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In which I read so much lore that I gained the power to see the future (maybe)
This ended up being a real challenge to make – but it was also really fun! Please lemme know what you reckon of these ideas – (and whether y’all wanna see me pattern-recognition my way into several corkboards worth of theories about any other topics sometime down the line) – in the comments! (^^)/
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+ more!
– 00:00 – Intro
– 01:07 – Context
– 04:22 – What we DO know
– 07:30 – What’s the Deal with Visions?
– 10:09 – This is the Deal with Visions
– 12:24 – Pyro Silvia
– 14:40 – It’s Giving…
– 15:12 – A Closer Look
– 18:06 – KLEE???
– 19:45 – Lore isn’t Gender Locked
– 20:34 – Theories About Natlan
– 25:15 – In Summary…
– 26:43 – Outro / Endcard
– Emmit Fenn | Anime –
– Peritune | Guitar Gentle –
– To Loom is To Love | Mini Vandals –
– Peritune | Poema –
– Peritune | Nook Nights –
– Peritune | Wish5 –
– Pink Flamenco | Doug Maxwell –
– Si Senorita | Chris Haugen –
– Dragon Rojo | Mini Vandalls –
(All tracks sourced from YouTube Audio Library & Peritune)
Howdy y’all, thanks for stopping by – and here’s wishing y’all a very merry 2024!!! 🥳🎉
I’m ringin' in the new year with a real experimental video here but I could NOT get this train of thought outta my brain without making something about it, 'cause never hearing anybody talk about some of the patterns I was noticing was driving me bonkers sdgfdks – please do lemme know what you reckon of this vid and these theories here in the comments! (^^)/
The way i stopped the video before they mentioned klee to litterally read all of klee's story parts and cried for a second thinking they'd forgotten her
This video format is so fun and cool my adhd brain is vibrating with dopamine. I would watch any video u make with this format even if i have no idea about the topics because its so fun
This video is awesome!!! I love your theory!!!! aahdbsjdbsdj ive been following you for quite a while and i feel proud watching this!! You have gotten so so good at making videos!!!!
As someone also hyperfixated in Genshin at the moment, keep the Genshin videos coming!
Very very convincing in fact i will be looking out for this moving forward and very well presented.
I want to say first (since I wrote a LOT after this lol) that this was so beautiful, easy to understand and well thought out. Thank you 😀
I do really mesh with the idea that the corrollation for Pyro vision wielders is an inheritance.
I feel like Dendro is the embodiment of "the path less traveled" or they "go against the grain" or a version of wisdom that makes sense to them….
Nahida's non-traditional view of/version of wisdom (one might consider that her taking responsibility for and even trusting Wanderer is a facet of this. I don't think many would have made the same choice)
Baizhu's intention to save Changsheng by becoming immortal rather than just letting her be passed to an apprentice
Yaoyao's determination as Ping's apprentice to the degree of moving to Liyue without her parents at such a young age
Kaveh prefering beauty and care for others in his work to the money and prestige that he is clearly capable of'
Collei choosing the difficult work of training to be a Forest Ranger even though she was literally dying
Tignari's constant refusal to move back to the city even though he was being asked after for research because he is content with his life in Gandharva ville(especially since his master is the current Amurta Sage, he would be a easy pick as a replacement down the line if he came back to the city)
Kirara could have just lived a mormal life as a Nekomata in Inazuma but she pushed to be part of the human world and travel.
Alhaitham is easily the most easy one, he could have easily been the Grand Sage, but he WANTS to do a job that is easy for him and go home and have a content life.
I do agree that I think there will be siblings as potential Archons (candidates?) but I actually hope it isn't true since nearly all of the archons have had a double or twin or some other sort of alternate version of themselves and I wish they would shake things up for the sake of making things a little less predictable.
As far as Murata is concerned, I hope she is the former archon and long dead…. mostly because I don't know that Hoyo was considering an international community when they assigned the expy of Murata Himiko, a Japanese woman, to be the Archon of a nation based on Central America and Africa…. So my hope is that they just have her be the former archon and just referenced like Egeria so we just don't hurt anyone or have community controvercy.
