Hypostatic Symphony F2P Guide – Day 3, Challenge 3 (Primogems + More) | Genshin Impact Event

Guide on the new Hypostatic Symphony event in Genshin Impact. Total reward for this event is 420 primogems and some upgrade materials.
Need average of 2860 points per fight to get all rewards.
Only need 2000 points each to get the unique nameplate reward.
Day 3 Geo Boss / Challenge 3 F2P Guide – 2925 points.

Overall guide for all 3 Hypostatsis Cube bosses: https://youtu.be/3UICfg9XJnk

Check out my other Boss and F2P Character Guides in my channel.

0:00 10 Primogems
0:30 Day 3 Overview
1:01 F2P Team Setup
1:32 Boss Guide
5:35 Attack Pattern/Guide


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41 thoughts on “Hypostatic Symphony F2P Guide – Day 3, Challenge 3 (Primogems + More) | Genshin Impact Event”

  1. Only need 2000 pts each fight to get the unique nameplate reward at 14000 pts. No need to stress over the 2860 pt average, that's just for some extra mora and ores.

  2. For people with higher level Noelle, her shield absorbs 250% Geo Damage. Most of the attacks you dodged (like the single pillar AoE) can simply be tanked with her shield. The same applies to Zhongli and his Geo shield.

  3. i totally missed that when the boss does the quake attack, you have to plunge attack off the geo structure to start doing damage again otherwise the quake attack continues… destroying your geo structure. remembering the plunge attack mechanic from day 2's anemo boss… also, i panicked and forgot about destroying the crystals and putting the geo structure under the boss during that phase and rode it out [didn't select any extra damage item for the boss] don't know if my hopping about avoided any damage or not. you were correct about the only remaining attacks being the clap & hammer. got by with like 1935 points or something… when you get old like me, 30yrs gaming experience means nothing when the signals between your brain and your hands don't work as well as they used to. thanks for the tips, again!

  4. whyyy is this one so hard ahhh if you don't have a built shield character you're basically screwed… I keep getting all the way to the end with the revival pillars and running out of time 😐

  5. You guides are awesome. Thanks a lot. Btw for anyone who couldn't use MC's E for the small quake attack (like at 6:15), you can actually jump to avoid the shockwave from it. Have to time it properly though.

  6. If you don't have the mc on your party, you can still avoid the quake by picking up 2 of the crystal sheild. It absorb 250% of geo dmg. The sheild stack up so pickup two at a time. Claymore can break the prism faster like 2 hits.

  7. Wow, man. Thank you very much. Before watching your videos, I wasn't able to get more than ~1500 on the first three fights of the event. Now I'm doing an average of 3000 on each. And what I think is the best part of what you're doing is keeping it ACTUALLY F2P. Not like an specific F2P that's got a 4-stars dream team, as many other guys here on YT, but really F2P. It's really great content that you're producing!

  8. youre actually very helpful and informative oh my god the other youtubers said "f2p guide" but turned out having zhongli to kill it so thankyou so muchhhh you deserve more views and subs!!

  9. Thanks for the geo mc ideas. This boss fucking sucks. I don't mind the challenge at all, but the quake shit where you can't tank it and kill all the crystals in time is the most annoying shit ever. Whenever I try to use I frames to dodge it never works, don't know if it's timing specific or if it just straight up doesn't work.

  10. На моём канале есть видео прохождения Электро, Анемо,Гео Куба 3к+ очков,

    4* персонажами, f2p аккаунт. Кому интересно заходите и посмотрите.


    Сome to my canal Electro, Anemo and Geo Hypostasis Event 3k p+ f2p acc.

  11. i highly recommend not taking -crit + switching characters take more dmg after sprint + switching characters means you take more dmg AND use main characters E to help kill the pillows

  12. I just finished this one with 2970. IT DIDN'T MAKE ANY OF THE PILLARS and just did the same clapping attack. Idk how but I think it was where I was standing (where the pillar was going to be. I used Klee and Xingqiu. I think it got bugged but lucky me after trying so many times.

  13. Thank you. It still took some time to train up my reflexes and to learn how exactly everything is done but there were things that I would never figure out myself and they helped me tremendously.

  14. Please also mention how many times you try this because you give the wrong impression that it can be done easily. I do twice the damage and I am not able to pass this with such high score.

  15. Also I'm not sure if this happens with anyone else but if you stand next to geo hypostasis when it appears, it can glitch the pillars and cause two pillars to be right next to each other, and sometimes they spawn too close to each other and one pillar just breaks immediately. Hopefully this speeds up ur progress 🙂


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