It may be a while since you have played Genshin impact or you’re completely new to the game and you’re wondering if it’s worth starting the game upon its new release? Then checkout this video to see if it is!
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Outro music:
Metal Arms (ps2) – Soundtrack
#genshinimpact #genshin #gacha
Hope you enjoyed the video! Have you had any experience with the game already or will it be your first journey in Teyvat? Leave it in the comments below!
Play as F2P only
me AR59 : interesting
Hey man this was some real insightful stuff. I really appreciate your story and your honesty. I just started a month ago and love this game now but I can see how some people could go crazy spending. Stay strong and remember, accolades earned always feel better than accolades paid for.
I used to play a year back but my phone was dying because of the game so I uninstalled it. But have been playing since a month because I bought a new phone. But I am in a pinch whether to start a new account or not because I do not have any 5star character even though I am in ar32. Any advice?
Just play and pay moderately, to enjoy the game, don't rush to avoid burn out, day one player still enjoy the game
Is it actually worth playing Genshin? (I didnt watch the video because of the Disclamer, no offense!) People are saying it is an empty and un-fun game. Im a casual and fun person who can get hysterical and addictive at times. Is it for me? Im too tempted to play Genshin, its like im already playing the game when I NEVER DID (atleast if its not my friends tablet, because she has zhongli and im pretty good with him!) i love the character’s and exploring. will it get empty and boring at times, or not? (sorry for too many questions) Last one. Do you know how frequently Genshin updates? Once a month is hopefully fine. An update/announcement is always better! 🙂 (im in their discord server, so do they do updates and stuff?)
I really appreciate the way you addressed the gambling issue tied to the game. I quit in 2021 because I didnt get ANY 5 star but returned last month and now has my first 5* in John Lee.
Its actually good for beginners because 4 continents and thousands of chest would mean lots of f2p primos for rolls on incoming dendro meta characters. The anniversary is also probably gonna grant some giveaways.
Thanks for this video. I just started the game a few days ago after getting a new video card and wanting something new to play. I’ve really enjoyed it so far but have been hesitant to get too into it because I didn’t want to start blowing a lot of money—I’ve already done something similar years back with Brave Exvius; it wasn’t a whole lot of money but it was more than I was expecting to spend on a mobile game which makes this even more dangerous on the PC.
I think I’ll stick with it though and see how things go.
Hey bro any suggestions on team comp for me? I have fischl, xiangling, barb, venti, sucrose, noelle, amber, lisa, xingqiu, kaeya. Thanks!
Bro i think i will take a long time to catch up all of this cuz i just started yesterday 🙂
I hope hoyo would add a mechanic where newbies can buy/farm ascension materials for new characters. Example, a travelling merchant that stays on Mondstadt to sell items from Inazuma and Sumeru. I hated it when I wanted to use Thoma but god his items are at the southermost island in the game. It's punishing new players for just starting now
Bro can you please tell me what I should know before starting genshin impact, I have never played games in the past before so I don't even know any of the basics.
Me I ar 50 yet I only have two team Raiden national and ayaka freeze still good my team for abyss? I a m f2p here.
For me it is not even worth starting this game anymore for new players, all those past events providing contents, costume, and stuffs are gone forever… especially with lore and stories that won't ever come back. I missed all events before 2.0 and it hurts like hell.
Thanks for the video bro, i played on release but the multiplayer is what set me off but I might try again
I’m thinking of getting back into the game, is it worth the effort?