Bro, I think you might be onto something. This theory, not only is fun to watch, but actually make a whole lot of sense
Somthing i don't understand is why arlecchino is called a father despite her being a woman? 🤔
solid theory! especially with what little info we have to go off of!
the twin pyro archons: xiangling and bennett
Superb editing done in the video as always and an intriguing topic
Thank you for this! I love your character design vids and I wanted to make my Natlan OC be reflective of my culture 🇲🇽 and I was wondering how to represent a pyro vision. Thank you again and feliz año nuevo!
This is giving me more reasons to believe that the pyro archon would be a Kiana expy instead of Himeko's
that little clip about hyperfocus at the beginning of the sponsor section hit me so hard with the relatability that i might as well have been there for 6th august 1945
Ga Ming had a grandfather both mercenaries, yeah pretty obvious too
I can't find a mention of Chevreuse on a brief skim, so if this has mentioned already I apologize. I have finished the current event and Chevreuse mentions her father at the end and how he raised her. Including a morale that she carries with her to this day <3
I don't want to mention it specifically because the event is ongoing, so, I don't want to spoil anything for those that haven't finished it
This could be helpful to guess the elements of the Fatui Harbinger
For exemple, Sandrone = pyro (passing the torch, of the ordo or something), her design us very geo-like but Pyro would fit her
It's now obvious to me that Damselette is Anemo, tho we still need more lore
Actually, I think you're up to something. You just may miss a bit on the paralels between archon and vision bearers.
ANEMO – Living by the legacy of those who are no more so: Faruzan, for her family, Heizou, Sucrose, wanderer and Kazuha for his friends, Jean acting in the name of Varka and basically the entire Favonius legacy, Lynette for her lost childhood, Sayu for her master, and Xiao for the Yakshas
HYDRO – Hiding the truth and keeping secrets, so: Ayato, Candace, Childe, Sangonomiya, Neuvillette, Xingqiu and Yelan basically hiding or conceling their identities and Barbara, Nilou and, probably, Sigewine, hiding a part of themselves
GEO – Carry the strenght of a certain group or faction, so: Albedo leading Mondstandt' alchemists, Gorou being a general, Itto being the strenght of the Arataki gang, Navia leading and basically carrying the Spina Di Rosula, Ninguang being the force of the Liyue's Qixing, Noelle being the brute force of the Knights of Favonius, Yun Jin carrying the entire opera of Liyue
ELECTRO – Carying and taking care of friends and family, so: Beidou to her crew and Ninguang, Clorinde to Navia, Cyno to Tighnari, Dori to his own network, Fischl to "her kingdom", famility and Mona, Keqing to the Liyue's Qixing and Ganyu, Lisa to the knights, her books and Jean, Razor to Benett, Klee and his family, Sarah to the Tenryou comission and Raiden, Kuki to her fellow on the gang and Yae Miko to her Yokai and Ei.
CRYO – Pursing to force the change: Aloy and the entire story of Horizon: Zero Dawn is basically that, Ayaka trying to change Inazuma's rules, Charlotte by being a journalist and forcing the truth out, Chongyun and Frèminet by trying to change his own self, Diona trying to ban alcohol, Eula trying to change her family roots, Ganyu her own Adepti nature, Kaeya pretty much everything, Layla her own self, Mika I don't know (still, haven't read his backgroud), QiQi death itself, Rosaria her nun roots, Shenhe by changing herself to better understand the human world and Wriosthley the way Meriopede works
DENDRO: Being faifhfull to the own core believe, so: Alhaitham to himself, Collei to her new path, Kaveh to his dreams, Kirara to her own code of being the best mailwoman, Tighnari to his own knowledge and way to things, and Yaoyao to her heritage and the way she sees the world
PYRO: Being the new generation of something, so: Amber, next generation of outriders, Bennet the new generation of adveturers, Dehya the new generation of eremites, Diluc, the new generation of winemakers, Hu Tao, the new generation of the funeral parlor, Liney, the new generation of mages, Thoma, the new generation of… Whatever Thoma does, Xingling the new generation of Liyue cuisine, Xinyan, the new generation of Liyue music, Yanfei, the new generation of Liyue laws, Yoimiya, the new generation of firework makers, Chevrouse, a new generation of her patrol of musketeers, Klee the new generation of the Hexen circle and last but not least, Arlechinno the new and changed Fatui's Knaive.
