Hu Tao & Xinyan Lantern Rite Festival Rap Performance Cutscene | Genshin Impact

Hu Tao & Xinyan Lantern Rite Festival Rap Performance Cutscene (The Blaze Lilies) | Genshin Impact

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Genshin Impact, Hu Tao, Xinyan, Hu Tao Lantern Rite, Hu Tao Lantern Rite Festival, Hu Tao Rap, Hu Tao Music Band, Xinyan Rap, Xinyan Music Band, Hu Tao & Xinyan, Hu Tao & Xinyan Rap, Hu Tao & Xinyan Music Band, Hu Tao Lantern Rite Rap, Hu Tao Lantern Rite Music Band, Xinyan Lantern Rite Rap, Xinyan Lantern Rite Festival, Xinyan Lantern Rite Music Band,
#GenshinImpact #Genshin #GamingWithAbyss @GenshinImpact #Shorts #LanternRiteFestival #Cutscenes #HuTao #Xinyan


43 thoughts on “Hu Tao & Xinyan Lantern Rite Festival Rap Performance Cutscene | Genshin Impact”

  1. I think it's great! But I kinda hear what's wrong,

    – Laura's (xingyans va) microphone quality was a little off and also I think she started a little early in the music? She matched up with the music a little later in the part though!

    – Brianna's (Hu Taos va) voice part didn't match with the music and had an inconsistent speed? Also when the lyrics were translated, I don't think they fit wellwith the music … I think if they had maybe changed the lyrics up a bit for the different languages in the game, this clip would have made this a whole lot better!

    Thats my point of view on the topic. I'm no professional musician and I'm terrible at explaining things.. but the va's did great! It was mainly the timing and writing that were the main issues! lol

  2. As much as I like the JP ver. I think there's nothing wrong with EN voice here, but there's definitely something here that feels a bit off. My guess would be the lyrics

  3. Hot damn who the hell directed this? It's off beat, doesn't fit with the music, both VA's can fukin sing and Brianna is a musician, she can do this sort of stuff, and Laura's part sounds like she was instructed to sing in the wrong key, and the lyrics are way too bloated, what the hell went wrong in the translation and direction here?

  4. They really set the VAs up for failure here

    The animation is incredible. So the lacking voice work is even more noticeable.

    Xinyangs VA has to do an accent that already sounded silly while speaking while singing.

    And they did a literal translation of the lyrics so the rap doesn't even rhyme

    Like if this was just like an optional event at like Quince village or something. I think it would of been charming to have Xinyangs whole band invite Hu Tao on stage at little local festival.

    But they brought this middle school talent show level performance to the biggest city in Teyvats biggest festival

  5. This was amazing, I do get what some people are saying about Hu Tao's vocal performance in this song but I think it was alright and came out fine. They usually have to take several takes to get the voicing down to match with the music but this was the best we could get outta it and I couldn't be more satisfy with it.


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