Itto C0 vs Noelle C6 vs Ningguang C6 Comparison | Genshin Impact

Geo dps battle! Who do you prefer?
Itto and Noelle used R5 Serpent Spine, Retracing Bolide Set (no Husk Of Opulent Dreams unfortunately).
Ningguang used R2 Skyward Atlas, 2 pieces Shimenawa’s Reminiscence + 2 piece Archaic Petra.
#genshinimpact #noelle #itto #ningguang


12 thoughts on “Itto C0 vs Noelle C6 vs Ningguang C6 Comparison | Genshin Impact”

  1. Wow, Great Video Showcase and Comparison, I don't want to say who is better to me but I think that Anyone can play with any of these characters and have fun. I see that you play very well all of these characters and as a Geo lover this video was great for me πŸ’ͺ🏼

  2. Husk set make a pretty big difference, with r5 serpent spine and only 171 crit damage (68,5 crit rate) because i haven't great husk artifact yet my itto is dealing with gorou's banner and zhongli's shield 36k / charged attack and 124k ushi

  3. oh wow. ningguang did pretty well without even using consistent animation canceling. with proper animation canceling she could easily take the fastest spot.

    i mained ningguang for the first 6 or 7 months of the game, and she's very busted with animation canceling. and then with animation canceling she can be even better if you have low latency and good timing, cause then you can also skip/cancel her third normal attack as well, replacing it with a charge attack, and still get 3 star jades to fire.

    you can basically get off 2 charge attacks with 3 star jades in the same time she can get off 1 without animation canceling. and her animation canceling may be easy enough to do on mobile since it only requires you to hold move while you attack with her.

  4. Just to point out that all 3 could have done much better with 4th character added. Resonance doesn't activate unless you have full squad and geo resonance is a major boost for all 3. You could just add any character and not use them in a fight.


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