Hyv will DOWNGRADE Genshin's Graphic.. but..| Genshin Impact

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40 thoughts on “Hyv will DOWNGRADE Genshin's Graphic.. but..| Genshin Impact”

  1. Bro why does this game overheats my iPhone 13 to the extent it makes the game crash. Like just 30 mins in game and my phone overheats, and I even play in low graphics. This never happened to my cheap android I used to play on. Any fixes?

  2. Imagine upgrading the visuals in a game with no native 120 FPS.

    Imagine indirectly telling your players to upgrade their devices that were capable of running the game on a decent performance because they will become a pixelated mess.

    Imagine telling your players that your almost 4 year old game isn't gonna run smoothly on mid range devices of the same year.

  3. I play in native 4K (maxed of course) on my 55" LG OLED with an RTX3080Ti (the game looks and plays awesome)…it would be nice to see the game working in 120FPS, so G-Sync could work properly. And it also could be great if they upgrade the low resolution textures in the environments and for the characters too, some textures in clothing are way too blurry/low res and look bad in cutscenes.
    And I don't mind some new particle effects with physics added. Remember the good old days of PhysX? Something like that. I'm quite sure they will upgrade to a newer version of Unity which sure supports better shaders, physics and particle effects.

  4. Without wanting to cause a shitstorm. I believe that a compromise has to be made somewhere for Genshin. It would be a shame if everyone had to forego good graphics just because a large group was playing the game on mobile. And it can't be the case that we all have to supply ourselves with new devices.

  5. I play on mobile rn, iPhone 14. I turned down my graphics already to medium and it’s increased my battery life plus it doesn’t get as hot. I’m at inazuma rn so we’ll just have to see where my phone is at by the time I get to Fontaine 😔

  6. I thought I saw somewhere that the changes will only affect the devices that meet the requirements. So, if you play on an older device, nothing should really change for you.

  7. Here's what i'm thinking
    Genshin, is making Hunger game of devices. Only the rich (or casual peeps with good devices) will remain at the end.
    Everytime, genshin takes more and more and more storage from you, the graphics EVEN ON LOW STILL CAN HEAT YOUR MOBILE/COMPUTER. (i cannot even download genshin on my pc despite it having been on my pc before, i have converted to a mobile player because A PHONE I FOUND ON THE FOREST FLOOR. is the only thing BARELY even able to make it run decently)


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