0:00 Intro
0:41 Why Xingqiu is Good
2:25 Weapons
4:30 Best Artifacts Explained
5:50 ATK% vs. Energy Recharge
7:41 Lavawalker Rant
8:34 Important Tips
Check out the person who sent me the first clip (Esqpur), their videos are e p i c:
Also, see my ultimate playguide for a more detailed explanation of his kit!
Keqing Mains XQ Document:
Xingqiu is easily one of the best support units in Genshin Impact. Since he was found to be strong, he has been used in almost every pyro and freeze team comp, which makes him one of the most popular Genshin Impact support characters. His element is Hydro, which is also rare currently. Learn how to build Xingqiu, the best artifacts and weapons for Xingqiu in this build guide.
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Correction about Sac sword: his E connects twice so the odds of triggering are actually higher than 40%.
Dislikers are lavawalker mains.
Check out engineeringplastics XQ showcase:
"Perma Freeze isn't for speed clears"
Morgana comp would like to know your location.
That said generally very true….Ganyu, Mona and Venti just kind of play by their own rules.
bruh 1.2 was so long ago i think anyone that has festering desire at this point 99% chance they got a sac sword. i don't think anyone is going to take festering as an alternative cuz if theyre new enough to not have a sac sword they definitely dont have festering.
i dont care about any 5star weapons. i just want sac sword..
Xingqiu and Yoimiya will be a good Vaporized combination?
so where is the damage you used in the thumbnail ?
4:09 Well imagine no more , I was living with Xingqiu Skyward Blade from the begining till Eula Weapon Banner came out, during that banner I somehow got 1 Sacri Sword and Xingqiu never felt better ever since. Sadkek
Why don't you show Xingqiu Attack power/CD and CR stat?
Thanks dude! Love your videos, very detailed, you did help me a lot to build my characters š
I think HoD is better than Favonius.. Since Xinqiu stays behind most of the time, he can easily get HoD's passive. And base atk also is not that much lower, 41 and 40.. But ER sands is surely needed..
Wtf brac Iām in a world with Skyward Blade without Sac
Laugh in skyward blade and no sacrificial sword
Me who mained Xingqui and at ar 55, and still no sac sword: DPS Xingqiu it is
I didn't get an ER 4* Sword until like AR 52.
I use 4 piece N.Ob. on him because I have Fav. Lance on Zhongli. I don't use Bennet much for reasons. If I get a better lance for Zhongli, I will try this build. Thanks for the info.
I must be doing something wrong…. i have 253% er… oops
mine is benched forever for looking the way it looks
I feel even with Yoimiya he's still going to be better as the support for her aha since it just says in her burst it has to be another character hitting her sigil things so I assume it can still happen off field like with the rain swords aha
I have Hu Tao and will go for Ayaka, so my Xingqiu with sacrificial sword is the perfect key.
do you think he will be a good support for ayaka for permafreeeze with BS artifact?
My xingqiu Lavawalker + Lion roar
235% crit dmg
It's stronger than my Childe
Oneshot Build
I wish I could duplicate Xingqiu for Abyss
I have every single swords in the game except sacrificial. SADGE
edit : but even without it, my xinqiu have 260 ER soooo yeah
"I can't imagine a world where you dont have sacrificial but have skyward"
Hello I'm from that one world š
how about EM?
Anyone else with no sacrificial sword?
I have more than enough energy recharge (200%) but his damage is pretty poor (only 1.5k on Ult) Trying to get the good stats is really hard.
His swords do more damage to Pyro inflicted characters with lava walker even if he isn't the one triggering vaporize so your dismissal of lava walker seems not only incorrect but also untested. I respectfully disagree with you here. Your artifacts are fine but r 5 lions roar and lava walker is savage damage.
Klee, diona, xingqiu, bennett, one of the best comp
My boy Xingqiu… easily my most used character, rarely a time he
isn't in my main squad as the main support, battery and healer.
Why you have so many sac sword?
Me: whats new?