I played Genshin Impact so you don't have to

Everything they say about Genshin impact is true.

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29 thoughts on “I played Genshin Impact so you don't have to”

  1. For a guy that can enjoy a game with a mythical monkey king for a protagonist you try to take things waaaay too seriously when it comes to following logic with "why can we play as multiple characters" and such. The transmog logic is also endlessly flawed.

    In this day and age people don't have the same time for "grinding" and want to really enjoy a game while at it, this includes how their characters look. Could also work the other way around, in WoW I did a few EXPANSIONS to get some mogs and mounts, I wouldn't have done them without a motivation to do so. We can talk about this a lot, but while I generally agree with you, this was some rare neckbeard logic that slipped out.

  2. Gatcha games or as I think of them “Got ya,” games are just designed to squeeze more cash from the players. The surprise mechanic is that you end up spending way too much money on the game and don’t realize it. They Gatcha sucker…

  3. I understand your rant about consistency in game worlds.

    Its one of the reasons why I dont like gatcha rpg.

    They need to find ways to make progress slow, otherwise people would be done with their games fast.

  4. Dear Ran…Lemme Tell you something… Genshin Impact isn't a Game…As Simple as That. Its is just a VESSEL for people to get their Waifu and Pretty Character fixes. Gameplay was Just never its Main focus lol, If it WAS the main Focus then each character would've had more than 3 attack buttons and variations/combos for each attack that would go deeper than Do Basic Attack -> Dash Cancel -> Basic attack. The gameplay is so BLAND that people have to actively challenge themselves to have fun lol, No character feels truly "Different" because each one has to fit to a Preset Mold, So and So Character will Have A Basic Attack, An Elemental Skill and a Burst… That's it… That's all(With some variations but still all the same), It will do its BEST to make you spend some money (I've fallen into the trap before, happens to the best of us 😔), But if you DO spend money on it and get a Whacky new Character that seems to have a fun gimmick that feels even a BIT…Dare i say…"Unique"… Come the Next region another character will come who does whatever That character you paid money for Does but 100x Better and with more damage while at the same time the Enemies will just Artificially be buffed with more and more HP, Therefore throwing you back in the pit and trying to squeeze more bucks out of you.

    The Gameplay is Simply a Facade, Its JUST a layer that's only skin deep with no actual depth or engagement. As a Person who Used to Play Gacha games(AR 59 in Genshin, I know… I'm sorry, I was in a Very precarious position in my life), And still sometimes logs in Just to See what's up, I can CONFIDENTLY say that the Devs only care to Pump out Good Looking Characters and Rake in AS MUCH money as possible, And Honestly….Good for them IG…Genshin Impact throughout its lifetime has earned more than Some nations lmao. At the end of their day, To each their own ig


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