Is This the New META? – Genius Invokation | Genshin Impact

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25 thoughts on “Is This the New META? – Genius Invokation | Genshin Impact”

  1. The fact that you spend more time in this card game than playing the actual game pretty much tells me that the game doesn't matter anymore. What's the next end game? Rocket League ripoff?

  2. Maguu Kenki only card can use 2 elements,you can use two defense skills if you had enough of dices,i think this is the most broken card in game,imagine the add something like primo geovishap,you can swap 4 elements by using the skill,also it geo is mean will be so tanky.

  3. sustain is really bad. it doesnt counter otks at all. its only good against one shot characters like diluc or chongyun. the only way to counter otks, is to make indirect dmg in the first 2 rounds, with swirls and electro charged/superconduct or just burst the dps down with diluc/chongyun.

  4. Maguu was the worst battle I’ve ever had I tried so many teams but bc of the summons and electro enemies I kept getting hit with chain reactions (anemo summon swirls electro + cryo one triggers super conduct).

  5. With right setup you can essentially freeze their whole team in 2 turn, basically like a permanent freeze in this game mode. Very hard to do so because of RNG, but it's possible, on average you can do at least 1 turn of whole team freeze if you do it right, and 2 if you do it right, enemy team is clueless, and you have good RNG.


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