Is There Reverse Powercreep In Genshin Impact?

There are some people who are upset with the recent strength of 5 star units. Are they asking for too much or is there a problem brewing? Let’s talk about it.



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28 thoughts on “Is There Reverse Powercreep In Genshin Impact?”

  1. People were bitching about "weak" character since Zhongli (pre-buff), every new character gets doomposted to hell and back, then after a month it turns out they're at least decent (remember people saying Raiden is useless? I do.). If anything, "reverse powercreep" is visible in 4* supports/sub-dps. Every 4* after Diona is very niche. I.e. Sara, Gorou, Yunjin are extremely powerful in 1 of 10 team comps, but totally useless in 9 others. Ultimately, "pulling for meta" is nonsense unless you're new player as meta didn't change since 1.0, get vape/melt comp and everything dies, no matter what, and artifact grind is much more impactful than characters themselves. And tbh, I'd rather have relatively equal characters that are preferential than a powercreep necessitating constant race for a stronger, new character.

  2. in almost any gacha game with combat, people look for several things in characters including aesthetic appeal, kit, utility, power, personality, lore… and whilst there's always those players who say "I only roll for the meta ones" or "I only roll for pretty charas" 95% of the time they still look/consider the factors they're seemingly underplaying. reason being a meta player wouldn't roll for a character if they absolutely loathe the personality of the character. a player who rolls for aesthetic appreciation will also be more inclined to roll for a pretty character that as an added bonus is op to make their overall gameplay smoother and clear harder content more easily.

  3. It was once about Aesthetics and Fun nothing about Power, Metaslaves turns to Tcs and Tcs harbors new toxic metaslaves. The Content creators are digging their own graves in caring too much about power. Unlike Japan they purely roll for Fun, The Majority of Jp players loves Klee, Yae Miko, Yoimiya and Kokomi. This game is relatively easy for non Whales.

  4. I benched Hu Tao for Diluc, I prefer Diluc's play style and I have a preference for claymore users. I feel most people shoot for aesthetic, play style and design over big dmg. Why do people want every character to just continue to out-DPS other characters? Just have fun playing the game, it's a single player game that shouldn't even have a meta.

  5. The characters for the most part are pretty weak compared to stuff we already have. They really need to clean house.

    I stopped whaling, and honestly spending entirely, because there isn't any reason to. That isn't a good sign. Like why would I bother to spend a bunch of resources on something that is meh. I've moved onto other games mostly at this point. Game is boring most of the time because of lack of content (repeatable content would go a long way to addressing that), characters are boring, forgettable and weak. I have 1, maybe 2 more characters I would actually consider pulling for and I'm not even sure I'll be playing the game long enough for those to come back. It just isn't worth it.

  6. I once said to myself that I'd want my next 50/50 loss to be Diluc, and I literally got him in a random ass standard banner pull. Tbh I love him and Ayato so much because of how easy they are to control. They don't have Ganyu or Hu Tao damage but they get the job done and that's really all that matters. Hell I'd wager if a crit claymore that isn't locked in the Battle Pass (Serpent Spine) or is tailor made for Itto and Noelle (Redhorn) exists I can see an increase in usage for Diluc because Wolf's Gravestone is no Staff of Homa

  7. Yeah, you will want to build different teams to tackle the Abyss but like after 4 types of teams you are just going to want a character for the character and build a team around them and your not going to worry about if they are good it's more of if you like them/like their play style more then what you already have. HoYOverse is planning on releasing 18 units per year/region soooo that's a lot of units in this game after 7/8 regions. lol

  8. I think when Dendro element release, the reaction mechanic will change, maybe a super extreme upgrade, even more than 1.6, and the whole crit/crit dmg system will collapse, so people will be forced to focus more on reaction and EM

  9. It feels like they're trying to balance out the current elements. Introducing element specific buffers and more options for certain elements. Dendro is coming soon so balancing things would be a good idea, then they can release new DPS characters.

  10. Honestly? I’m completely okay with the direction mihoyo is taking with characters in Genshin. I’m saying this as a Honkai player, it is hell over here. A lot of older characters are extremely unviable in the late game. I’d much rather have balanced characters that can perform well without breaking the meta like Kazuha every single time.

