I use all my Fragile Resin to prepare for Ganyu Artifacts | Genshin Impact

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29 thoughts on “I use all my Fragile Resin to prepare for Ganyu Artifacts | Genshin Impact”

  1. But you know, that set is… kinda weak for her if you want to do big pp damage like 40-60k in total, wanderes troupe is the right set for her.
    I do 17k + 31-34k dmg with tha set
    50.7% crit chance and 224% crit dmg + Amos bow ofc

  2. oof… I'm glad I don't have to farm that domain again. Rocking a 64 CR / 234 CD with Skyward (over crit with 4 blizzard though). But at least I get to focus on emblem and husk now XD

  3. I farmed on this domain and use all of my fragile resin at ar45. And only get 35/170 crit ratio 4pc for ganyu

    Then.. at ar54 i got my first godly artifact, and
    ITS A WANDERER SETS FROM ARTIFACT STRONGBOX. 11cr/13cdm flower, 3,5cr/26cdm plume with em, and manage to get like 43/201 ratio fullset wanderer

    And lastly in the past few weeks i exchanged more 5 star at strongbox and manage to get: 5,4cr/27cdm flower with em and atk% substat, 14cr/14cdm/13.9def% sands (the def should be 14 for triple 14% lol), cdm circlet with 9cr and some em. By all of that i can get up to 48/225 ratio or 54/211 for more cr. 130em or something and 120%er.
    So basically, all i did was farming eosf for xiangling and xingqiu and exchange trash artifact for a godly wanderers artifact. And by that i mean Wanderer set is the most perfect artifact set i had, and its cool.

  4. I have already used over 4k resin on that domain Do you know how many artifacts I have for Ganyu zero FUCKING ZERO How is that even possible and I Berly have a few good ones for Childe

  5. maybe you should try to obtain or upgrade ur artifact with Mona if u have, i don't know if this just a suggest for me but recently it work for me, and her give me a godly shime artifact with max crit roll just for a 4 days farming😅

  6. You guys are going to curse me. I decided I was going to get Ganyu months ago after that one event. Went to blizzard, and the first artifact was a 4-line plume with cr, cd, er and em. I was shook but kept farming. On the the 3rd run the very same day, I got attack sands with cr, cd and em.

    All the rolls went to crits. So the plume is 7% cr and 26% cd and the sands are 6% cr and 27% cd. I am so ready for the goat now.


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