#genshin #genshinimpact #nilou
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Nilou is pretty good with a very high dmg floor. Her blooms are massive in Aoe and Damage and the entire team is easy to build. As a reaction dps her dmg ceiling for the bloom comps is obviously lower than some of the hypercarry teams and her team only really thrives in scenarios with multiple opponents to trigger blooms against. Also she is not really 100% a main dps in that sense, more a support that improves ur bloom reaction passively.
Overall she allows you to build a niche but powerful team, that can be very f2p friendly and low investment.
Why would Hoyo release another Hp-based hydro right after Yelan? I am not sure I understand what else she brings to the table but I think it requires a doctorate to understand those skill descriptions. And I don’t have that….
I've seen alot of ppl talking about her since Nahida's release but its mostly on TikTok and other social medias, she's by far pretty much a very fun character to play and she's pretty decent if u build her correctly and put her in her respective teams me personally uses her in a team of Raiden, Nahida and lisa, since Nahida's release she's been pretty broken best support character for her hyperbloom is Nahida u can also use any dendro Character
Amazing in AOE scenarios, especially with Nahida
I like her personality, but if I were to pull for her it would be to put her in the theater inside the teapot. If the game had higher limits to what you could place, I might actually really consider it
I don't know if she is good or not , all i know she is really gorgeous
I've seen peeps use Nilou and shell out some amazing numbers but I think I personally might not be a fan of her bloom teams. I wish instead of making Nilou's talent force players to use a specific team for her cores, they could've made the passive negate the bloom self damage instead.
Nilou wants HP yeah but her team not so much besides maybe Barbara and Kokomi? Not to mention you still have to dodge the enemies as well which worries me when your team is taking hits from the blooms. I think she might be a character I never warm up to like I did for Kokomi, Yoimiya and Yae unless she gets some more teammates.
I love Nilou and many people do not see her in the right role she fills. She is a support that changes a reaction to another that is incredible, so you have to Burst with her to provide constant Hydro, use the skill and change to another characters in order for the whole field to become a minefield
I pulled for her because I like the way she looks but her kit is a mess, she only works in dendo/hydro team and needs Nahida and Kokomi to work properly…I dont have either one of them and I am not leveling Barabara so I dont use her, which is a shame, I wished she worked better in regular comps.
The answer is no
Nilou isn't very strong as a DPS but she's insanely strong as a support for bloom teams. You likely haven't heard much about her because her passive's requirement (hydro and dendro characters only) is very restrictive and put a lot of people off of pulling for her, especially since Nahida wasn't out yet so the dendro units she could run weren't bringing as much to the table as they could've been.
Despite all this, she's an incredibly strong character. She pulls her weight just fine without Nahida, and with Nahida she becomes one of the strongest units in the game. She will likely be even better once YaoYao comes out as she will be much more flexible with which hydro units she works with, and this will likely be a huge buff to her for players that don't have Nahida, but that's just within the realm of my speculation based on what we saw of YaoYao's kit in the special program – I could be wrong there.
Nilou doesn't look impressive on paper but she is actually quiet good if you own her weapon that is!
Sadly there is absolutely no alternative that even comes close to her signature weapon (not even other 5 stars lol).
She also absolutely requires Nahida to shine which is another big negative imo
The thing about Nilou is that she is too decent at many teams but shines too well on her bloom teams. Which makes people see her as too niche because her specialty is just too good but requires you to go hydro dendro teams. But in all other teams she is “decent”. Her first two normal attacks with E are very fast while the third is a long Linear AoE attack which is actually quite fun to play positioning while dancing. Honestly there are a lot of gimmicks in how to play Nilou but most people just focus on the restrictive bloom ones despite the fact that her damage scalings are kinda high enough to make her viable in most on field hydro team comps. She can also go the burst support role since her Q isn’t really expensive and has ridiculous damage scalings.
Honestly whenever I see people say shes too restrictive while comparing her to Tartaglia and Ayato, the former being until this day only like a couple of viable teams on his belt.
Anyway let me give you my thoughts on Nilou, since I’ve playing a C0 no BiSWeapon Nilou from release.
