I ranked every 5 star burst animation in Genshin Impact..I hope you enjoy my tier list 🙂
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0:00 Intro
01:14 Ranking Genshin Burst Animations
04:00 Sponsor
05:12 Ranking all Genshin Bursts
20:01 Outro
#genshinimpact #Doro44 #Genshin #ad
I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE VIDEO! REMEMBER ITS JUST A SILLY TIER LIST NOTHING TOO SERIOUS 🙂 Also, thank you Warhammer for sponsoring us today, Check out Warrhammer Tacticus: https://play.tacticusgame.com/doro44
I disagree with so many of your choices
justice for Diluc
i just realize barbara is a 4 star character that has burst animation😃
There's Diluc's 5* skin to consider as the phoenix has a slightly different animation
Kinda disappointed that you didnt include 4stars. Yes that is way more character, and yes they tend to not look as epic (duh). But they still have animations. Would like to see that.
You ranked diluc lower than baizu is a crime to me 💀
Putting Ayaka into A instead of S is a crime, she literally has the prettiest burst ever, and it even stands in line with the idea that her fan is what she uses for elemental attacks (she uses it for skill and burst if you look closely). Wtf Doro.
Wanderer in b tier is such a bad take
As a Childe main painfully agree, kinda sad he was made in 1.1
They should revamp old animations
this seems fair imo
Diluc being alone in D is just harassment fr
keqing ult slowed down is just playing hsr in normal speed
As a Xiao main, I almost died from sadness when you jokingly ranked his burst in D tier
D for dislike
I'm the type to overanalyse things if I'm trying to do this kind of tier list, and this is the criteria I came up with:
Cohesiveness – how much the burst echoes the character's personality, story, and kit
Coolness – how epic the burst is
Gravitas – how much weight the burst carries
Effectiveness – how well the design language communicates the identity of the burst
so for example, tighnari's burst is an immediate D-tier, it satisfies none of the criteria (my boy deserves better). meanwhile, Yoimiya's burst is an arguable S-tier, you know exactly what kind of character she is, it gives a sense of weight, it's pretty darn cool, and it tells you what kind of burst it is. it DOES lose points for the actual burst being more lackluster than the animation lets on, so it could also fall into A-tier for that reason, although you could argue that it's not the animation's fault, the problem lies with the design of her kit itself.
it might be difficult to consider the difference between gravitas and coolness, so here's the difference: yelan's burst is cool, but there's no sense of weight to it. meanwhile, tartaglia's burst has weight (the slow-motion drawn arrow, the suspended spinning staff), but it's not very cool. another example is lyney, who has a very cool burst, but lacks weight, and eula, whose burst feels very weighty, but isn't that cool. in my opinion, at least. don't bother arguing in any replies, it's my personal opinion on what the bursts feel like to me, and different people are gonna answer differently especially on the coolness and gravitas criteria.
Personally I think Diluc has one of the coolest burst animations, like he summons a giant eagle made of fire! sure it might not do much damage but its one the OG's and still awesome to look at
Neuvi is so godly with his burst bro its just ahhh chef's kiss
Kazuha should be THE ONLY S+ I SWEAR
I find it funny how he likes longer animations, while I just want a quick to the point animation
Now, do it on honkai star rail.🙂
overall bad taste
everybody forgot the traveler 🤣🤣🤣
Most of the S-tiers are my favourites as well. Only difference is that I'd put Scaramouche and Qiqi there too.
At this point everyone just Hate Diluc for no reason😭
What about navia according to the live?
It’s decided Doro hates the pyro characters
Lol Doro forgot to put 11:22 kazuha in s tier
I still can't get over Zhongli still trying to say the osmanthus wine line😂
This is the first Doro tier list I actually really agree with! Personally, I'd change one or two character's positions but overall, pretty darn good list.
And out of all.those characters I only have Baizou 😂
I think when that guy said Hutao is A he meant it
Honestly Doro…. I agree *chef's kiss"
I would probably do Furina in S but i can see it being A for some.
I initially didn't like Wanderer's that much but honestly, after having played him a while, I dig it a lot. I love when there's a lot of chunky sound effects after the animation too. The most bad ass ones in my opinion are Zhongli, Raiden, Yae Miko, Cyno, Keqing, Dehya, Wanderer and Wriothesley are all chef's kiss amazing, some of them give Final Fantasy X aeon overdrive vibes which I love. I just wish the damage would match the incredible violence of the animation for some of them… cough Zhongli Dehya cough
Woah no way a YouTuber who doesn't immediately just hate Aloy no matter what, imagine that!! Bu you cut out the discussion which is a bit weird.
where would you put navia's?
No love for Aloy lol.
As a Diluc Main, I must say that I think his burst animation is one of the best, the way he creates a phoenix with fire seems impressive to me. But… Maybe I see it that way only because I love him since the beginning of the game 😔💘
For quite a long time i havent seen neuvillete in your tier list but today you added him not only for burst animation but how this mf can solo just anything 🔥
What confuses me here isnt his tastes in burst animations its the reasonings behind it cause they are very contraticting at points
Okay but my favorite thing about Nahida’s burst is that Nahida reminds me of like a caregiver who is sweet to everyone, and her burst for some reason reminds me of the thing above a crib so I think its rlly sweet and wholesome
Dont hate me
Neuvillette has the best burst animation in the game
it would be D for Dehya
If this what they mean when they say top heavy?
I give Jean an A simply because we go from the burst animation to back to game view so seamlessly. We don’t suddenly snap to her back like many other burst animations.