I Watched Your FUNNIEST Genshin Impact Videos #14

I Watched Your FUNNIEST Genshin Impact Videos #14
Did you laugh? Genshin DOES have funny videos!

credits to the original videos: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CuQZFcRs-zhZFYGDpBg5M-NKxsmYO_9FPwlKhn01WYQ/edit?usp=sharing

submission form for Genshin YLYL: https://forms.gle/5fMcsdjUUKUpM9yr9

submissions for COOL Genshin videos: https://forms.gle/btsKmejkaDaKGp6t6

submissions for Star Rail YLYL: https://forms.gle/f3rPLy1evztEq5DF7


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Edited by: Bob

#GenshinImpact #ylyl #BranOnline


27 thoughts on “I Watched Your FUNNIEST Genshin Impact Videos #14”

  1. I'm starting to think half these guys don't know what the point of a microwave is. It's for heating stuff quickly, Certainly quicker than an electric kettle would work in America because of a lower voltage. We can boil a kettle, but it would still take longer. Why wouldn't you use it?

  2. American here, I cannot fathom using anything but a kettle (and maybe a pan on the stove if you really need to) to heat up water for anything you drink hot. Truly baffling. Like even if you don’t have a normal kettle a coffee pot can make just hot water if you need to (Absolutely no actual shade meant to be thrown here I am just wildly baffled by this facet of America I have apparently never actually seen in my life)

  3. I microwave my tea because our electric kettle broke its not weird like a minute you take it out put honey in it and your good i dont see the problem + our gas stove takes forever to boil water

  4. The title is pronounced "The limit as X approaches 2 of the Natural Log of e to the 7x power" and the solution is 14 and as a calc student that was so much fucking funier than it should have been thank you Bob for the amazing amazing title

  5. As an american who boils water in the microwave for my oatmeal and coffee, y'all are over reacting 😂 ( and just in case someone decides to ask. no, my water does not blow up. Because i'm not stupid enough to put it in a mug or in a plastic container and put it in the microwave) Just put hot tap water in a paper cup and put it in on three minutes in the microwave.

  6. Im American, I used to have a kettle but lost it in the move, I no longer drink tea, I only microwave water for hot chocolate BECAUSE THE F**KING INSTRUCTIONS TELL ME TO- (and I'm a sheep 🥰)


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