genshinimpact #genshinlore #genshinimpactlore Welcome to my favorite topic in Genshin Impact today; all the human sacrifices that are in lore. On a side note, …
Memento Mori, y’all. Great video Aster, i like Your train of thought. Also, there is no reason to worry about death, the life is granted for us to enjoy every second of it, so try to be happy as much as You can <3 ( I know, that what i just wrote doesn’t make sense, sorry)
I think for Il Dottore to success in his experiment he need one think even he himself didn't see it. "Willingness". He need human to willing to become stronger.
Tuning in from the future. Am I to understand you are discriminating against immortal humans? By the way aren't you going to continue playing Honkai?… Wait redact that line… of course you are going to play… I knew that already… yeah…
u know its strange most of the main quests involving playabe characters(with the exception of a few ) portray tevyat as a bright world filled with sunshine and rainbows ,until that one quest where u realise that adorable village has been sacrificing children to some bird .
I am simply put,amazed your narration,tone and presentation are spot on as always. Thank you for regailing us with this grim tale and of course chilling with us.
now i definitely dont want the traveller to team up with the fatui in the future i want them to commit mass genocide against them i know i do it feels good to wipe out fatui mobs every day
I really do appreciate all the effort you put into making these videos! you keep me engaged in the theories and lore even during times when I'm not actively playing every day lol you have a really cool way of storytelling!
I'm never gonna look at Sea Ganoderma the same way again. Kazuha we have some talking to do… That Scaramouche line intro was amazing! Watching this at 12:44 am is a really good idea to stay awake (◎_◎;)
14:30 genshin's been good with russian names mostly but this killed me (with laughter). Borenka is a deminitive, and a very cute one. It's odd to call high rank officer this way. In dener… i mean weeb words it's like Boris-chan.
The story of Sal Terrae is probably the only one I wouldn’t say counts as a human sacrifice, but more of a tragedy. The people of Sal Terrae didn’t know what would happen upon killing their god, and she only wanted to protect them. No one involved gained anything from the cities petrification. It was all just a bunch of mistakes that led to their own demise.
Don't let anyone ruin your day, it's your day!
ruin it by reading the dark lore of Genshin Impact.
Memento Mori, y’all.
Great video Aster, i like Your train of thought. Also, there is no reason to worry about death, the life is granted for us to enjoy every second of it, so try to be happy as much as You can <3
( I know, that what i just wrote doesn’t make sense, sorry)
The opening gave me shivers. The flat-earther's voice can make anything look serious.
This video proved scaramouche’s words
I think for Il Dottore to success in his experiment he need one think even he himself didn't see it.
"Willingness". He need human to willing to become stronger.
Me: ah yes let me play this game it seems so comforting and nice
Me now: cry every time I remember Ruu
A very chill video indeed
Tuning in from the future. Am I to understand you are discriminating against immortal humans?
By the way aren't you going to continue playing Honkai?… Wait redact that line… of course you are going to play… I knew that already… yeah…
The real cost of Kazuha's ascension revealed

sacrifices yess… first playable character sacrificed when?
"Bodies in the water"
*Please repeat the following phrase slowly and clearly into your terminal microphone:
I do not recognize the bodies in the water.*
u know its strange most of the main quests involving playabe characters(with the exception of a few ) portray tevyat as a bright world filled with sunshine and rainbows ,until that one quest where u realise that adorable village has been sacrificing children to some bird .
"chill with aster" mm yes absolutely, I have chills running down my spine on a lovely tuesday morning
ah, I see we're just as "chill" as we used to be here
I like it, I like it
I am simply put,amazed your narration,tone and presentation are spot on as always. Thank you for regailing us with this grim tale and of course chilling with us.
"genshin lore is too childish"
…sea ganoderma is children corpse
the chill in chill with aster is all a gigantic hoax- a LIE
I've been planting children in my tea pot? Wuut?
now i definitely dont want the traveller to team up with the fatui in the future
i want them to commit mass genocide against them
i know i do
it feels good to wipe out fatui mobs every day
Kazuha are you ok-
I really do appreciate all the effort you put into making these videos! you keep me engaged in the theories and lore even during times when I'm not actively playing every day lol you have a really cool way of storytelling!
I'm never gonna look at Sea Ganoderma the same way again. Kazuha we have some talking to do…
That Scaramouche line intro was amazing! Watching this at 12:44 am is a really good idea to stay awake (◎_◎;)
this video just shows that aster could make this channel a genshin horror story one and do amazing cause this was super spooky and fantastic
14:30 genshin's been good with russian names mostly but this killed me (with laughter). Borenka is a deminitive, and a very cute one. It's odd to call high rank officer this way. In dener… i mean weeb words it's like Boris-chan.
yo the line "numbers on a paper, names on a grave" gave me chills
"none consenting loss of life"
Hmmm, what could that be?
There needs to be a word for this, any ideas?
As Ei said: "human life is like the dew at dawn or a bubble rising through water, Transitory"
> human sacrifices in genshin
> 18 minutes long
oh boy
Ha funny thing I just learned about the Aztec’s human sacrifice in history class yesterday.
I always love how much effort goes into your videoes! Editing, sound, research, and your fascinating opinions! Thanks for the lovely video once again!
Expectarion: hA hHa gEnShIn Is BReATh oF THe wILd cLoNe
The story of Sal Terrae is probably the only one I wouldn’t say counts as a human sacrifice, but more of a tragedy. The people of Sal Terrae didn’t know what would happen upon killing their god, and she only wanted to protect them. No one involved gained anything from the cities petrification. It was all just a bunch of mistakes that led to their own demise.
brilliant video! you have amazing storytelling skills, will be subscribing
"PEGI 12"
And people (a certain kind ) say this is a kids' game.
woah, u should really make a yt channel ur theories are awesome
Aster I am curious on how they "extract" Archon residue and where they get it from?
Washizu’s tale was the most chilling thing in inazuma for me.
This would have been a perfect Halloween video!
To summarize this: Being a normal human being in a fantasy world sucks. Really bad.
Yeah, you know. 'Chilling' down the spine with Aster.
if Amber dies in Genshin I might actually throw hands with Mihoyo