ITTO IS 10/10/10!!! (Genshin Impact)

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Today in Genshin Impact we’re “Super God Mode-ing” our Itto. Triple Crowned, C2, ready to destroy.

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0:00 Intro
1:48 Book Farming (With Increasing Pain)
9:18 Quick Build, Cons, and Team Discussion
11:17 Super God Mode Itto


35 thoughts on “ITTO IS 10/10/10!!! (Genshin Impact)”

  1. I highly recommend giving Gorou favonious bow and stacking him with as much cr as possible.. Gorou doesn't really need any stats to use his buffs and he becomes a great battery with this for itto and benny.

  2. I don't wanna be THAT guy but just a heads up for next time to better calculate your chances: you have 1/10 chance of doubling the reward on each book with Eula, so crafting 10 books will give you 1-((9/10)^10) chances of getting an extra book, which is roughly a 65% chance to get it…So you were unlucky, but not THAT unlucky!

    great video as always btw 🔥

  3. healer your characters please. below 10% hp zhongli is kinda bothering me through the video
    zhongli can keep shield 100% uptime in overworld combat but due to human error some damage do sneak through.
    also i don't like his cow…i use itto for his charge and auto attacks don't bother upgrading his cow after i leveled it 6
    normal attack and burst is what i upgraded first

  4. Eula’s passive applies to each individual instance of crafting, so no matter if you craft 1 talent book or 20, each individual crafting has a 10% chance to craft an additional one.

  5. Actually a much better team is itto gorou zhongli and albedo instead of bennett. Albedo helps a lot with damage and with batterying itto. He is arguably the best geo battery.


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