Hu Tao vs Childe Comparison! WHO YOU SHOULD GET for Genshin Impact 2.2 | DPS, F2P, Showcases & MORE!

Hi guys I wanted to make this video to help you all decide which of these two characters you need more for your account. Since I have both and have played both quite a bit I thought I would share my experience with both characters. #genshinimpact #childe #hutao

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0:00 Intro and Topics
1:18 DPS & Element application
3:01 Xiangling vs Xingqui Combos
8:24 F2P Friendliness
11:16 Teams and Showcases
17:48 Constellations comparisons & Cooldowns
21:20 Who is more mobile friendly?



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39 thoughts on “Hu Tao vs Childe Comparison! WHO YOU SHOULD GET for Genshin Impact 2.2 | DPS, F2P, Showcases & MORE!”

  1. the problem is…thoma is in hu tao re-run 🙁 I wanted childe back then but I lose the 50/50… but gonna give it a try in childe's banner..if I lose the 50/50 then its a shame.

  2. They main issue for me is that I have a Diluc in the works and only Amber as a bow user(who is far from bad by any means, Lisa is still worse, but she is my only bow user). I also only have Barbara for a hydro user, who’s is good at anything BUT damage(and shields for obvious reasons)

    Meanwhile for pyro I have Diluc, Amber and Xiangling and for polearm I have Baal, Rosaria and Xiangling.

  3. I have a 80+ wishes for hu tao I hope I got her and I have a 4set piece of crimson witch for her I have staff of homa and I have xingqiu rosaria for elemental reaction and zhongli as tank for hu tao so she can't be delayed I hope got her I did not spend any primo/wishes and skip yoimiya raiden and kokomi and waiting for hu tao banner

  4. Still debating Childe vs Hutao (and Thoma). Right now, Thoma is more of a driving force towards my leaning into Hutao banner.

    The other is that I only have C2 Xiangling and no Kazuha (have Sucrose though), which means there is a 10 second cooldown on her Pyronado (as well as capped at 9 unless I premature crown).

    I also only have C1 Fischl (have C1 Sara and C2 Lisa), although I do have C6 Beidou.

    So with some key constellations missing from Xiangling on Childe's Vape team, and on Fischl on his Taser team, it makes me wonder how effective he can be.

    That said, neither Childe nor Hutao are immediate needs since I can clear Abyss with Xiao/Ayaka teams (even if I have to swap teams around a bit for certain Floor 12 chambers).

  5. both are very reliant on their E skill cuz that’s where you see the really nice dmg and burst for that really big numbers
    Tbh It’s up to how you like the look actually cuz both do pretty similar things… this is just my opinion by the way so don’t take it seriously

  6. Im a F2P and grinded my primos to get them and so it’s a win if I get lucky to roll on both of them to officially have them at C1. My pity is reset after getting Qiqi C0 😅 more likely I’ll be getting HuTao

  7. So I’m f2p and have the national team with chongyun already built and want hu tao. Mona is my only 5 star and I was planning on using hu tao, mona, rosaria, and diona in a team together. Do you think that’d work? Or would it be better to try and use mona as a dps in my national team and but xingqiu on the team with hu tao? I would just test myself but it’s gonna be 3 weeks until hu tao comes back

  8. Praying I get Childe. As a f2p who used her guarantee on the Raiden Shogun, the cards are currently not in my favor, but I’ve saved up my wishes specifically for Childe so I’m still definitely going to try.

  9. For most f2p players like myself, childe seems to be the best option. Because to play hutao at enough potential, you need c1 and homa, which homa is a very specific weapon which is made for her and ontop of that for someone who may have started recently, they wouldn't have her enablers. Childe on the other hand you can get him at c0 and he does just as good, the new bow that's coming out not only makes him stronger but sets up a solid bow for any bow character (maybe you want ganyu in the future). His main partner is xangling, who is again f2p right now. Child's role as a hydro enabler and god tier vaporize aoe are definitive, where as hu tao is a main dps, which again is easily replaceable if you have say diluc or better yet ganyu. The choice between main dps though is entirely subjective, if you love how hutao plays then by all means go for her but don't shit on childe because he does less damage as that's not his role.

  10. Okay, as someone who owns both Hu Tao AND Childe, I find Childe much more fun than Hu Tao.

    Number 1, I hate spamming charge attacks. If you dislike charge attacks I highly recommend you to skip Hu Tao. (Since that's where her big damage comes from)

    Number 2, Hu Tao needs a lot of stamina, in my opinion she's not really early game friendly where you haven't maxed out your statue of seven(s)

    Number 3, Hu Tao gets boring real quick, her kit doesn't allow her to be anything other than a main DPS, Childe can easily become a burst DPS and can apply hydro pretty effectively.

    My main issues with Childe is that when you don't carry a sub-dps and his E cooldown is up,,, it gets pretty annoying to wait for it to load. BUT this isn't as issue if you use him as sub or burst DPS.


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