I Ranked EVERY 5 Star In Genshin Impact

I ranked every 5 star in Genshin Impact so you don’t have to! Enjoy my Genshin tier list and I hope it helps πŸ™‚


I’m an official Genshin Impact Partner and I stream over on Twitch, so feel free to stop by and witness the madness!

Edited by TurtlMunk: https://twitter.com/TurtlMunk

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#genshinimpact #Doro44 #Genshin


37 thoughts on “I Ranked EVERY 5 Star In Genshin Impact”

  1. Hey everyone!! I hope you enjoyed the video! REMINDER!! This is all MY OPINION and it's not meant to upset anyone! You should pull for the characters that YOU enjoy playing as, not what some tier list a YouTuber makes lol That said, I get asked a lot on what characters are good and worth pulling, and since I have them all, I thought this would be a good video to make as a guideline! Please be respectful in the comments and peoples opinions and enjoy πŸ™‚

  2. tartaglia bloom is to satisfying to watch with nahida and traveler, i recommend traveler as 2nd dendro because he/her burst is larger than collie, my f2p tartaglia is not fully built and his level is still 71, he equip random artifacts but he still manage to play as the hydro dps in my bloom team, believe me or not he is so cool on bloom team

  3. Finally someone who understands the Hu Tao/Yoimiya thing. Just because Hu Tao does more damage doesn’t always make her better, she’s kinda hard to play especially on mobile and Yoimiya is just a lot more unga bunga

  4. I would say, Yae Miko is still underrated… I'm not sure where does most players get that mindset about her not being ''good enough''.
    Sure, I wont disagree that she has too high energy cost (at C0), and some of that so called ''clunky feeling'' on her E's, … but these ''problems'' doesnt make her B tier character…

    Yae Miko is very easy to play, while providing very good off-field damage, and with everyone having access to Dendro, the value of her Skill outweights her downsides.
    Even tho I maxed out Fishcl, I would still rather use Yae Miko.

  5. Tartaglia was someone I was willing to learn strategy/rotations for. Ayato is… easier. But it's not as satisfying now. I think Childe is very much worth it.

  6. As a Yae Miko stan I think she’s A tier especially with f2p friendly dendro character (assuming everyone reaches sumeru lol)
    Yae Miko will remember this B-trayal!

  7. who wouldn't wanna get physical with EULA ur wrong my boi. I'll get physical with EULA anyday! s tier boiiiiiiiiis……. also my KoK IS 71KHP and cant die period i solo raiden with her when everyone else dies. The True Water Archon! P.S. my nilou barb collie mc dendro team clears floor 12 in under 2 minutes all 3 floors. Nilou is Queen of Sumeru! her dendro pops do 120k each!

  8. I respect his opinions but he could've swapped Yoimiya with Yelan and Ayato with Childe, that could be a better tier list. There's no way Yoimiya belong in S tier and Yelan is significantly better than all of those five stars in A tier.

  9. I disagree with Yelan not being on S tier. And my definition of S tier doesn't mean a must pull character because for me Zhongli is also S tier but he is not a must pull character. My criteria for S tier character is good damage no & f2p friendly at C0 and must be future proof. Here are my reasons why Yelan is S tier in my opinion::
    a) Very f2p friendly with Fav Bow being her bis 4 star weapon
    b) I have C6 Xingxiu but still Yelan hits harder
    c) Yelan benefits from hydro resonance. Correct me if I am wrong but she is the only hydro character who benefits greatly from increased hp (damage wise) since she doesn't have split scaling (for eg: Kokomi)
    d) Her "e" skill provides great mobility and quite decent crowd control.
    e) No wet status applied to her during elemental skill or ult use. So fighting Cryo enemy is better with Yelan than XIngxiu.
    f) Yelan has the highest dps potential both at C0 and C6 compared to any character because she has very good multiplier on her kit.
    g) Her A4 passive is very good buff to active character
    h) We still don't have a Bennet equivalent on hp buffing stuff. Imagine the next hydro achon buffs your max hp greatly (since hydro is related to hp and healing stuff), Yelan with hydro resonance plus the hp buff from the archon will even further increase her damage which is already so good. The point being she is a future proof character because of the ongoing trend of hp scaling character and Fountaine being the next region to be released.

