Is Kokomi BETTER Than Sigewinne…?

Sigewinne who was recently released alongside Furina in Genshin Impact Version 4.7 has a lot of similarities to the character Sangonomiya Kokomi. They bear quite the striking resemblances! So, in today’s video, I aim to cover Sigewinne & Kokomi’s KEY similarities, their KEY differences, & then decide a verdict at the end of which unit is ultimately stronger! My name is Juice, & let’s get into it!


00:00 Intro
00:43 Key Similarities
02:22 Key Differences
04:45 Who Is Stronger?

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TC, Content & VO by Juice
TC & Review @Thundah090 & Juice
Editing by Juice

#genshinimpact #hoyocreators


47 thoughts on “Is Kokomi BETTER Than Sigewinne…?”

  1. (Please don’t crucify me Clorinde and Sigewinne mains)

    It’s interesting how 4.7 5 stars tried to be a side-grade/upgrade to 2.1 5 stars and even though they did manage to be better in some ways they still just ended up just being worse overall

    Like Kokomi and Sigewinne, Sigewinne tried to come for Kokomi as the new best Hydro 5 star healer…well she can heal more off-field and can buff elemental skill dmg, but she’s still worse than Kokomi because Kokomi has better Hydro applications and damage (if you use Kokomi on-field like in mono hydro) so Kokomi just fits in more teams than Sigewinne, and in teams where you could use either Sigewinne or Kokomi the latter is just better usually.

    And then there’s Raiden and Clorinde, Clorinde tried coming for Raiden as the new best on-field Electro dps and well it does seem that she succeeded at C0, like at C0 from what i have seen Clorinde does have a higher damage ceiling than Raiden (also i say at C0 because im pretty sure that at C2/C3 Raiden wipes the floor with Clorinde), but considering that Raiden on top of being a DPS also supports her team by giving dmg bonus and recharging her teammate’s bursts (compared to Clorinde who does nothing but deal dmg) and on top of that Raiden can fit in a LOT more teams than Clorinde AND she also has her EM Hyperbloom sub-dps playstyle…yeah Raiden is still the better unit overall/has more account value than Clorinde

  2. It's genuinely so depressing seeing my favorite character called so awful by the fanbase she's constantly compared to dehya and everyone rarely entertains the idea of her being worth anything

  3. I know that i may sound like a Kokocoper, but Kokomi has to be one of the reasons why Hoyo doesn’t release a "pyro Xingqiu," i mean just look at her stats, if Kokomi has access to an off-field pyro applier to vape all her autos Crit Koko with EM/Hydro DMG bonus/Crit, Mayonnaise hunter and Sacrificial jade + Furina and Kazuha would do insane dmg (at least on paper)
    Like yes Koko’s tiny 15-30k dmg on her autos in mono Hydro isn’t good dps, but considering that that’s without being able to vape nor crit it’s actually really "base damage" imo

  4. if she is future impact im going to be upset, not because i like her but because that means a future will be incomplete without her and if i like them, well my dislike for sigueine will probably trump my glaze for that character

  5. yes she may be tied to Furina (just like any other team wide Healer btw), but the thing is Furina-Sigewinne is pretty much playable with every single character in the game (except maybe Neuvilette) and I really don't understande why would Kokomi be better in a Monohydro comp: none of them contribute to a significant amount of DMG, but let's say Kokomi does decentish DPS, on the other side with Sigewinne you can On-Field Yelan who can makes use of both her own A4 passive and Song of Days Past buff from Sigewinne, which Kokomi cannot do and it's not like elemental application matters much is a mono elemental team. Regarding other popular teams, Ayaka Freeze with Shenhe and Kokomi is pretty much dead, hardly anyone plays that anymore, and on Nilou Bloom team Kokomi is better I'll give you that but Barbara does pretty much the same job as Kokomi with worse healing (Yaoyao can compensate for that) but better mobility. Sigewinne can run Tenacity too if you want and her signature is definitly not as significant as you said in the video (neither of the two need R1 to shine). She misses TToDS, that's true, but not needing to be on field to heal the whole party IS a big upside Sigewinne has compared to Kokomi that isn't talked about enough

  6. In regards of Sigewinne, if you have no intention to pull for her C6R1~R5, don't bother build her for damage. You're wasting your time.

