Today in Genshin Impact we’re trying to raise one of Genshin’s newest hereos, Gorou, but it’s not going too well.
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“Geo goblet, doesn’t look very good.”
And it is already so much better than what I'm having to work with for Itto 😭
“when i bring yoimiya its easy” ahahhahah.. yeah.. uh my only 5 star char is hu tao..
Ee recommendation for Moga. If you really hate farming specter, just use Ganyu or Yoimiya because with these characters farming specter is easy peasy…
when i saw his materials i was like , gl raising him moga
You should have farmed inazuma ley lines-
I was already semi-prepared for Gorou b/c I'd been farming materials for Kokomi on Sangonomiya. She'll have to wait a little longer to ascend, but personally, I think it's worth it for such a good boy. Unfortunately, now I gotta farm mechanical arrays…
When I’m watching whales farming characters in one day is so wierd. I have to farm like a month.
good boy gorou!
I'm glad to say that i came prepared for Gorou. First day my Gorou is already at lv80 with 2-7-6 talents.
As a Childe, Mona and Xingqiu main, I have decided that hydro specters are the bane of my existence. I literally have to use Childe like Yoimiya to beat them down with my lvl2 normal atk talent
Things turned bad when moga didn't use his super clairvoyance ability to look into a character's materials
quick tip: ive tried, and it only takes 30 seconds far enough away from the boss for it to reset, although i could be wrong
Looks like I'm not gonna spend more primos to get gorou now
I'm not the only one who spent resin on the wolf boss, only to realize gorou needs the perpetual array right?
Moga: I hate spectral farming
Me: loves it
Man, Moga is so spoilt when it comes to artifacts
Get ready! There’s gonna be a new moga soon!!
i could only get him to 69 too bc of mora 😭 it was NOT nice.
I like how Moga makes a weird sound when collecting
Sango pearls aren't that painful. . .
If visit watatsumi island every 2 days and like exploring as well
Otherwise fall into pain because their own incompetence
This was me when i got kokomi
This is why honkai building is easier
As a Kokomi haver this is gonna be pain 😀
turns to Yanfei and Yoimiya
“What are you looking at us for..”
And there’s me who got him today and decided to upgrade him and farmed wolflord thinking it would be his mats.
i think at this point i also have too many characters that i want to raise that the resin is really becoming a huge bottleneck for me
how do you have so many fragile .-. I never have more than 10 at a time lol
“I hate spectral farming”
Laughs in Yoimiya and Yanfei main
I have all I need for Gorou, and yet, I don't have Gorou
How does he have so many fragiles…????? I'm so confused!!
This is the first time I saw a whale ran out of books, '-'
Specter farming is EXACTLY why I started working on Itto first. I hate those things and my only active bow user is a battery-build Diona.
SPECTER FARMING is the worst!
They're tanky and in the air AND you'll get like one piece per 2 IF your lucky!!!
Me: Who really want gorou but didn’t get gorou but instead get C3 Xiangling pls help me I need some luck pls… and I don’t have primogems very poor right now hmmm T-T RIP pls help…
Where did you get that glider?!
It's easy to kill specters when using aloy because her burst is bigger and freezes all enemy's
Tell me am I psycho because I farm about 100+ specters everyday. H e l p.
I can’t get him I get noelle and fischl then I lose my 50/50 to diluc I’m not happy about it TT
I started 34 days agoo
He’ll go perfect with my diona, i can get him maybe 🙂
As a yanfie main I have no such weaknesses when fighting specters, bow down peasant.
the eep's while grabbing pearls was a fun touch
Would've ignored upgrading him but I can't resist his cute ears and fluffy tail.
you can buy the red book at shop
I want Gorou, but Barbara really wants to be C6. F2P.
You should c6 him bc he’s my fav and he’s pretty good
btw, if you hate spectre farming but you have both Shogun and Yanfei I recommend to use them. Spectres wont get knock away by the overload damage and the damage bonus from the overload helps.
Good thing i main Yanfeii
This is like raising Ayaka all over again