Is The Abyss Worth It? (Genshin Impact)

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26 thoughts on “Is The Abyss Worth It? (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Sigh 😌 he is the one person I have found on YouTube the will recognize that that there’s players that hate the meta and are not simp ether that just like having fun

  2. I don’t understand this guy. Some Kokomi simp just comes outta nowhere and starts spitting straight facts while keeping it real.

    Subscribing to this shit – you better keep posting, you’re like a box of green tea in a warehouse full of Mountain Dew.

    (And to top it off no screaming shit like I can’t hear you already – “Oh my God! OH. MY. GOD!!!” “You will not beliieeeeve this” “absolute POG!”)

  3. i don't think i've ever thought about things this way. i used to be confused, sometimes even upset, that people didn't attempt spiral abyss since to me it's a bunch of free primos and anyone above ar 50 should have gotten to at least floor 10 (imo)

    but i'm realizing i have this mentality that spiral abyss is required because of those meta youtubers. i ignore how damaging spiral abyss is to my mental health as a f2p with mediocre dmg. how i almost cried about not being able to get past 11-3 in the new abyss and reattempted a chamber 30 times and was shaking afterwards. i've hated myself for building characters i liked because i realized afterwards that they weren't meta and "their dmg isn't good enough" and would beat myself up for wasting resources. i forget that it's just a game. i forget that it's possible to be a casual player who is just here to have fun while finding lovable characters

    meta is fine to get into but it's also very possible to lose the purpose you're playing if you can only think about optimizing your dmg

  4. I said to myself that I would pull for the Koko if I don’t 36 star the new Abyss. Well I just got 36 stars and still want her more than ever because of those pesky pyro mages. Barbruh just ain’t enough

  5. I am mostly casual but I enjoy Abyss. I like using my favorite characters to clear Abyss. The satisfaction I got when I beat the OG Abyss with my team of mostly (then considered) mediocre 4*s when I could have built up Diluc or Venti was immense. I can 36* Abyss easily these days, so why can I not pull for a character like Kokomi just because she's "just a healer"? Am I just supposed to never pull for a new character again, then? Because if beating Abyss is no problem, why am I not allowed to pull for who I want at this point?

    Meta slaves need to accept that not every pull decision is gonna be based on how much it "optimizes my account". Especially when I'm already beating all of the hardest content just fine.

  6. Haha I have always been a casual gamer in every game I play, and it's so much more fun to take into considerations the other features of the game other that being able to one shot and big boy damage.

  7. As someone who is a completionist who always strive to 36* Abyss as fast as possible.
    Abyss is actually less than 5% of the source of my love for Genshin. It's just an end goal for hardcore player and completionist.
    It is not the core product of Genshin Impact.
    The core product of Genshin is art, song, 3d landscapes and sculptures, fashion design, puzzles, story, creative game design, a media to play with your friends, playing hide and seek, playing animal crossing/harvest moon.

  8. I feel the issue is not only lack of casual content but a vocal minority of the community. The urge of some people to step on other people's toe to tell them their choice of character suck.
    Abyss in itself is rewarding for me even though i still can not get 36 stars, i vividly remember first time completing floor 12 of abyss with one star . It is not for the primos but for the sense of achievement. All the slow tiring grind i poured into my favourite characters suddenly was justified when i was finally able to clear it.
    If you enjoy playing the game casually, your best option is to seek content creators who tell you how to maximize your favourite characters utility rather than creators who loves to compare and contrast characters. Use the meta in your characters favour, dont get persuaded by meta.

  9. I just use abyss as testing ground at this point, discovering new team comps and such, and its fun discovering and seeing it work instead of following whats meta which is boring since I dont discover it myself and theres no sense of accomplishment in that.

  10. This video sounds like its saying what
    akashoT video says " metaslave!!! How dare they plat the game different then me".- This was a joke pointing out the absurdity of getting angry at how ppl play. Idk why casuals hate meta players so much, none of you guys care about balance, so let ppl who care about balance talk about it. And let ppl who have fun trying to find new teams to deal damage have their fun, nothing about meta affects your game anyway.

