Is Collei Finally Coming to Genshin? | Genshin Impact

#Genshin #GenshinImpact #Collei

Go read the manga, seriously:

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40 thoughts on “Is Collei Finally Coming to Genshin? | Genshin Impact”

  1. There would be changes to collei's UI then. She wasnt blessed with a vision so she has no constellation but maybe a different gacha mechanic since she uses archon residue which is the main resource in creating delusions. 2nd her element would be dark energy which has not been introduced in genshin in combat. 3rd, She might not use her archon residue power if they follow the lore since her powers were sealed and cyno stated that if she uses her powers again especially with how amateur she controls her power, there wouldnt be any chances of saving her.

  2. Manga Spoiler:
    If I recall she’s actually the result of human experimentation at the hands of the fatui (specifically one of the harbingers Dottore) who injected “archon residue” into her blood and she was last seen going off with Cyno to Sumeru. I’ve been super excited to see her as well as both Cyno and Dottore in the actual game!

  3. I knew about the manga but I've never read it for some reasons. I guess laziness.
    I know nothing of Collei, but a probably existing kit that's being worked on means that Sumeru is around the corner and I can't wait, even thought my primos aren't ready for a guaranteed Cyno.

    Anyway, Kuki Shinobu also has green hair, but she's electro. Going by color scheme is usually valid, but since Collei doesn't have distinctive features other than her hair, dendro is a valid assumption just because she's technically from Sumeru I guess.

  4. Known about the manga for a while, but haven’t had much time to delve into it.
    I think a more sound reason for Collei to obtain a Dendro vision would be to connect her with life/vitality(especially, from what I can infer so far, that’s Dendro’s whole gig). Maybe after her experience of harming someone and killing them, it would cause her to evaluate herself and it somehow leads to her getting a vision, but that’s just a short thought. Would be stoked to see her become a playable character; also iirc, the snake thing that possessed her is residue of a god, similar to the tatarigami on Yashiori Island and in the Mikage Furnace.

  5. I saw others say this but yea shes injected with Archon Residue as a child experiment. Which is basically highly concentrated delusion power that arent on an actual device like with Childe's vision.

  6. SPOILER!!!!
    i don't know if she'll ve playable with her archon residue powers, as cyno sealed her powers in the final chapters, but i wouldnt be surprised if she has a dendro vision because of her hair and her pursuit of knowledge

  7. Visionless playeable character is interesting.. I mean archons don't need them and if delusions can like kill you little by little then just give them a mechanic like hutao where delusion user units can lose hp while using their elemental powers.

  8. I read it a long time ago and i don't Remember it too much but delusional diluc was something cool i haven't seen the latest chapter because i haven't found in english but whatever, i'm not really exited and don't care too much about collei if it is true or not but she cute

  9. kuki shinobou is green hair but electro. but yea i see thats barely only a few characters like that.
    And if collei is dendro idk if they will ever change at the last moment. they are usually 3 updates finished. a head.
    meaning 2.7, 2.8 and 3.0 is already done completly. just needs testing.


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