I Fixed This Whale's ENTIRE Account… | Genshin Impact

This Viewer had a C6 R5 Yae Miko, but couldn’t get past Floor 12 of the Spiral Abyss… So I helped save their account. ▽ OPEN …


40 thoughts on “I Fixed This Whale's ENTIRE Account… | Genshin Impact”

  1. If you're here watching Zy0x and reading this and feeling inspired, then keep going grinding away! We are all in the same boat here looking for ways to help all our channels. keep up the good work and Never Give Up!

  2. I definitely need help with my account. I'm struggling with Abyss and trying to figure out who to level up to help me in Abyss bosses usually aren't a problem but I can't 3 star 11-3 or get past floor one of 12-1. It's a huge struggle. This is the farthest I've ever made it but it's extremely difficult for me even though. I've spent so much money on this game just to struggle this much

  3. im honestly really tired of these type of reviews (not bc of Z). its very clear people are just doing this to get into videos. there's no way youre spending thousands to grab characters, you watch channels like this to even know they do reviews, and you haven't built the characters by now. its getting really repetitive and boring having to watch someone be told "yea level 1 person up first"

  4. He can use Zhongli and Albedo bursts even though they take too long or low investment. Just the i-frame time is worth it if he is not that good at dodging. Just a small note for me 😅

  5. I love these videos!!! I’m trying to help fix my friends account atm and I constantly refer to ur videos when I’m fixing her characters. She has really bad internet and lag kills her a lot in the abyss, but I had never thought of making her a comfy team! Such a great idea!!! Thank u for all ur help Zy0x, u are the best!


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