I Found My Perfect Team (ft. Hu Tao) | Genshin Impact

Hey guys. I just wanted to make a simple video highlighting my Hu Tao team comp and all of the theory that goes into this comp. This particular team allows for …


43 thoughts on “I Found My Perfect Team (ft. Hu Tao) | Genshin Impact”

  1. amazing video, always find myself questioning my team comp building but second opinions like this i found valuable for that reason. Slight note, i noticed at 9:03 in the video you mixed up "pyro application" instead of "hydro application"

  2. Hu Tao with Xingqiu is one of the best duos in the game! One of my team comps is Hu Tao, Childe, Xingqiu C6 and Bennet or Xianglin C6. Everything in the game is a piece of cake with that team. I’ve been thinking of building Beidou as well! Giving her the Wolfs Gravestone is a plus as well so she can buff your dps characters.

  3. Overload Hu Tao also works really well with Sucrose because of her CC mechanics. She also gives a ton of EM, so you can maximize your reaction damage while focusing Hu Tao's build on Crit instead.

  4. You guys are running hydro characters? I just gave up on all the hydro characters because I hate the Oceanid and couldn't defeat it a single time. RIP c6 Barbara and C3 Xinqiu

  5. I have been playing genshin for a few months now, and have been searching for a genshin creator that I really can relate to and that I enjoy their content. I am happy to say that I have finally found them! Keep up the great work!

  6. Maybe it's time to finally level up the Beidou I've been neglecting… I have a C1 Hu Tao but haven't been sure of what comp I can fit her into. Going to try this out!

  7. Great video as always.

    I'm leveling all my characters to friendship 10. I'm currently on Beidou, Xingqui, and Ningguong since the were my most recent additions. I just finished Sucrose and pulled Venti. Beidou/Xingqui into a Sucrose or Venti ult are just ludicrous. Tossing pyro in there as well (when I'm near a fire source) just melts things. Both Ningguong and Venti are really good at quick applications of Xingqui's ult (and I think Beidou's). The damage is pretty insane. If you have Venti, try Beidou/Xingqui into a Venti ult with Klee just fast attacking and popping her skills.

  8. Been doing some casual research, and it turns out I have almost an identical main team comp now.

    I originally started out with Klee / Fischl / Diona / Barbara
    When I rolled Beidou, she replaced Fischl. Then I rolled Hu Tao, who replaced Klee. I recently managed to bring Xingqiu to level 80.

    Now, I'm running Hu Tao, Beidou, Diona, Xingqiu.

  9. WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : 18cams.xyz

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