Today in Genshin Impact weโ€™re doing a guide/showcase on Imaginarium Theater, the newest permanent gameplay mode.
Special Code: MGCAAB54AZ69

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#hoyocreators #ImaginariumTheater #genshinguide

0:00 Intro
0:34 How to Unlock Imaginarium Theater
0:53 Opening Characters
1:25 Difficulties
2:25 Fantastical Blessing
2:42 Alternate Cast
4:30 Multiple Choice
5:39 Playthrough and Tips For Imaginarium Theater
12:50 Rewards


37 thoughts on “IMAGINARIUM THEATER IS HERE! (Genshin Impact Guide)”

  1. What those stars that you get from round challenges do? I didn't got one while clearing hard mode and thought that i would miss some rewards, but it didn't seem to be the case. I looked everywhere but couldn't find where they are supposed to be needed.

  2. I chose the easy mod when it first arrived, now it says โ€œ You have 11 available characters, to continue to the normal mod/ hard mod youโ€™ll have to choose 14/18 characters.โ€ when i try to go to the next mod and idk what does it mean. I mean where do i choose MORE characters and what did it meant by โ€œchoose moreโ€ like i searched everywhere but there is no info can someone help me i think im really dumb๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™

  3. i only added about 5 characters and had 3 teams planned in my head with just those + the first ones they force you to use because i thought those three bosses it shows at the start were all we had to fight and was really confused on why i needed 18 characters but i just pressed the button that randomly adds them and started, imagine how i felt when i saw all the fights i had to do with all the shit random characters i added lol

  4. As f2p i didn't had half of the opening chars so as strategy i used them early stages to made their vigor gone because of the lvl difference made it painfull, wanderer didn't pull any mob.But i made it to act 8 with 8 star with great strategy and a little rng luck.

    I think player skill is important to this mode and using your chars against battle stages, like i saw a lot of player with no archer against a skywatch ruin drake.And in my friend list there is almost 2-3 who completed it to 8 star.

  5. It doesnโ€™t let me choose hard mode after doing easy mode it says I donโ€™t have enough characters like bruh itโ€™s only given me what I can doesnโ€™t exceed more then 10

  6. i played the event this game mode was base on but the game mode is worse then the event. they some how made it less fun then abyss.
    this game mode would be better if we could use all units from the start.
    i don't mind the energy system but this game mode needs heavy work

  7. I have played since the beginning, so I have nearly all characters and build to at least 85/90… it was way to easy for me… but i see why many newer players will be struggling ๐Ÿ˜…

  8. 18 Character requirements with Elemental restrictions on it is absolutely hard for F2P players, If only they allow 1-2 Characters with any Elements that is allowed to join would be a nice feature, Welp this is a Gacha Game so no point of asking and begging them to change, Like me lol

  9. Just my opinion, I understand everyone has a different opinion and donโ€™t let me discourage you from playing the game. I personally feel like itโ€™s just spiral abyss all over again but with restrictions and small buffs (nothing compared to simulated universe). I completed it in a less than 30 mins but aye, at least genshin is listening now and they will probably add more stuff later down the road. Hope has been restored.

  10. Yes spiral a b** but you were forced to use the characters you don't like goodbye gi hi wuwa let me just ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค it's bigger than gensen's one ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ so much bigger!!!!

  11. I literally just gave it a go and almost couldn't finish Hard mode because I used my characters improperly. Thankfully, it was my first run and I still finished it with all stars, but I didn't get every single mission with the extra flowers. It was kinda silly that you get flowers for the last fight.

  12. its a start… i finished it in less than an hour and it takes a full 30 days to refresh… it absolutely requires replayability with a few minor, yet useful rewards… but i like this mode better than abyss


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