Is Wriothesley Worth IT!? The Only Wriothesley Review You Need

Wriothesley is here in Genshin Impact, and here are my quick thoughts on if he is worth it or not. With the archon coming, it is always hard to recommend the banners, especially with such week 4-star units. Currently I like Wriothesley, but don’t think he is a meta breaking unit, and lacks proper supports


22 thoughts on “Is Wriothesley Worth IT!? The Only Wriothesley Review You Need”

  1. Can someone help me I'm in a bit of predicament I have Neuvillete so I need a Anemo support for him but I don't have neither Kazuha nor Sucrose So I need Venti so what do I do Pull for Venti or Daddy Wriosthsley

  2. I was waiting on what you had to say haha. For me, he doesn’t feel complete, so I decided not pulling for him. The hydro archon is around the corner and I think she should be better in all ways than him. Pls continue to make these videos cause you Fr tell us if these characters are good or not.

  3. People they're videos about C0 Wriothesley solo vs abyss… Wriothesley is also a one army men like Neuvilleeto not at the same level it's not the sames has broken character OP character like Neuvilleeto but it's a really good character. You can lookingfor yourself C0 Wriothesley solo abyss. Also at C1 You could find… Last thing i'm going to say it's not the constelation it's not the weapon it's how good you build him, his artifacts and skills (talents i forgot how it's in English) and how good are you playing. Because it's work at C0 alone in the fucking abyss…

  4. I am a unit collector, the way i operate for it is simple for me. Of i fail their 50/50 then i hold for next unit and await rerun, wish me luck. I do want him, but i also want Furina. I've done three multi so far since my last guarantee and it was two chongyun into finally my C6 Dori.

    Edit: the road to C6 everyone that isnt the freebie four stars outside Xiangling is painful

  5. i’m stingy with my primos😂 so i decided to get Neuvillette bc he could be a one man team when built well due to his self healing ability and amazing uptime. plus he’s just so much fun to me and i love hydro characters! so yeah, i’m skipping Wriothesley, and i’m skipping Furina. i don’t like her much as a character but in time she may grow on me and maybe i’ll like the feel of her kit and possibly pull on her future rerun. the next character that i’m super interested in though is definitely Arlecchino. i hope she has a cool kit, i’d really love a new pyro character. all the ones in the game that are 5 stars just aren’t my cup of tea lol

  6. easy fix for the hp lost; if you have baizhu use his skill attack (idk if that’s the right term) to heal about 2-4k health whenever wrio attacks.. baizhu skill allows you too only heal a little health at a time& if you just have a good rotation than you won’t have to worry about health because baizhu’s cd from his skill is like 3-5 seconds

  7. His c1 isn't even qol, it changes his whole passive. Honesty the first part of his c1 should be his passive instead. The 200% dmg increase is understandable as cons. I think they're trying so hard to make him c1 dependent. I have him and I do like him. Literally skipped everyone for him but unfortunately I do think he's mediocre at c0. Not bad, he does work well. Just mediocre. Personally I would put his c0 in A tier maybe. Or lower S tier with good supports. But hey it has only been a few days. Maybe someone will find the perfect team for him. Not sure if he'll get yoimiya's treatment but it might take a long time before that happens. I'm really tempted to pull for his c1 but I don't wanna get baited. There are tons of new characters coming as well as reruns

  8. just watched frosts vid when you played trials i hope you comeback to destiny when final shape drops. also some of these comments are really cringe, anyway i hope one day you come back even if its really casual i miss watching your destiny vids as i found them really entertaining.


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