  11. I 100% agree. I play the game since 1.0 and there was a turning point in which some players and most content creators just stopped playing "Genshin Impact" and started playing "Spiral Abyss", originally only a permanent minigame inside a much wider game.
    I honestly feel that optimizing being the main criteria results in a much more boring and lamer game. Design doesn't matter any more; lore doesn't matter anymore, the beautiful animations, it all melts down to numbers and damage, so much so that so called end game teams are all alike, same "top tier characters" and all. It also encourages the idea that there is "right" way to play Genshin, which is nonsense.
    I can't like your video several times, so I just subscribed 🙂
    Thanks for this.

  12. i mean if you're casual and you find that fun, stay that way… dont mind the meta players. dont mind the meta videos. why the need to complain. you complain that min-maxing and meta building isn't the real fun but then say discovering that xiangling is broken, the national team, and morgana team is. not considering that those comps are discovered by number crunching min maxing meta players and creative theorycrafters. plus it isnt even the meta players that's complaining about the corrosion mechanic… its the non-meta casual players who are struggling because they built 10 dps characters for the sake of building them without considering supports and synergy. kokopium is real on this one. you're trying to force your way of casual "fun" to others and encourages content creators to make more casual content not considering that casual replayability isnt really a core strength of this game. events are easy, time gated, and time limited. once you 100% your open world there really isnt much to do. quests cant be done coop. not much to do in coop too aside from just running around. challenges are a one time thing. fishing is boring. just play minecraft or any city building game if you want a better "teapot"

  13. I believe to have the most fun in Genshin is just play however you like, with the characters you like. At the end of the day, we play games to have fun, I for example, enjoy Klee the most, her voice lines always bring a smile to my face. Is she meta ? No, actually she’s hard to play and her range sucks, but as long as you can clear content it doesn’t matter. Though I do understand the appeal to meta and big numbers. I guess each person enjoys the game differently, as long as you’re having fun, that’s all that matters.

  14. This is honestly one of the few precious gems that try to be an outlier from the fold. As a mixed player (casual + trying to go for a little bit of meta), sometimes I get really stressed out from Abyss, especially when the new Floor 11 came out. I didn’t particularly comprehend why so many people were considering the introduction of the corrosion system as a negative thing; so what if it was trying to get appeal for Kokomi? Isn’t that part of the point? Initially the whole Kokomi debate influenced my view towards her too, but as time went on it the same “joke” started to become overplayed and irritating. Meta enjoyers are cool, but there are always those few who always judge the value of a character entirely on whether it can do big numbers. As much as the kit can be weird (with atk + hp scaling together), I personally found it as Mihoyo’s way to introduce a character that goes against the conventional builds of crit dmg/crit rate.

  15. I agree with this analysis to an extent, but I enjoy the challenge the abyss provides. Im a welchin moon player and at least for me 36 starring abyss isnt easy, just barely doable which makes it feel rewarding even though mihoyo gives you peanuts for completing it. It would be nice to have challenge rounds that were more rewarding, and since mihoyo gives content creating meta whales primos for free anyways, the snowball effect wouldnt be any crazier than it already is. Maybe a few lucky low spenders/f2p could reap some rewards too.

  16. At the end of the day the problem here again lies in the resin system

    It takes so much time to build just 1 character that it's simply more efficient to care about meta. Especially now with the difficulty spike in inazuma. It's good for games to ask its player to get gud but with how limited materials are people ended up optimizing and sticking with proven teams and characters instead of experimenting with completely different teams

  17. Unpopular opinion, but I’m actually not infatuated with Kokomis design. But I love her as a character. She’s keeping my f2p ass consistently alive no matter what domain I enter. Plus she just is an impressive and humble character.
    I love Genshin for it‘s Story, the beauty of Teyvat, the Puzzles, the mysteries, the well fleshed out characters… if the spiral abyss went missing tomorrow I wouldn’t shed a tier. Maybe I’d actually be happy because I wouldn’t feel the need to build characters I don’t actually like and use the same repetitive team comps. I hope Genshin stays true to itself…


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