I shot for Nahida on my alt purely for the fact that it's my Sumeru collection account, and I'm only a Cyno/Dehya/Dori/Wanderer away from completing it.
Totally not because she also elevates like, 95% of their teams. 😂
Dudee thats me ı want both of them Nahida and hu tao but mostly for my genshin acount nahida is the most indeed character ı dont know which i need to chose
…surely if I spend all my gems for Hu Tao, I'll have enough time to save up before Furina returns. Right guys? Right? (I used my pity pulling Nahida and am in no way thinking rationally… But I mean…)
I’am waiting for neuvillette and his weapon and i just have 70 wish and i want zhongli for other banners BUT HİS COME WİTH NEUVİLLETTE!! (I hate this game🥲)
I tried to save for mavuika as a f2p all my wishes were from ALL the archon quest, and well, I kinda have nahida now 🥲 But I want neuvilette and mavuika. I'm never gonna be able to gather enough primo gem for both 😭
Я сейчас пытаюсь выбить Ху Тао, но времени черт возьми нет а она пожирает уже 70+ круток и есть шанс что она не выпадет и тогда я уже буду ждать деда, маувику и венти….
Me after accedently pulling hutao – …. alright ill save now Not even 10 seconds later – LETS GO GAMBLING proceeds to spend 8k primos and losses the 50/50 to keqing on nahida banner
Hahaha goodluck to you btw i just spend 90 wish to get my first Nahida well it kind make me feel sad because i need to spend all of my primo but whatever
All this video need to add is Ororon and this would be my situation 😅🥲😭
I shot for Nahida on my alt purely for the fact that it's my Sumeru collection account, and I'm only a Cyno/Dehya/Dori/Wanderer away from completing it.
Totally not because she also elevates like, 95% of their teams. 😂
250 wishes still waiting for wriothesley……
Dudee thats me ı want both of them Nahida and hu tao but mostly for my genshin acount nahida is the most indeed character ı dont know which i need to chose
man i am tired of this game, i had 60 wishes and lost all of them to dehya
Lumine’s armpits still being the best
…surely if I spend all my gems for Hu Tao, I'll have enough time to save up before Furina returns. Right guys? Right? (I used my pity pulling Nahida and am in no way thinking rationally… But I mean…)
Me: saving for furina
5 seconds later: gets c2r1 hu tao and out of primogems
Literalmente yo sin oportunidad de conseguirlo 🗿
At this point, hoyo has forgotten wriothesly exits
Im so sad 😞
Very hard
I’am waiting for neuvillette and his weapon and i just have 70 wish and i want zhongli for other banners BUT HİS COME WİTH NEUVİLLETTE!!
(I hate this game🥲)
I tried to save for mavuika as a f2p all my wishes were from ALL the archon quest, and well, I kinda have nahida now 🥲
But I want neuvilette and mavuika. I'm never gonna be able to gather enough primo gem for both 😭
Then we got Chasca the flying American, and Ororon the 2018 gacha emo kid.
I already have Hu Tao, so easy choice. I also need more non-pyro characters
I'm going to skip everyone… Except Kinich.
Super Saiyan
What's song is it?
Я сейчас пытаюсь выбить Ху Тао, но времени черт возьми нет а она пожирает уже 70+ круток и есть шанс что она не выпадет и тогда я уже буду ждать деда, маувику и венти….
That sumeru and fountain plus chenuwale exploration is about to go hard bro … . 😊
Oh no… My savings
we are broke
Well i guse after i get hu tao she can burry my bank acound 😂
Me pulling 80 times and got Tighnari😊
Trully my condition i also have a guaranteed 50-50 i dont know what to get
i'm with lumine on this
Gotta say when Genshin is on my feed my bank account goes into Witness Protection
Me after accedently pulling hutao –
…. alright ill save now
Not even 10 seconds later – LETS GO GAMBLING
proceeds to spend 8k primos and losses the 50/50 to keqing on nahida banner
Luckily there only like 18 characters I don’t have 😂 other than the new ones.
man i was trying to get nahida but i ended up getting Jean at 70 pity D=
Who should I wait for? Mavuika or neuvillette
I tried to pull for nahida…and got both Jean and nahida at the same time
Hydro dragon when??? 😂
Жиза… 😭😭
Omg I can't 😭💀 I luckily got nahida in 18 pulls now I'm trying to say it for never let and maybe zhongli but I low key want hu tao aswell
Hahaha goodluck to you btw i just spend 90 wish to get my first Nahida well it kind make me feel sad because i need to spend all of my primo but whatever
Me right now getting Nahida while trying to get c6 Xingqiu (I've wanted him since 4.5 ok give me a break)