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Today in Genshin Impact we’re “Super God Mode-ing” our Itto. Triple Crowned, C2, ready to destroy.
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0:00 Intro
1:48 Book Farming (With Increasing Pain)
9:18 Quick Build, Cons, and Team Discussion
11:17 Super God Mode Itto
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I got him to all 10s a week ago and I'm so happy! 😆✨💕
I highly recommend giving Gorou favonious bow and stacking him with as much cr as possible.. Gorou doesn't really need any stats to use his buffs and he becomes a great battery with this for itto and benny.
I don't wanna be THAT guy but just a heads up for next time to better calculate your chances: you have 1/10 chance of doubling the reward on each book with Eula, so crafting 10 books will give you 1-((9/10)^10) chances of getting an extra book, which is roughly a 65% chance to get it…So you were unlucky, but not THAT unlucky!
great video as always btw 🔥
i have itto and his claymore, but xinyan has redhorn and he’s currently stuck at lvl 70 despite having a full husk set. i just got sick of farming the wolf lol
so unlock to get his artifact 💔
0:47 I am traumatized.
Itto is the first character I'm actually considering using my life savings on getting him C6.
moga: wonder why itto isnt doing dmg on geovishap
also moga: uses geo against a rock
healer your characters please. below 10% hp zhongli is kinda bothering me through the video
zhongli can keep shield 100% uptime in overworld combat but due to human error some damage do sneak through.
also i don't like his cow…i use itto for his charge and auto attacks don't bother upgrading his cow after i leveled it 6
normal attack and burst is what i upgraded first
You know, this is the best advertisement i ever seen😂
Zhongli bald no more ikz~
Bald zhongli approves of this message
I play this team with only 4 star weapons and it feels sooo good i barely use my childe xiangling anymore
Eula’s passive applies to each individual instance of crafting, so no matter if you craft 1 talent book or 20, each individual crafting has a 10% chance to craft an additional one.
Eula is like bugged, it never happens even for me
Actually a much better team is itto gorou zhongli and albedo instead of bennett. Albedo helps a lot with damage and with batterying itto. He is arguably the best geo battery.
itto is crazy im sad i couldnt get him
people have already said this but, the primo geovishap heavily resists geo damage. which means you would realistically be doing much more damage!!
Mofa for god’s sake… stop trying with Eula!! 😫
Crafting with boosts has always disappointed me too, especially with Sucrose, I crafter 23 stuff yesterday and she didn’t even give me one bonus TwT
Hey bro i had a request I would really love to watch you build electro travller in fact all of us would so please do or 100 years of bad luck
Hey bro i had a request I would really love to watch you build electro travller in fact all of us would so please do or 100 years of bad luck
Hey bro i had a request I would really love to watch you build electro travller in fact all of us would so please do or 100 years of bad luck
big rock frog has some nutty geo resistance which is probably why you were hittig 23ks on it. That and Zhogli sheild.
@Moga The Flowing Lights event I believe on Feb. 9th gives 3 fragile resins to get you to 101
You can replace Bennett with mona. She buffs all damage after her burst.
10s 10s 10s across the board
That bald pic of zhongli.
That bald pic of zhongli.
Ever since I got him I wanted to crown him, he’s at 3k defence and he’s level 80 with 8 6 6 talents and at most he is doing a 20k crit, what am I doing wrong
Pay premium YouTube to avoid the ads…tuber puts ads in his video anyway. Good luck with that!
I have itto and 3 crowns
As im saving crowns, which talent should i crown.
Please dont tell me to triple crown him
The Primo Geovishap has very high geo resistance. When I did the ascension quest to increase my world level it was very hard to beat the boss with my Itto. Because I haven't leveled him up properly.
moga: struggling with resin
also moga: 98 fragile resin