1. Pretty sure my Miko is still better 2. Why are you using 4 piece thundering fury for an aggravate Miko? She doesn’t need the cooldown reduction and Gilded Dreams is better for aggravate anyways.
Miko Mains are actually Miko Simps. They worship her, for she is their Queen – the very reason for their existence.
Any and all "problems" that people have with her gameplay don't exist among the Miko Mains. For they have ascended beyond such trivial issues. Miko Mains are forever Right Here, Right Now.
I chose to pull for yoimiya bc i prefer bow characters since thats my fav type and catalysts are my least fav. Yae miko does look really interesting but i feel like id just get bored so i skip her banner
4TF is not good on Yae as she doesn't benefit much from the 4-set piece passive. 4GD or a mix and match between 2TF, 2EOSF, 2EM, 2ATK sets are much better. Good luck farming!
Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed the video! It was a lot of fun to work on my Yae Miko and she isn’t too bad of a five star.
My team / yae raiden scramochiii nahida aka family team hahaha
It just hurts me when you day easy to build,i was farming for 4 piece gilded fir aggravate yae,but just kept getting deepwood artifact
And since u asked i think 4 piece gilded is BIS for yae if u use aggravate
12:17 my yoimiya happy to see that 😢
1. Pretty sure my Miko is still better
2. Why are you using 4 piece thundering fury for an aggravate Miko? She doesn’t need the cooldown reduction and Gilded Dreams is better for aggravate anyways.
1:31 Ah, the classic problem of elemental immunities. Just another demonstration as to why physical damage ISN'T useless.
Miko Mains are actually Miko Simps. They worship her, for she is their Queen – the very reason for their existence.
Any and all "problems" that people have with her gameplay don't exist among the Miko Mains. For they have ascended beyond such trivial issues. Miko Mains are forever Right Here, Right Now.
Source: I am also a Miko Main.
Can't believe people pulling garbage Yomiya 😂😂😂😂
I want to get yae but I’m so unlucky and I barely begun the game and am F2P
I chose to pull for yoimiya bc i prefer bow characters since thats my fav type and catalysts are my least fav. Yae miko does look really interesting but i feel like id just get bored so i skip her banner
I got C1 yae a few days ago!
Next step: became a miko main 100%
Thundering Fury Is useless on her 2pc/2pc or gilded Is better
4TF is not good on Yae as she doesn't benefit much from the 4-set piece passive. 4GD or a mix and match between 2TF, 2EOSF, 2EM, 2ATK sets are much better. Good luck farming!
as a c6 miko main since her release, I prefer 2 atk/2 em. but other 2 pieces also work, those are just my preference🧛♀️
bruh underrated af