I Made Bennett the Pyro Archon of Genshin Impact:

I took my c6 Bennett to the next level by triple crowning him! I am really enjoying using him as a main DPS… even if he is just a 4-star! The damage has been solid, and I am trying to find other characters to enjoy in the spiral abyss! #genshinimpact

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31 thoughts on “I Made Bennett the Pyro Archon of Genshin Impact:”

  1. Mona is pog for bennett mains. The rotations have to be tighter though. Bennett E, to kazu E, xq Q, kazu Q, mona Q to Bennett Q. You want to get the pyro shred which you werent getting since you were using kazu E and q on xq. Need that kazu E from benny's E to shred pyro before swirling hydro.

  2. Just wanted to report that I channeled my inner Mtashed on the weapon banner. TLDR got three 5 stars in a total of 36 wishes, and I only have 160 primos left. My Diluc is usable again!

  3. Just a thing to point out, if you still had him at C5, you could put Chongyun into the final slot, then the normal atks from benny, paired with chongs ice infusion and xingqiu water, would freeze the enemy, and since the normal swords doesn't trigger shatter, you would have pretty much every Bennet's elemental skills melting. altho you would lose some vapes from the C6 Bennet normal atks, so I suppose dmg wise it would be pretty much the same, but you could play with Chongs, which is quite a fun character to use


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