I Used Kazuha to Speedrun Every 2.8 Event… But Not the Way HoYoVerse Intended… [Genshin Impact]

Genshin Impact’s 2.8 events are nearing their last few days before 3.0 and Sumeru come out. Since I really want a Yoimiya on our Raiden Account, and I’m completely out of prmogems, I decided to go through and finish every event available before they’re gone.

It was a long process, but I somehow managed to finish everything… However, I didn’t exactly complete them the way HoYoVerse intended.




#Genshin #GenshinImpact #kazuha


46 thoughts on “I Used Kazuha to Speedrun Every 2.8 Event… But Not the Way HoYoVerse Intended… [Genshin Impact]”

  1. Java has gotten so used to doing everything the absolutely most difficult way with Swords and Spells only, that it’s basically impossible for him to play things β€œnormally” anymore πŸ™‚

  2. Hi JavaTheCup, you are my sister's favorite youtuber (she has been watching you since November 2021) and I am not saying that is a bad thing I am just upset because she only plays genshin impact and she only watches you on youtube, if you could say "Zaina please play minecraft with your brother" I would really appreciate it because I bought her minecraft expecting her to play with me but she became addicted to genshin.

  3. Yo, I just realized this account is so lucky, so many limited 5 stars when you only started on raiden first banner and took a break on it too. Comparing to my 1.5 account that have less limited characters

  4. Could we maybe get a video with one or two story quests? Only if you feel like it ofc personality I really miss going through story quests and learning about the characters especially since I thought they werent important and skipped through most of them lmao :’)

  5. My sister forgot to pick one of the carsle pieces up and returned to the place where you built it. I only had geo lumine but I was able to bug my way back to it and safe the event for her. (it is the only character she own who can get used to break domains)

  6. I’m speedrunning the event rn on both of mt accounts, i did the story when it released but the actual island exploration is pure hell, espicially mona’s island. I explored it for full 2 hours and I’m still not done. I wish they would have made it more relaxing, like the 1.6 event was. It truly felt like vacation getting to just relax and do fun exploration not long and complicated puzzles. I still like the event but i did not enjoy it to the fullest. This year it felt more like a chore to me than a fun thing I get to do during the day.


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