HUGE CHANGES Coming To Genshin Impact

In todays Genshin Impact video I discuss how China is in the process of creating new gacha laws that will hugely effect Genshin Impact and may end up creating almost 2 completely different versions of the game. Hopefully it wont though and we will all receive the changes that may happen. From what I’ve been told when the Chinese government drafts a law in tends to have a high pass rate so I guess we will see what happens.

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24 thoughts on “HUGE CHANGES Coming To Genshin Impact”

  1. But how will you earn the new characters if you have to buy them foe lik 100 dollers if you a low spender or f2p? Because I dont know about you I dont have the money to buy a 100-200 doller characters but I do have the money to buy the battle pass and welcom moon every now and then then save pulls for the gatcha.

  2. i have to say that the chinese gambling companies are doing, very heavy investmients in gambling in my country (brazil) só i think this medling with the industrie is just to save face. this ''reasonables rates'' can be even lower than the ones we alredy have in genshin. ( the legislation could be aiming for even more predatory gachas mecanics). so if what i say becomes true. this could actually set the benchmarking for how they operate business.( but i have to say that i was expecting such legislation from european countries,and also would say that is overdue beacause gacha games can be problematic by design)

  3. to daily rewards i would see a ban, but in regards to the welkin moon. they can argue that was just normal purchase and you receive this at a discounted prices because (here the very strange -non lophole from someone that somewhat know accounting) there is a internal interest rate to purchase, and you are entitle to get a little bit of the interest each day, the accounting team can make up some Declining Balance Method of the trasaction. and try to get away with it

  4. This worries me. Hoyo is a business. A business is designed to make money. Not predatorily obviously. I’m worried this will drive the company over the edge to pursue lost profits. Thats a bad direction.

  5. All good changes. And if it doesn't come to global, then people will just riot. Because who will sit here in silence while China just gets an infinitely more reasonable game.

  6. Personally what I think will happen. I think the dip in profit could potentially make us have a worse games for exsisting games. Thinking about it, if a business is making less profit, they will put less money into said game. So for Genshin specifically, if your fine with the way things are currently and can control your spending (dont whale). Then tbh i dont think anything good comes from this for genshin specifically.

    Having said that for gaming in general this is a very good thing. New games coming out will have to work around that and that should be better for the players. But for existing games i feel like they will all be worse.

    Another thing is it could actually kill gacha as a whole. Im my head if these games make less profit, then less companies will want to go into these products. Also existing games that dont already have a big profit margin. (Pgr, Azur Lane, Girls Frontline etc) This could actually cause them to die if the rules cause significantly less profits. The affect on genshin would be even less competition and it would becomes more of a monopoly which is bad for those players.

    Its all heresay as the draft isnt very specific so we would need to see the details and also see how enforced theu are and if companies can find work arounds. But China is a huge market for gacha games so if this is enforced it will change everything in some way.

    So my opinion, great for gaming as a whole, bad for the gacha game genre and bad for specifically exsisting games

  7. 1.6% is massively reasonable for a gacha rate, what's unreasonable are those legendary items on other MMOs gacha box with 0.01% percent rate or sometimes even 0.0003% or something. Genshin has the most reasonable gacha rate ever and with its pity system F2P can get limited characters with ease.


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