  10. i'm glad you put Yae in B, my 2 favoryte characters almost ended in C alone. that's kinda sad ngl T-T.
    If course i think this tier list is thrash but i enjoyed watching it ! πŸ˜€

  11. As a Klee haver i agree, she's very hard to play the moment I decided she's gonna do the killing for the team. That's why i alway bring my Venti with me so Klee can fight whatever's in her way easily. She can do high dmg, but she just can't reach and is slow when attacking. But that's probably due to her short stature, figure, and childishness. Her Charged shots and burst are really useful tho. With her burst as long as you attack anything the bombs will help. But without anything to attack its just dormant? Ive seen it during my fight with Scaramouche. When he was at his falling things phase. The single move where he one shots you? Yeah.

  12. Thanks for the help , i am new player so thanks to you now I know which characters i need that is only S tire don't know A tire characters are good or not i guess only S tire characters worth primogems

  13. before watching: if yae miko is low on this list i will commit arson

    at the yae miko part: i am hurt, shocked, shaken, disgusted, with the behavior of this community (this is a joke)

    as a yae miko main, do i think you should pull for her?
    short answer, no.
    long answer, yes, because she's an amazing off field dps and fairly easy to build. if you get her at high attack and a somewhat decent crit ratio, not even a great one, her turrets do fantastic damage. she is very selfish which is why i recommend running her with an electro battery, which makes her kit much more niche. HOWEVER, if you can get her c1? absolutely pull for her, because it takes her burst energy cost from 90 to 66 because her thunderbolts generate 8 energy per usage. it makes her MUCH less energy hungry and she turns into even more of a fantastic unit to use. MY personal miko is 8/10/10 and my only issues with her is that her normals don't do as much damage as i would like even with a buff, but that's just how she's built. she's designed to be an off-field unit. the other issue being that she can be very niche, HOWEVER, you can use a lot of different supports with her to proc amazing numbers. my miko does about 450-500k max burst damage total with the way she's build right now. you can use her with bennett and it's great. xingqiu is also super fun to run her with. my last issue is that because she has a lot of attack usually, it makes it easy for her to get injured, so i use zhongli or diona with her, but now that we have layla you could probably use her too. she's absolutely cracked and i love my yae miko with my whole heart. if you're willing to put time into her, she definitely pays off.

  14. fun fact about me is i am anti raiden shogun. i think her weapon is easy to get but getting energy recharge that's high enough to feed her is not f2p friendly at all. she does do big numbers, but i think at best she's a decent support, i would never personally use her as a dps

  15. I can understand that Ayato is more preferable than Tartaglia. Sometimes it's easier to just hold attack to perform his skill to the fullest, easier on mobile as well. I really dig Tartaglia playstyle, even though his skill cooldown is quite long sometimes. I have both of them and enjoy switching between them.

    Ayato for comfort, Childe for challenge, I guess.

  16. I would still consider Yelan S Tier. Yes Xingchiu exists BUT Xingchiu does need refinements on Sacrificial Sword to be very consistent and also there's many teams that want Xingchiu. Having Yelan makes team building easier

  17. Genshin gameplay is really simple. Sooner or later you get bored just having to spam some buttons. So I feel like characters like Klee and Childe, who are a bit harder to play, make the game more fun because you actually have to put a tiny bit of effort in while playing

  18. xiao is the reason i play genshin lol im f2p and got c1 xiao lmao after a long time of grinding, currently planning for my second team comp with raiden shogun, ayato xingqui and shinobu as a spam team

  19. yes, yoimiya is incredibly good, if a beginner player has her and doesn't have rust then slingshot is also a good alternative. I accidentally got c1 and im starting to unbench her after farming some more artifacts


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