Nilou teams aren’t expensive. Period. I don’t know where people got this misconception but I don’t probably people hated her game design they refuse to play her then just make stupid judgements about her. She is super F2P friendly due to the damage flooring of her teams, most notable her bloom teams and even her National Team, the latter a little bit more expensive since you’ll have to mid-max every one to get decent reaults. Her bloom teams on the other and are fucking cracked. I’ve been using Barbara, Collei and Dendro MC since day one. I have Nahida but I felt like Nahida’s Dendro application just can’t keep up with how fast the blooms explodes due to the delay in triggering Nahida’s skill. So its a lot more comfortable for Dendro MC and Colei for me and they are enough. If you pare her with Nahida it’s kinda Overkill TBH. Nothing last for more than 5 seconds when it comes to mobs while boses doesn’t last that long too… I think? Wait a minute. How long have it always take? Shit I forgot. Anyway honestly after playing her I really felt how easy it is to play her teams while at the same time I felt how WEAK all my other teams were. So now I’ve been farming artifacts for everyone else since Nilou’s bloom team like just needed me to farm for like a few days for her? I mean HP artifacts with copium substats are decent enough. And I just went for EM artifacts for my hydro applier. Shit, Damage floor is just too fucking high. The only downside honestly is that Nilou’s bloom team deals so much damage that I have to be careful that only Nilou and Barbara gets most of the hits cause they are the only ones tanky enough to last like a few seconds.
I recommend you to watch nilou gameplay. I can literally feel your confusion through the screen 😅. Just because few people talk about her doesn‘t mean she is bad.. In my honest opinion, nilou and nahida are the two best sumeru units so far. I think not many pulled for her because nahida came right after her and we all know what a monster nahida is.
Nilou has a very strict team comp but I can see that the developers made sure that her team comp is VERY STRONG!! Nilou‘s bloom team literally carried me through the last difficult abyss cycles.
shes really good in bloom teams but nothing else really, but when i say really good i mean it, you should see nilou teams in the abss, they are busted.
She is good. Most people are just frustrated that she can't be played with anything but dendro and hydro, that's why there is not much talk about her in TC community. I played her a lot in Kokomi, Nilou, DMC, Nahida team which turned out to be a really strong AOE team at C0, probably the strongest one I have, even stronger then international. Single target is also good, nothing to brag about though and it's not frontloaded and requires a relatively long setup time which could be a problem in some cases
She’s incredibly strong and satisfying to play in her bloom team. You can literally just slap her with HP artifacts with crappy substats, an F2P sword, pair her up with free characters like Barbara Collei and Dendro MC and you’re golden. Press her E 3 times and just watch everything around her melt it’s ridiculous 😂
In fact I was so impressed at her C0 performance that I grabbed her weapon and went to C2 because BLOOM
GO BOOM! 🎉🎉🎉
answer your seeking consists of no, no and oh god no. nilou is easily one of the worst five star characters in the game as of right now (even worse than cyno). think of it like this: if a character, instead of getting better, gets WEAKER and has her entire kit gimped all because you choose to slot in kazuha and/or zhongli, be it for greater damage or omni res shred and survivability then its terrible design and feels like trash. it's no wonder why literally no one talked about her after her banner ended because she is just not worth it lmao, especially since nahida was after her. and no sane man is gonna throw away the chance for an archon for an easily skippable unit lmao. her niche is meh and in anywhere else? forget it LMAO. she is so easily replaceable that it's hysterical lmao.
Sup valk, sup comments
Yes she very good… niche in my opinion doesn’t equal bad
she can dance ?
nilou dances you w3t
In my experience, she trivializes the abyss even more than you think it can be. I run her with nahida, kokomi and yelan, and it's just disgusting.
I have Nilou and I can tell you, she is both easy to build, fun to play, and kills using explosions with a thousand nukes, she doesnt need her BiS weapon but that gives you a huge dmg increase. Nilou also has the prettiest animations imo
Nilou is able to take Dendro Cores, and turn them into miniature hydrogen bombs. she's basically a hidden superweapon.
She’s probably going to be a future pick up for me because I pulled her weapon for kuki but skipped her. The problem is there is only a fixed amount of characters that you can make a team with her because she can really only have dendro and hydro and both of those elements are high demand for other teams. With the self damage from cores, you can’t really do a team like yalen, xingqui, nahida, nilou because it lacks a healer. Also against single target, you can’t generate lots of cores because of ICD so it’s a niche comp with niche playable members turns a lot of people off that just want to slot their favorite character into any/every team.
