I Made a TERRIBLE Mistake…! Genshin Impact

A couple videos ago, I recommended 210 pulls for the weapon banner. How close was my experience to the advice I provided? In this video, I pull for a refinement 5 Staff of Homa and show how many pulls it took.

0:00 | Intro
1:20 | Resources and History
2:05 | Start of Summons
8:27 | Pulls continued
10:30 | Summary of Results


41 thoughts on “I Made a TERRIBLE Mistake…! Genshin Impact”

  1. some people had their worst pulling session in this banner but not me. this banner, character and weapon banner, I won 2x 50/50 in character banner which result in 2 hutao with c4 thoma and win another 50/50 in weapon banner for that staff of homa. although all of the 5* coming from soft pity and not before but I consider myself very lucky

  2. @IWin2Lose I had 109 saved fates, I wanted R1 Homa, I selected Homa, I got 2 elegy in 70 wishes… I refined it and gave it to Sara since she is c6 and is good on her for my C3 Raiden. But I really wanted Homa, got R4 wavebreaker polearm and R4 Wavebreaker Bow. On the bright side my next is guaranteed Homa and I’m like 40 wishes in, so I got Welkin for it. Glad I didn’t get off banner at least. I really hate the weapon banner.

  3. Me: 170 fates
    Me pulling hu tao(guranteed): 20 pulls
    Me pulling homa: 40 pulls got a godly 10 shot 1 homa and 1 harp
    Me pulling for c1 hu tao: 71

    I am now left with 39 fates, converted some starglitters and got 56 fates


  4. imo the epitomized path is a scam
    I charted course for the Unforged instead of Engulfing Lightning and I got Engulfing Lightning and now I charted course for Elegy for the end, I got 2 Staff of Homa's in one multi.


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