my chat is full of liars
Checkout my previous Genshin Impact video:
I Became an Invisible Rebel and Escaped All Sus:
Checkout my other Genshin Impact videos:
I Turned My Island into a Gravity-Defying Realm:
When an Endgame Player Travels Back in Time:
I Escaped from Prison and Found a New World:
More About Genshin Impact:
Players can explore the game’s large fantasy world, called Teyvat, with over 25+ characters and various points of interest spread across the map. The game features an action combat playstyle that allows the player to swap between 4 individual characters in a party to quickly combo attacks. Single-player gameplay is the focus of the game, with Co-Op Mode available for certain activities.
Each character has two unique combat skills: a normal skill and a special skill. The normal skill can be used at any time except for the cooldown period immediately after use, while the special skill has an energy cost, requiring the user to amass sufficient elemental energy first.
Characters have control over one of seven natural elements: Cryo, Dendro, Pyro, Hydro, Anemo, Electro, and Geo. Cooking is another significant aspect of Genshin Impact’s gameplay. Players gather many resources in the course of their adventure, some of which can be turned into dishes via cooking. Some dishes regenerate characters’ health, while others boost attack or defensive abilities
my viewers brought me to the wrong beach.
I got my second diluc and eula as a f2p in 14 pulls(these are my only 5* btw)
Last Still Not 50%50%, cuase you can mona first after that you got eula !!! but you lucy there, 1 pull get 2 5* !
i blinked multiple times and i didnt miss anything
a choo
Amber is usele-
Those rituals worked perfectly… to summon Xinyan
Give me some Primo ahhhh,i'm dying
My brother got her yesterday
I thought that after you dont get the promotional character, you have a guaranteed promotional character?? why did you get qiqi and diluc? wouldnt it be diluc AND then eula
From now on im pulling on Ventis crotch. Too good of an idea to not do it.
The fact that he didn't go to the actual place where eula danced is infuriating
4:57 wtf..
I got her at 4 pity
Bro I wish I could just see that yellow color just once
C2 for 4-set pale
I like how he just keeps saying "this Character" Like damn you don't even know her name
I got eula few minutes ago and i can't level her up …
i got eula in 16 pulls :3
Xinyan constelation should be 99
That's not true at all. The pity you need is 90 pull.
xinyan : hello, paikon did you miss me? 🙂
When people try the rituals, that's where you can see Khabane Lame in action, just pull it out and you're done 😂
Man I wish I could just wish until I got a 5* I get so sad when I see you with almost 50k Genesis crstals/Primogems. I wish man D: (I wish i could wish ahaahahhaaa xd)
You were at the wrong beach lol
looks at my primogems
I'm so fucking poor
I am stuck with a c1 noelle and c1 fichel nothing else
I went dragonspine statue of seven and climbed top of it and pulled got eula 🙂
Me trying to draw Xinyan but getting Eula instead and watching this video: WTF Give me your luck.
Give me my xinyan mihoyo ):
wait what i thought after u get a character off banner the next 5 star should be the charater on the abnenr
nooo you just got red eula