If you have her sig weapon you'll see how strong she is in or out field mine is sitting in 69k HP and 1k EM bcoz of the weapons passive + nahida and it will share its passive to all ally so a full em team can have 1K EM each chara. But!! Does my stats matter? No! coz I'd be playing mini games and weak enemies till the day i quit this game. 😂
I am going to take a tiny step into whale territory here, but she has her BIS sword which gives a crapton of hp% and converts hp to EM, so she is like many people say and you just read it, bloom-focused character. she also got bloom (also hyperbloom and burgeon) artifact set so HP + EM (mostly from the sword passive) + passive + set bonus = nutty damage
I would've got her if only albedo didn't steal all my saved primos… lost 50-50 to mona before getting him too 😭😭
I cannot stand her lmao
Her whole playstyle is interesting but it is SO restricting, I cannot like it
Sure, many bloom explosions are fun and all until you NEED a healer, and you can't use anyone other than hydro and dendro so you only have 2 options that are remotely nice: Kokomi and Barbara (Yao Yao will be a good unit for this team tho)
I just cannot stand niche units like Nilou, especially since she doesn't offer ANYTHING else besides some more bountiful core dmg and this new reaction, she' s just a very expensive passive
I feel like ppl are desensitized by the amount of primos you need to spend to have a chance to get her, all for her to be forced to have OTHER 5* characters you might not even want to play comfortably
What' s the point of no powercreep if units like Nilou to be played in a satisfying manner need very specific characters, the outcome is the same, you need to pull for so many characters
Personally, I love the whole mechanics of bloom and and I'd love it so much better if Nilou's passives were just an artifact set (similar to the clam set) instead of an entire character because 1. I personally don't care that much for Nilou enough to get her on my main but also 2. that way there'd have more flexibility with the playstyle and team comps while also not limiting Nilou to a single playstyle because I know there are some vape-Nilou enthusiasts out there.
Nilou is extremely strong but at the same time too restrictive, and ppl don't like restrictive gameplay. She needs nahida, a good healer, her own signature weapon to become good otherwise it feels okayge
I think people don't talk about her because not many people got her since nahida was next to her banner. From my experience with her, she the highest dps among all the sumeru 5* at c0. She can clear aoe chamber in seconds. She is the ayaka of sumeru, and people sleep on her
She is a decent hydro DPS if build with crits. Bloom also works but pretty much assumes you're fighting at least two enemies that group automatically and can't be affected by anemo CC otherwise you're better off just using Venti. It's also really sad you can't control who triggers the reaction so you pretty much get random blooms between 11 and 26k. Requiring dendros in the team isn't helping either but maybe Yaoyao will fix that.
Nilou is a passive, you dont even need to use her skills, just put her on a bloom team with kokomi and nahida, maybe yelan too, use nahida as a driver and kokomi for heal, nilou just doesnt need even to be upgraded
You can literally just leave the talents to lv1 and the bloom quadratic scaling slap everyone 😆.
she's very strong to the point that she can kill your own team XD
Is she good? Yeah she is one could say.
Is she enjoyable to play? Yeah you could say that.
Is there any regret in skipping her? Hell no.
You see she is good but she needs ALOT to be rlly good, you need her sword if possible and given its the only HP sword we have you can see why that one is a must since there's no replacement,she also needs good healing because those cores straight up shred everything including your own team so Kokomi is a must because you need heals AND constant hydro application and she also needs Nahida who's the only rlly good dendro applicator so in short to actually get your primos worth from Nilou you need a 5* weapon which is her signature AND two other limited 5* characters -_-
She can be used without all those but you'll struggle alot to keep the applications aswel as healing enough and the result without those 5* are slightly better than conventional comps. So in the end yes she is rlly good but she has way way too many limited things she needs to be at her potential.
nilou is op, so you should see the gameplay, and see how much damage she does, you can clear abyss floor 12 so easily, and it's a really good and easy to build character for pure F2P like me
On c0 she’s extremely good with Nahida and on c6 she’s deals an absurd amount of dmg with her burst (1st hit 240k, 2nd hit 510k)
She is a very strong character. Even in her niche comp she literally destroys enemies in seconds. She is far better than Cyno
Literally the strongest character in the game ( for bloom teams only )
I actually love Nikou gameplay. Am gonna pull for her in her rerun wish me luck ^^
She’s my best team by far and I’m glad she’s seeing a lot of play in the abyss she’s so broken
Nilou is THE ONLY 5* character in the game who can SPEEDRUN content with 3 FREE non-gacha characters in the team at c0. The ONLY one. There is no second one like her.
So yes, she is good. Very, very good.
Maybe if her teams weren't so restrictive, I would actually go for her. I will eventually, but I'm never pulling for her without having at least Kokomi and Nahida first
She’s awesome
as far as i know she is very good with tripel hidro and nahida on field. One of the best aoe teams but not that good in single target (but yelan or xingqiu can make up 4 it). U probably want kokomi cause the self damage can kill you quite rapidly.