Fun fact: murata is most likely inspired by Murata Himeko (HI3 character with red hair), who is known for dying, so i wouldnt be surprised if we see the archon dying and "passing the torch" to the next during the natlan storyline
21:05 Finally watching the video, this bit reminds me of a really cool idea I thought of and wanted to see in Natlan, I would love if we got a scene where a bunch of ghosts of former Pyro Archons showed up similarly to the line of kings in Macbeth, but I doubt they would make so many new models just to show up one or two times, so it might have to be a 2D cutscene like with the Yakshas
Also when you said about possibly the tribes warring to have their representative be chosen and the Muratans going on a pilgrimage to wish their god back, that reminded me that I would also like the idea that there could be a major antagonistic group who aim to resurrect a legendary commander/leader from their history (or allow the spirit to possess their current leader) who will be able to lead them to victory, somewhat like the Eremites from the desert, but this time as more of a main focus and more likely to succeed, since the King Deshret thing was mostly a false rumour propagated by the Akademiya
Also for some other less related Natlan ideas/thoughts I had, firstly, I (and probably many other people) would love for Tartaglia to show up there because he is the greatest lover of combat and also admires Capitano who will be there too (I hope they can collaborate), but his appearance in the Fontaine storyline makes me doubt this idea a bit, since he might be showing up too much if this is the case.
I also have always liked the idea of Tartaglia dying in Natlan, it's quite far into the story and would fit so well for his final fall to take place in the nation of war (of all currently playable characters, he is the one that I would love to have a final death)
The one thing getting in the way of this idea though is that if he dies in the Natlan chapter it will remove all possibility of him appearing in Snezhnaya (he pretty much has to) and Khaenri'ah (he could, since ties to the Abyss) so I think the next best time for his demise would be in the Khaenri'ah chapter
Another idea which was more of a random thought without much to it is that I would also like to see some sort of 'Natlan Furina' who is always sitting up at the top of a colosseum and watching the fights happen. They could be the Pyro Archon, or the representative of the dragons (since the dragons have merged into society in Natlan) or even some sort of villain who demands sacrifices
Absolutely adored this! Your analysis on what it is exactly that aligns certain characters to a certian element is a much more thurough version of a theory I've tossed around with some friends for a while. I was pretty set on cryo and hydro- though I also wonder if anemo not only is the loss of a familial figure, but also dependent on how the character goes about that loss; coming to terms with, and growing to accept both the pain and themselves. Though I havent gone very deep into everyone, I'm thinking pretty specifically about characters like Kazuha and wanderer, so that idea could be null. But Pyro being a pretty literal passing of the torch definitely makes a lot of sense.
I am thinking about how these aspects apply to the traveler. So far, I think perhaps every backstory could apply here, adding an extra layer to them being able to wield every element. If the theory about the decenders being connected to each samsara turns out to be true, that means the traveler also fits the "passing of the torch" idea as well. Or whatever cryptic message the abyss sibling left us previously, since the traveler, uh, traveling is following in their footsteps… I think that discussion could make a great follow up video if you were interested in any other lore discussion ideas!
About the vision traits thing, mostly everything you've said about it seems very accurate! I only managed to figure out the Hydro vision association after seeing the duality/two-sides theme of Fontaine (it was the element that puzzled me for longest despite being my favourite in this game), while it was someone's post or comment on Reddit that helped me realise the Pyro vision association (in less detail/specific than you described, but with mostly the same or similar idea)
I've never thought about the Geo vision association in the way that you mentioned but I can see it being the case, as for Dendro I would like to offer the idea I had, I haven't thought about it too much before so it could be inaccurate, but it might be to do with wanting to help others? I'll try and list how it could fit with everyone
Nahida – She has always wanted to help people and be a worthy and generous leader/Archon, even when confined within the sanctuary
Collei – Forest ranger, job to keep safety in the forest. Her vision story was also about aiding another girl out in the wild in bad weather or something.
Tighnari – Leader of the rangers and also quite strict with making sure people take the correct measures to stay safe and healthy. I think his vision story also had something to do with speaking up to correct someone's mistake in a lecture.
Kaveh – Huge empath and often gets himself into unfortunate scenarios due to his inclination towards helping others.