    At C0~C5 Sigewinne is just a healer/skill buffer.

  7. If I had a nickel for every time Hoyo released a bow character that does the exact same thing as an existing character, but worse, I'd have two nickels…

    At least Yoimiya is ACTUALLY cute xD

  8. She's not bad as a sub dps. Give her an emblem crit build and Aqua (practically Yelan build) and she's done.

    Sigwinne damage goes up to 50k per tick on C0.50k raw hydro damage with aoe and range like Neuvilette while overhealing Furina's buff.

    She's solid for teams with longer rotations. Your low hydro app does not interfere with quicken and spread reactions. And she doesn't need Furina. I use it with Itto, for example. Sig + Itto + Chiori + Gorou. Sig buffs Chiroi, creates Crystal Shards for Geo Resonance, and drops strong blasts inbetween rotations.

    Everyone just looks at her buff passive, but god damn she's a fun sub dps. Not meta, but not bad either.

  9. "Because her kit needs to be imprisoned." Savage! I had considered pulling for her because she is adorable but meh. I'd rather throw more primos at Furina. Should I go for Furina's weapon or wait for a better weapons banner?
    Thanks for the direct comparison, Juice, I was wondering about Sigwinne vs Kokomi. I'll stick with my pretty jellyfish.

  10. People are overlooking her sub dps potential. Gear her similarly to yelan and she’ll do great as a quick swap healer/burst dps. She requires less field time to fully utilise her full kit unlike kokomi. Both have their own uses.

  11. I agree that Sieg is a high investment character, but I think Furina is meant to be a Sieg support not the other way around. Her entire kit is built around getting you to include Furina in her teams. I think it’s pretty obvious to want moe Furina cons over pretty much any unit because Furina is arguably the best unit in the game. End of the day I guess I’ll agree overall that maybe Sieg is worse but that’s because DPS units always have less value, but all of her cons scream to me “I want to be a DPS”! Sieg does require a lot of investment to be what she truly wants to be though. I don’t have a problem with them releasing whale units especially since we’re at a point in the version where people are going to skip no matter what.

  12. ignoring the massive c1 to yap about the niche c2 is quite misleading. at c1 sigewinne buffs c0 furina enough to match c2 dmg with full fanfare, which is "a lot more significant." obviously you could just get c2 furina with those pulls, but this isn't a furina investment video. i agree that in versatility kokomi is ahead because she doesn't need furina in her teams, but if furina is in the equation sigewinne is tailor-made for her and works much better in abyss and especially overworld. for most players these are both characters you would only pull if you love them, both of which have their own unique strengths.

    sigewinne is not a bad unit and is certainly not on qiqi or 4 star levels. early investment is very rewarding on her, much more than the video made it seem, and she feels great to play in many teams with furina. i encourage people to think for themselves for their pulls instead of following whatever the popular rhetoric against a character is.

  13. Yall if you want Sigewinne still get her I have her and i 100% don’t regret, her gameplay is really fun and she’s a super comfy healer. Personally I don’t think the important thing is meta, but whether you like the character’s design, story, gameplay etc. I’m not hating on this vid, it’s a good guide, but I’m just saying that all Sigewinne wanters/havers shouldn't regret pulling for her.

  14. This video feels personal…💀

    Don't have Kokomi, or any characters that actually work with her, other then Nilou. I prefer using other characters as hydro application in the first place… my playstyle preference and account is just different from other players, i guess.

    I do believe that her kit seems to be locked in her c1 and c2 (hoyo's shenanigans 101). But saying Koko is better; period, is like if i was saying Koko sucks because she's hydro.


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