Is Kazuha Still Worth it in 2.8? C0 Kazuha Review & Breakdown [Why You Shouldn't Skip This TIme]

Thinking about pulling Kazuha? Watch this video.
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0:00 Intro
0:36 Why Players Skipped Kazuha
3:24 Why Kazuha is SO STRONG
6:25 Is Kazuha F2P Friendly?
8:29 Is Kazuha Still Worth Pulling in 2.8? (He can’t be nerfed)

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39 thoughts on “Is Kazuha Still Worth it in 2.8? C0 Kazuha Review & Breakdown [Why You Shouldn't Skip This TIme]”

  1. I’m unsure if the people making claims like “he is going to fall off” are trying to convince themselves they don’t need the character, don’t understand that a character doesn’t go from top tier to trash in this game in a couple of patches or they are trolls trying to make newer players miss the unit so they can’t clear some of the higher end content. I know I’m pulling him, I’ve prepared everything but his gear (resin issues) and I’m 26 pulls max away from him with primos saving for the next character I really want. If you don’t have him, get him if you can, you won’t regret it.

  2. Resistance shred is based off of percentage. the higher an enemy res, the more you shred. (20% of 100 is 20 whereas 20% of 500 is 100; i picked arbitrary numbers off the top of my head for easy math. VV will have 40% shred so the numbers are more). you would be buffing VV in that case. If they released monsters that RESIST the Resistance shred, or are immune to res shred, while still having a reasonable amount of resistance, that would then directly nerf VV and resistance shredding. This situation would then buff characters that increase your damage dealt (attack % , elemental damage buffs etc).

  3. Even as a player who is interested in Theorycrafting a bit, and cleared floor 12 36 stars without Kazuha, I don't think he is necessary, I'd say he isnt a must pull bcz of Sucrose but if you dont have her or you like Kazuha's style/personality go ahead he will be useful in your team

  4. I mean, do people even use anemo at this point? Once you get those decent to good artifact the game becomes so easy. 😞 Sad part of genshin, all these info becomes useless so fast, it all comes to if you like the char = just pull, if not=skip

  5. The only thing I’m pulling for kazuha is because he can suck all the drops to a spot and it makes it easier since my venti can’t do that

  6. My opinion when pulling for characters is always "do I like the look of them and their playstyle?" After all, it is a game, so the GAMEplay would be most important. I liked Kazuha as a character, I liked his design(called him Momiji Boy cus duh) and his trial was very fun to me. So I got him and he's been a staple for me ever since. I know people turn to Content Creators a lot for opinions on what they should or shouldn't do, but in the end it's your own account. You're the only one who can truly decide what is best for your account. I would know, even with HomaHuTao and Yanfei, Klee is still my absolute favorite pyro unit.

  7. absolutely no regrets skipping him at released as with my saved primos let me get ayaka her weapon and a c2 raiden shogun, which now lets me 36 star every abyss since, but… he is like a super cool character so ill get him this time not cause i need him or he's meta but hes cool and looks fun

  8. I agree he is a good unit. But as a casual this video convinced me to skip him again. Thanks you saved me from wasting primos. I know that sounds negative but it is a compliment as this reminded me kazuha is not needed on my account for any of the existing content. He would just be another unused 5 star. If Hoyo did something that meant I need more damage maybe I'll look at him then. Sucks cause I would like to need him and if you do need him good luck on your pulls.

  9. I'll keep it short. Got him within 30 pulls while seeking rosaria constellations. Figured since I got him at that time why not use him. Over the event grinding his mats had so much fun traveling around with him. Although I have not been using him as of late it's only because in my yoimiya comp jean is in my anemia slot and I need heals yelan replaced kokomi and yunjin is yunjin. Hence I got no spot for him upon which it ruins both yuniin as well as yelan and again need heals. But someday I'll make another comp with him in it.

  10. High resistances would make VV more important, not less. That's because going from 20% of your damage to 60% is tripling the damage you do. You might think that the high resists would discourage people from using a particular element, but, as a Eula main, I can tell you it isn't so. You get your 40% debuff, you slap another debuff or two on top of that, and you go to town, because you are now hitting plenty hard despite the initial high resists. And with the power of Kazuha and Benny, plus the overpowered nature of melt and vaporize, people are still going to focus on those. And the end result is that it doesn't really matter that you are fighting your element's equivalent of physical's robots. So, if they want to nerf VV, they'd have to go the opposite route. Make enemies with extra hp and 0% or lower resists. This would serve to decrease the value of resists, as an enemy with 0% resists to begin with, then debuffed by VV, is now at -20%, which is only a 20% increase in damage. If the enemy had 2x the hp and -100% resists, well, VV would only be a 10% damage boost.

    And if they wanted to target a subset of teams on top of that, they could give certain mobs resists to certain reactions. Like, say, vaporize and melt. That would hit certain teams hard, and you couldn't debuff those resists with VV. Of course, that would still leave other Kazuha using teams like Ayaka+Shenhe+Kazuha or Electro+Kazuha.

    They could also make mobs that do something like disable the benefits from artifact set bonuses. Wouldn't that just suck? Hehe.

  11. Fun fact: you DON'T actually need more ER for Kazuha. His E generates enough particles, and has a quick enough cool down, to get him back up to full 60 energy pretty quick. Iron Sting is still the f2p king for him in terms of weapons.

  12. With Fontaine, Natlan and Snezhnaya coming (not so) soon with their respective swirlable elements, i can't imagine Kazuha being seriously nerfed
    The only way for that is releasing even more powerful anemo unit.

  13. back in 1.6 i was hyped for him despite what others said, i pulled for him, but back them, i still was an low AR 36~40 player, i had some primos saved but it wasn't enough to get him, i literally kept wishing and farming to pull for him and when his banner ended and 2.0 launched, i was with garanteed pity+86 pity… with just a single pull i could have him, but i though "i'll wish for him tomorrow after i do my dailies to get enough for a wish", and didn't realized 2.0 was already on the next day, i though i still had 1 day to try to get him, but nope, 2.0 patch droped, and with pain i my heart i did a single pull on Yoimiya banner… and got her… if i didn't waited for the next day i would have got him since my very next wish i got Yoimiya, but this time, i have the primos, i have the mats, i have the gear prepared, both for DPS Kazuha and suport Kazuha, and i already lost my 50/50 on Ayato, so it's garanteed i'll get him this time instead of loosing the 50/50 first like on his launch, and with luck i can get Klee as well, i already got her at C1, after i didn't managed to get Venti on his launch, and this time, i hope i can get Klee C2 after i get Kazuha to make an support build for Klee, with her C2 def shred, with noblesse and TToDS…

  14. I won't lie. I'm so proud of my un-involvement with the community back then coz i pulled kazuha out of him being just so frickin adorable :3
    Who knew i had hit a jackpot XDDD
    Also if ur reading this and pulling for Kazoo… Hope u get him :3

  15. I'm only AR45 and he will be my very first 5-star character banner since I'm guaranteed with 52 pity. This content made me want to pull him even more. I'm a bit excited. lol

  16. i wanted kazuha really badly when he came out but i had just spent 90 pulls to get Klee (which i don't regret to this day, i wanted the little arsonist ever since keqing decided to come home instead of her), so even if he was completely useless in the current state of the game, i'd still pull for him. (Although it's a 50/50 this time and maybe Hoyoverse will finally give me my first qiqi at AR57)


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