  11. Last new character i pulled was Ei. Mostly, im pulling for constellations for my established characters. Nobody catching me by design recently. Maybe i'll get Yelan, but only for practical reasons – i do not have any hydro applicator.

  12. even tho ganyu is cute and strong, i hated the playstyle. i end up rarely using her anymore aside from specific occasions (sniping hydro slimes on hydro cube boss revival mech, freeze ult support). i just prefer to roll for characters that are easy to play now. i lost interest in ayaka for the same reason. even after trying to use her a few times during events that provide trial characters i just dont get how to play her

  13. I agree, my two main abyss teams are lore based! Honestly lore, design, and personality are the most important to me. If I can just find a way to cram characters together that make sense story wise I'll absolutely go for it if I can

  14. I think that the underperforming characters are underperforming becuz there is a missing piece of the puzzle. I think in summeru characters like Yae Miko, ayato and weapons like the bell will increase in value. Calling it

  15. I find that I avoid overpowered characters and that I best utilize characters that are more balanced. I disliked Diluc and preferred Razor, Xinyan is one of my best and favorite characters(paired her up with Yae and got full 9 stars on the abyss mages floor 11 for the first time: team was Yae, Xinyan, Sayu and Kazuha.) People say such characters are not as good but Yae is currently the only character whom can trigger an overload of 20k plus damage when she is in 4 piece thundering fury, just the overload alone not accounting for the rest of the damage. Yae is essentially a reaction unit but people try to make her a one shot character that is not how she is meant to be, electros in general are multi hit oriented or as I prefer to label them assault characters, meant much like the element to hit multiple times then swap. I lack Yoimiya but I feel Yae has synergy with her as another assault unit that is intended to hit many times before a swap so they don't do huge singular numbers but hit many times in a short span. In my theory Yae's totems would line up with the proc delay on Yoimiya's rapid fire I have to get her to test it but we know times between attacks affects damage of reactions. I also think Yae was made for the thundering fury set 4 piece where as most characters have a set made for them Yae was made for a set that predated her. I do understand why people miss such things though, for a long time no character fit thundering fury it was a dead set. Most people only seek the big numbers people they ignore assault style characters but I thrive with them as they feel more compatible with my playstyle. I also feel Kuki Shinobu will be the missing piece to make Razor relevant again. In my specific account I prefer to study and research builds not yet established I focus intently upon overload and Shattering reactions and for me Yae was obviously meant for elemental reactions to be her bread and butter her dual scaling from elemental mastery a stat not many electro characters innately dual boost off of and an ignored one in most cases is one I saw potential months ago for with Yae. I see not where the target is but where it is going and like balanced versatile units over solitary powerful ones. I feel one shotting is boring but assaulting with multiple hits before an enemy can even swing and watching them fall is just more my style. For me each new unit should be unique not just one style. I seek diversity of playstyles over sheer power that leads to power creep. Electro is not in my perspective a one hit kill element if you look at most electro characters their strength lies in reactions and multiple hits in most cases, pyro and cryo are more one shot elements regardless of reactions in most cases. If one looks at how a lightning bolt works in the real world, we see one single bolt but in truth its 10,000 smaller bolts shocking a point in a single flash this is what the electro element is in functionality. If you expect them mostly to do one shot kills then I think one asks for disappointment. Electricity generation is not a simple matter nor is electro as an element which is why of all current elements it is my favorite of all damage dealing elements it is currently the most unique in functionality and I hope for them to refine it but not change it per say. If they do anything make electros do more damage with consecutive hits innately in quick succession this buffs them while retaining their current identity, if hoyoverse sells out and makes them like pyro and cryo I will sincerely be disappointed. That's my perspective and walrus I respect you for speaking your truth, you say you are too reserved but you stand to be like unto the type of people whom inspire people to make changes, some heroes actively change the world others simply inspire those whom change the world. You walrus are the muse that will inspire the changes in genshin impact because you evoke thought for this community. Keep being you and I shall keep being a fan this I can promise.


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