Kirara – Delivery girl and seems to take her job quite seriously to not mess with the package. Also may partly believe that non-humans can fit into society by working because of what Yae Miko told her, which in her case may be interpreted as service, or 'work for others'.
Yaoyao – I'm pretty sure she's sort of like a caretaker or assistant to Ganyu and is the type of person who tries to care for or advise others.
Alhaitham – Not sure, I probably could find out if I read about his lore more, but perhaps it's a bit similar to Tighnari and Doctor Ratio from Honkai Star Rail in that he wants to correct people when they're not thinking straight? But I think he's not that interested in others and mostly only does things if it benefits himself or is personally interested like when he said that he only joined in overthrowing the Sages so that he's more comfortable at work or something, so I don't really know
It is really hard to believe this theory is far off the mark. In fact, it seems really plausible that it may as well be correct. How would you have named each vision, according to all these thoughts? Like Pyro being Heritage, Cryo being Conflict, Electro as Connection, Anemo as Loss, etc.
17:20 Maybe you've seen it already when reading about her, but she also made a contract with her parents!
And another thing about the genius of Pyro's 'family legacy' association is that the fireplace is already associated with family, as with the goddess Hestia from Greek mythology, and the House of the Hearth's name (as well as Arlecchino and Lyney's vision) has a double meaning with both the 'home and family' link of the fireplace and also being a symbolic representation of protection against the cold of Snezhnaya
My personal theory for the reason the Pyro characters got their vision, is because their fighting style is good in war/battle.
Diluc is very brutal and heavy in his attacks. His ultimat is that of a phoenix, hitting many of the enemy all at once.
Dehya is strong in close hand-to-hand combat and is not easily knocked over, staying strong till she perishes.
Hu Tao deals with the dead, removing them and making sure that disease doesnt spread.
Klee has bombs…
Lyney is quick on his feet and tricks his opponent with fake weak points (His cat in a hat).
Yoimiya has powerful long-ranged shots, which deal a lot of dmg to 1 enemy.
Amber is the gliding champion, which has made her able to fly longer and better in the air than the rest.
Bennett supports his team as well as heals them, allowing them to stay in the fight longer.
Thoma provides a shield as well as flames to keep his team safe.
Xiangling cooking fills her team's stomach and provides them with energy for the next battle.
Xinyan plays music to lift her teams spirits as well as provide a shield at c2
Yanfei is a woman of law and makes sure it is followed, which war itself also has.
This was my own little theory at the start of Genshin and as more characters were added it became harder to see their reasoning for being good enough to receive a Pyro vision. It's still fun to do but I personally don't belive in it anymore.
As far as I know, the idea that the Pyro Archon we'll meet in Natlan won't be the first Pyro Archon is very much canon!
I don't remember if it was Zhongli or Venti, but at least one of them told us that they were the only 2 Archons left from the ones who won the Archon War. And that was verified ever since, though sometimes surprisingly.
As for Murata.
1 – Venti's intel can hardly be trusted for a whole lot of reasons. He has big gaps in his knowledge because he often sleeps for centuries at a time, and therefore has no idea what's currently going on ; he is a bard and therefore both tend to embellish stories and to rely on other's stories that might be embellished ; and there are serious theories claiming that Celestia has basically gagged him to make sure he won't reveal too much.
2 – She's almost certainly dead. She's the one Venti remembers, which means she's most likely the Pyro Archon from the Archon War, and as stated previously, that Archon is at least not an Archon anymore, if she's even alive.
A succession war is indeed the most common theory I've heard for Natlan's storyline. Some people actually theorized that the whole reason Natlan is so unsafe is because that succession war has been going on for a while without any winner — aka, that there is currently no Pyro Archon at all. I don't remember the details, but basically the idea is that the Pyro Archon died quite a while ago (was it Murata or her successor? how long ago?), and the country has been in a state of unrest since then, without anyone managing to claim the title of Archon.
I find that idea fascinating, especially because Fontaine's revelations asked more questions than they answered at to what exactly an Archon is, and the idea that the title could exist but be empty/unclaimed I think works pretty well as a parallel to what happened in Fontaine!
Anyway, thanks for the video, it was really fun and interesting !
