and orphanages…

    Not saying she's necessarily Perinheri since she is allegedly Fontainian but they are clearly allegorically linked somehow.

  10. Fischl's GAA story seems to rule out her just larping as a character from a book. They keep up an ambiguity on it all until the final library scene and then two things go wrong. First of all if the evil Fischl is supposed to be the real character from the book, or Amy's ideal of that character, condemning Amy for being a pretender and a coward who runs away from the truth of her "normal" life etc etc, or whatever moral lesson Amy is supposed to learn – a theory that Mona subscribes to roughly – then it makes no sense for Oz to go over to the evil Fischl and even less sense that Oz never admits what he did was wrong. On the contrary he doubles down and says naturally both of them were Fischl so what he did was fine. Oz denies in other words, that there is a dichotomy between Amy and Fischl. He does NOT see Amy as just pretending to be Fischl. He sees them as one. Again at the very end Oz challenges Amy until she admits that she is Fischl, in her very being. This story makes no sense if Amy is just larping EVEN if you wanted to say, "hey she's larping but that's OK, she can do that if she wants". It's really NOT OK for her to go through life pretending to be a character from a book. Just as her parent say. Are the parents correct? No, says Oz. But not because leading a deluded life is OK. Her parents are wrong about Amy being delusional.

    All of which still leaves the question about what is really going on quite open. But at least we know Fischl "acts as Fischl" in a deliberate and over the top way that she thinks is the way people expect a god of Judgment incarnated in to the world would act, because of the dichotomy between what she is and what she thinks about herself. This is pretty similar to the way Furina has to act like what she thinks people expect an Archon to act, but in reality she is an Archon all along. They both ham it up.

  11. I guess I don't think Perinheri has much content in it and it's a big red herring – or crimson herring I suppose. For example if this was really a popular legend in Khaenri'ah as claimed then why did the people of Khaenri'ah not have a sense that fleeing to the above world would turn them into hilichurls? The idea of the orphanage seems unrealistic too. I mean how many shipwrecked people or star faring travelers would be actual minors that need looking after? Enough to need a school? Traveler is an adult. Sibling was apparently trusted. Nobody was saying "hey why are we listening to this alien when they should be in school at their age?" The idea that they didn't wait for aliens to just show up but instead created them like the way Durin was born makes a little more sense since he seemed to have a child-like mind… but then I get a mental image of Durin and Elynas trying to sit their mountain sized bodies into a couple of kindergarten desks in a room with another two dozen titanic monsters.

  12. Ive been thinking if the Sinner is going to be similar to Angelica in the sense that he himseld (assumingly) is going to be representetive of a concept of… well…. Sin, compared to Angelicas 'Freedom'.
    You also point out that Angelicas claim of being from a nation dubious, im still skeptical and to some extent I think it might be a red herring. I think its a good point to raise, but I wonder whats the relevance of bringing up Zhongli in the first place.
    On the crimson moon, yeah, Asmodays cubes def feel strongly tied towards it, although i also think this is a bit of traveller lore because of them purifying durins 'Crimson Tear'. Tear… Crimson…Eyeballs….

    great vid tho keep up the great work!

  13. oh yeah and like kaeya not being full blooded but not turning into a hillichurl… the last hope being something related to the fact he is somewhat immune to the curse,

  14. It’s been a HOT second since the last time genshin dropped something that compelled me to open a google document and jot down everything that came to my mind in that second, I swear to god I can’t believe they hid all this lore in a book many people might not even notice. Actually, thank you for pointing it out on twitter – I would have been completely clueless otherwise 🫡
    Honestly I’ve lost all hope of reconciling the actual timeline of events with the legends, mostly because there is a LOT that especially in Liyue mythology just doesn’t fit. In this case in particular though I am inclined to believe that perinheri takes place sometime when the shift between the crimson moon and the eclipse dynasty happened, mostly because the story begins in “days [where] a crimson moon shone down upon the subterranean realm, and not the dark sun of latter days” and it later says that “Though the crimson moon set, and the dark sun descended into a yet darker dusk, that transcendental person […] never arrived”. It wouldn’t be a stretch to think that machinery wasn’t super advanced yet, and alchemy still was prevalent during that time; not that this makes the timeline any less wobbly, though.

    There is SO much that can be said about this book, it’s kinda insane. The callback to the Universitas Magistrorum that we saw in the “Achievement: Orbits” namecard, the one mentioning “two star having been captured by world’s gravity”? The fact that at some point at least one Alberich in history DID have horses? The references to the Orlando Innamorato/Furioso, a novel where THE MOON is seen as the big basement in the sky where all vanity, folly and dreams and ambitions end up – you know, ambitions? Those pesky little things that award people with visions? KARL INGOLD MENTIONED?? HI KARL!! I MISSED YOU!!
    All jokes (jokes?) aside, i was definitely shocked to see no mention of kaeya – until there was, of course, it CAN’T be a roozevelt video without a good dose of Kaeya conspiracy. And while YES, I do agree that has to be some sort of foreshadowing for Arlecchino’s origin story or whatever (I still hold on to the conviction that she cannot be human, not when you are rank 4 among all harbingers), I DO think that Perinheri's story has to do something with Kaeya. I really struggle to put my finger on it, I guess it’s mostly the overall themes of freedom (“I shall not bow to the will of fate. I am no pawn in heaven's plan”) and the very direct very clear parallel to the fact that neither Perinheri nor Kaeya are affected by the hilichurl curse. Angelica, though, it’s such a puzzling character in this story… this is where I really struggle to separate legends from facts; how much of what she says is real? If she is just an ideal of freedom, was her backstory needed at all? What is this implication that Morax quite literally caused freedom to run underground? Am I going insane? I might be going insane.

    I apologise for the ramble-y comment that barely touched upon any of the points you brought up in your video, but I do think you did a very good job connecting all the instances where a red moon was mentioned in game or outside — I completely forgot about the blurb on Dain’s profile, for example. The fact that the blood mon is not just a literal blood moon in the sky, but something that goes much deeper… I’m so curious to see how much more they will push this imagery. The next dain quest can’t come soon enough.


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