I farmed 10000 PRIMOGEMS just to get CHIORI | inazuma lock (genshin impact)

Losing a 50/50 won’t stop me, even so I can’t believe I actually did it.

Inazuma lock: I can only pull characters from inazuma…

In this video I play through a ton of world quests like the Khvarena of good and evil, while gathering chests and achievements to get enough primogems to pull for arataki Itto, at least I WAS gonna pull for arataki Itto but hoyoverse had different plans for me. I ended up getting Chiori instead. Either way they’re both the last inazuman characters so getting one or the other is good enough to me.


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#genshinimpact #chiori

genshin impact version 4.5


21 thoughts on “I farmed 10000 PRIMOGEMS just to get CHIORI | inazuma lock (genshin impact)”

  1. I can’t explain why I find this series so damn charming but I do! I was so excited to see an update and watching you complete quest after quest, turn in sigils, unlocking shrines, and collecting all those chests were so flipping satisfying! Congrats on your Chiori and good luck on that Itto primos farming! Can’t wait for the next update!


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