I guess king deshrekt will be ressurected may be
Great theory, but with the anemo visions thing, I'm gonna have to dispute your claim there. Sure, Faruzan lost her famly, but she got her vision before she even knew that had happened. Lynette didn't lose Lyney, she got her vision because she didn't lose him, for Jean, Varka isn't dead, he's just gone on an expedition, and he's only been gone half a year. Sure, Sayu's sensei left, but that has nothing to do with how she got her vision. Also, I feel like similarities with the archon doesn't exactly determine your vision, since, well, then that wouldn't have anything to do with your ambition. Similarities to Furina doesn't mean much because (massive spolier alert) she isn't even the real hydro archon. Also, for Geo, Noelle isn't even a knight yet, she's still a maid, so she doesn't really qualify for that. Also, Navia wasn't the head of the spina when she got her vision, since her father was still alive. Beidou is the Captain of the Crux ship, so why isn't she Geo? Also, I'm not trying to be rude, but the electro thing was a stretch and a half. Ayato has a sister he's very protective of. Besides, Fischl's 'tie to a female character' is a tie to a fictional character, so that doesn't really make sense. For Cryo, Diona isn't mad at her dad, she just doesn't like him drinking, and wants to protect him by destroying Monstadt's wine industry. Also, if Ganyu is cryo because of her 'dual heritage' shouldn't Yanfei be cryo too? For Dendro, the Greater Lord hasn't been in Nahida's life because she's dead, they've only met once and Kaveh's mother left him. Also, wouldn't that make either Lynette, Lyney or Freminet dendro because they have Arlecchino? Or make Childe dendro because he had Skirk?
After watching this video I kinda fell down a vision theory rabbit hole, and I kinda agree more with ShadowX5452 Gaming's theory about visions, I feel like it has a lot less holes, but this is still a pretty good theory. I mean, this theory has been discussed before, specifically the bit with fighting to get the role of pyro archon and the fact that Murata is dead, in fact ShadowX5452 Gaming made a similar theory, although with a tournament arc instead, he also noticed the 'womb'' and predicted that the new pyro archon would still technically be 'Murata'. But yeah, it's still a great theory!
Bro cooked.
I find the idea that Visions are given because of kinship with the Archon absolutely fascinating !
It personnifies both the Visions and the Archons in a way a distribution based on values doesn't.
It would make some sens if the Archons were the ones giving out Visions – but it seems very unlikely by this point.
But if some other entity (likely but not certainly Celestia) is giving out Visions based on backstory similarities… that's saying a lot.
For me, it would mean that your story, the events in your life that made you who you are, are deemed more important than values or achievements, and not just for normal people, but for Archon's too! It means that what's fondamental to an element (both for its Archon and Vision wielders) is not some core value or wish, it's a life story.
And I think that ties pretty well into the idea that Teyvat is stuck in a time loop. I haven't played all of the quests yet, but there is a series of Fontaine's quests that tells a whole lot of lore, and apparently one of the conclusions people came to was that Teyvat is stuck in a time loop. As the 4th descender, we would be in the 4th loop.
As I said, I haven't played all of them yet, but what I have played included characters stuck in a story, that may have been children from the past, reenacting their childhood stories.
I don't have all of the details, but if some entity keeps reenacting Teyvat's story again and again, presumably until it gets the ending it wants (or because it doesn't want to see it end), then it makes total sens that it would consider elements from a narrative perspective !
If it's all a story, then it makes sens to be most interested by people backstories !
Along with the Mayan myths, it seems Natlan is gonna be heavily based on Aztec culture. They were what would be considered a warmongering tribe. To be considered that way when compared to other waring nations is something else. There is a story about them asking for a princess to marry from another tribe but when the other tribe went to see her they realized the aztec had flayed her and the leader, I believe, was wearing her skin. Those guys were brutal.
I really like your theory and the presentation!
I will add : we know pyro archon won't give the gnosis peacefully so Capitano will have to take it by force. It is in theme of passing the torch as maybe Capitano will have to win the title of pyro archon to gain the gnosis 🤔
22:39 the part about wishing goes well with another theory I saw about the traveler being a 'falling star' being able to solve every nation's incident by the wishes and ambitions by their citizens (most clearly seen in the fight against Ei at the end of the Inazuma archon quest).