HUGE Meta Shifts With Dendro Element? | Genshin Impact

Meta Shifts With Dendro Element?

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*Disclaimer: This is a fan service prediction discussion video to help viewers have a rough understanding of the upcoming changes. I have mentioned several times in the video to warn viewers that the clips and data are Not representations of the final product. I DO NOT own any of that footage, nor am I responsible for the accuracy of those skill values. Mechanics, damage, release date, and banner character are all subject to change on the official release.

*Credited sources:
[Royalty Free lofi Chillhop] On The Day Of Love by Chillout Tea
Soundcloud: @chillouttea
YT: Chillout Tea

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Meta Shifts With Dendro Element?

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19 thoughts on “HUGE Meta Shifts With Dendro Element? | Genshin Impact”

  1. Cryo doesn't have a viable transformative damage reaction that incentives full EM build (hydro has electrocharged, pyro has overload, both are viable enough for EM build). I would love to see a Cryo+Dendro reaction filling this niche because I really like EM playstyle so much more than Vape/Melt.

  2. I guess the strenght of Intensified will lie in wether or not the damage increase will stack, cause I mean you can theorically proc WAY more Intensified reactions in the span of 7 seconds. Will the damage increase have a cooldown or will it be stackable? I'm so excited to find out!
    Overgrown sounds a bit gimmicky but I'm down for sprouting exploding mushrooms lol
    I was hoping that Anemo x Dendro reaction would create like a Spore or Pollen cloud and the Geo x Dendro react would spawn spikes on the floor but considering Dendro will not react with them at all I would have settled for Swirl and Crystallize at least

  3. Great vid. I think geo and dendro should have the melt and reverse melt interaction. Anemo should swirl and spread the.seeds. This would allow for some really good geo and dendro comps.

  4. I’m thinking Dendro will deal Damage-Over-Time (DoT) that scales off Elemental Mastery (EM) and will boosts one specific stat attribute depending on element that Dendro reacts to. The one stat increase only applies as long as a Dendro-DoT reaction is active. Only characters involved in causing the elemental reaction will receive the stat boost.

    🌳Dendro + 🔥Pyro = Burning (deals intense Pyro dmg over time); boosts ATK while Burning is active.

    Other reaction ideas:

    🌳Dendro + 💧Hydro = Overdrain (health-steal DoT; absorbed HP from enemy is transferred to you); boosts HP while Overdrain is active.

    🌳Dendro + 🔶Geo = Rooted (Grows plant constructs at the foot of enemies and trap them in place similar to Mirror Maiden glass trap; receive DoT while inside traps; Geo constructs don’t easily shatter when Rooted is active); boosts DEF while Rooted is active.

    🌳Dendro + ⚡️Electro = Zapped (DoT of 3 ticks that scale off of EM. The 1st hit does massive DMG like lightning striking a tree. 2nd & 3rd tick do smaller DMG. Can’t crit just like other Electro reactions); Boosts Energy Recharge while Zapped is active.

    🌳Dendro + ❄️Cryo = Wilting (Cryo DoT version of Burning (albeit slower DoT ticks) + reduction of attack speed); boosts Crit Rate while Wilting is active.

    🌳Dendro + 🌪Anemo = Pollinate (spreads spores that cause DoT in an AoE); boosts Elemental DMG while Pollinate is active.

    🌳🌳Dendro Resonance – Verdant Flora (Extends duration of DoT reactions and boosts EM; Dendro DMG increased by 15% as long as a DoT Dendro reaction is active)

    Extra ideas:
    A game based on elemental reactions should have all elements react to one another. A Geo + Anemo reaction is warranted in my opinion:

    🔶Geo + 🌪Anemo = Duststorm (Next single attack will miss 100%; DEF shred by 5% for 6 seconds)

    Crystallize reaction is very underwhelming. It needs some offense. Improvement: the enemy on which Crystallize is triggered will receive elemental DMG (of the Crystallized element).

  5. Pyro is a dominant element, damage multiplier, dot
    Hydro is an enabler of buffs
    Electro is a reactive element, amplifies the effects of whichever reaction
    Cryo is an enabler of debuffs
    Dendro is… passive element, continuous effects?

    Possibilities of dendro with:
    Pyro: continuous damage
    Hydro: continuous buff
    Electro: cooldown reduction
    Cryo: continuous debuff


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