HYDRO Traveller! FIRST Hydro SHIELDER CRACKED Kit | Genshin Impact Leaks

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Hello, and welcome back to my office! Here you can find the latest Genshin news, leaks, and everything in between. Like the video and Subscribe to never miss your daily appointment. Join our Genshin Discord server where you can get even more information and hang out. The link is in the description. One of the big points in Genshin Impact is The Traveller’s ability to change elements as we progress through the different game regions. Many players would argue the most recent Dendro version is the best of the current 4, but 4.0’s Fontaine is only a version away and the leaks for the Hydro edition are here! Unless otherwise specified, all information comes from private sources I will not disclose. To get one of the more concerning/worrying things out of the way, it seems that underwater exploration is almost impossible without the use of the Hydro Traveller. If you stuck around till the end of the Version 3.7 Special Program you’ll know they showed off some of the underwater segments of Fontaine. They showed the Hydro Traveller swimming without particle effects, suggesting Hydro Traveller doesn’t have a need for oxygen, likely the blessing of the Hydro Archon, Focalors. It was already confirmed there will be an oxygen feature, and there will be spots underwater periodically where you can get more. However this will likely be much more tedious. With that out of the way, let’s get right to the point. From the intel I have, the Hydro Traveller is heavily damage mitigation/reduction based. The two claims for the skill are a Hydro shield, providing a slight buff and dealing periodic AoE Hydro damage. The other claim is for a set of Hydro bubbles to home in and stun enemies, or debuff them. It’s likely this will scale off of HP, which might be a problem as there are not many F2P HP swords. Hopefully the amount needed isn’t too high. While the skill is relatively simple, the burst is much more complicated, with multiple conflicting claims. The most reliable provides team-wide buffs. While the buff is in effect the active character will unleash attacks automatically that lowers enemy’s ATK and deals heavy damage. It’s suggested this will also reduce incoming damage. Xingqiu may have just gotten heavy competition. One of the passives may also increase the burst’s damage based on how many times you’ve recently taken damage, or how many enemies are nearby. All things considered, this seems pretty cracked especially the burst and may be a good option for someone like Dehya. Stay tuned for more news coming soon, we’re still waiting on some more in the near future! Is a shield a good choice? Leave a comment about if you think Hydro Traveller will be just as good as the Dendro version. That’s all for this appointment! Consider picking your next appointment from here, and I’ll see you next time.

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12 thoughts on “HYDRO Traveller! FIRST Hydro SHIELDER CRACKED Kit | Genshin Impact Leaks”

  1. Idk, I feel like a shield would be kinda redundant. Doesn’t Fontaine have a bunch of stuff that directly effect the HP, irregardless of whether there’s a shield or not?

  2. I wish the Hydro traveler could cast a bubble just like the Hydro Abyss Mage. It's so overpowered that the Hoyoverse delays granting us that power to use.


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