HoYo needs to explain this UNREASONABLE OUTCOME | Genshin Impact |

Genshin Impact Ningguang should be 5 stars! She really fit Guizhong’s background tho, don’t you think so?

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43 thoughts on “HoYo needs to explain this UNREASONABLE OUTCOME | Genshin Impact |”

  1. Wrong. The thing here is that Ningguang didn't create the Ballista that were used in their battle with Osial, it was Cloud Retainer's engineering.
    Second, you may wanna argue that the Millelith has provided arsenals and militaristic machines that were used in their battle with Beisht, but it was the Qixing of Liyue and not Ninnguang herself who engineered it.
    Third, engineering falls on Master Zhang, he was one of the main builders in rebuilding the Jade Chamber, and not Ningguang herself.

  2. If I remember Correctly Ningguang Was supposed to be a 5 star, I think she even was a 5 star but Hoyo had a sudden impact and changed her into a 4 star… I think there was a also a lot of discussion about it in the community at that time because of this. 🤔🤔
    Edit: I would also like A new Geo character too, whether 5* or 4*… But just a new geo character, we don't have many of those!! 😭

  3. Ningguang should be the 1st and only 4* character we can ascend to 5* through a series of quests. Benefits of ascending Ningguang to 5 star:
    – increased stats and damage multipliers
    – 5* burst animation
    – Geo construct Jade Screen changed to Guizhong Ballista which shoots geo arrows every second for 15 seconds. Guizhong Ballista also increases Geo damage of all party members by 20% for the entire duration of the skill or until the geo construct disappears from the field.
    – Burst skill changed to her Gate of Babylon-like skill in the cutscene.
    – slightly tweaked constellations to synergize with her skill changes.

  4. her design also rivals that of a five star's. not to mention the way she operated the jade chamber during the fight against osial and beisht. yes, she wasn't the MVP in the archon quest or interlude chapter-1 but she undoubtedly played a role as significant as zhongli's. we still don't have a standard banner geo 5* they could've given that role to her. i also find it funny how keqing, ganyu and yelan, the ones working under ninguang are five stars but she isn't.

  5. What i found it funny is ninguang have a higher position in liyue qixing and also alot of screen time. BUT become a 4 star. Unlike Ganyu and specialy Keqing that doesnt have story quest and also have little screen time on archon quest YET have lower position in liyue qixing but still became a 5 star 💀

  6. No, she was meant to be a 5* but in the start of the game se only have noelle and the traveler as geo character. I think they became a a 4* because of no geo characters easy to get ( the firts geo 5* was zhong li in… 1.3? Idk) other reason might be that zhong li was created as a catalyst user but at the end, no. Even barbara was meant to be a 5*, but at the first days will only have noelle as 4* healer, aha.

  7. I can see lots of people here in the comment sec who have the confidence to say Keq is working for Ning 😆 like they read the whole genshin lore and excitedly go to yt to comment 😆 but in the story they actually have the same rank just different jobs/

  8. Meybe Some day hoyo will make story abaout ning remember her memory as guizhong,or she will be the nexts geo archon n become 5 star char ( i thing she the best candidat for geo archon ),

  9. So you are complaining about a 4* that has been released for ages. Let me get this straight .No one needs to explain to you or owes you anything. Stop making yourself important and just go back to your pathetic and miserable closet and cry, ok?

  10. I wouldn't say that ningguang is reincarnation of Guizhong but she's her descendant. But either way i agree on the fact that she should have been a 5*, and i hope we get more geo characters as well

  11. People claiming that all of Liyue qixing are the same rank make me laugh. It's clear that Ningguang is the head of Liyue. It's even her palace.
    Maybe same rank on paper when it comes to voting for something.

  12. I dont really get why they made ningguang ti be a 4star only. During low ar, i saw her as someone like jean in mondstadt. Jean is 5star and like ninguang- she dedicates herself to serve their region. Then so on, theres ayaka on inazuma and then hmm. I Bet its Cyno in sumeru since he was the signature char?. Can't really thought of alhaitham since he's not that dedicated to serve the whole sumeru. He has his own world. Good thing he chose our side😂.

  13. Imma be honest, i don't think the reason why she became a 4 star was simply because they needed more 4 star geo characters, but rather its because of her kit. Let me tell you Ningguang's kit is really not good for a unit that's meant to be a 5 star, i think Hoyo realised that she's not very good and therefore downgraded her to a 4 star, sure they could make her a 5 star now if they want to, but not without altering her kit and abilities drastically.

  14. We will probably have a character that does something with the crystallized and that will improve the geo characters… many have this idea but it is not enough. Hoyoverse just doesn't know what to do with the Geo element. They would have to do a Rework to how the element works, some will think, but the element already fulfills its function, which is to be defensive, another thing is that we do not use these "elemental shields" because it is really useless. In the end I don't think the geo element will change, hoyoverse has its defined structure and it's sad

  15. The reason that I have saw and believe be it, is that occuried a vote between Keqing and Ningguang before genshin's release to see who would be one of the 5 star in standard, Keqing was way more popular in the beta compared to Ningguang, so Keqing winned the vote and turned into a 5 star and Ningguang turned into a 4 star.
    Also, Ningguang's kit is better than some 5 stars tbh.

    Is kinda like what have happend with Hu Tao, but without a vote and they made her more strong. She was popular, and Hoyo noticed it, and turned her into a 5 star.
    Barbara was meant to be a 5 star, but turned into a 4 star, so new players have acess to Hydro and another healer in early game.

    And characters rarity are not only decided on lore, since Collei has a lot of history (Probably unknow for those that haven't read the manga) but is 4 star, while Nilou dosen't have that much history compared with Collei and is a 5 star.
    Why Ganyu is so strong? Bc people were sying that she was a cryo Amber, so they wouldn't pull on her, Hoyo noticied it and made her strong, so people can pull on her.
    Why Collei isn't a 5 star? Bc when Sumeru was released, we didn't even had Dendro to start of, so why the first 2 dendro characters we would have acess would be 5 star?

  16. that ninguang is a reincarnation of Guazhong. It's just a theory and has never been officially confirmed. is not canon . 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤮

  17. Honestly, Ningguang being a reincarnation of Guizhong just doesn't make sense. The whole entire story arc of Liyue was for the humans of Liyue to stand alone without the help from the gods or adepti, so making Ningguang, a very important political figure who has outright said multiple times that the people of Liyue must stand without the gods or adepti is very contrary to Liyue's story arc.

  18. I think maybe she is a 4 star to show that she is a simple human with no amazing traits that put her above or below any other human, not the strongest, not the weakest. But her ambitions allowed her to surprise even the "gods" and "beasts". I got that idea from her hangout event, specially where she talks a bit about her childhood.

    If you think about it in that way, kinda makes sense Ning being a 4 star that is surprisingly strong and resourceful. In lore and gameplay. Even the way she uses her vision is interesting.

    About 5 star people working under her, yeah, that still makes sense, because Ganyu is a adeptus with countless years of experience. She was not only born with incredible power from her species, but have a ton of experiences that really would put her on her position (in a power sense) anyway.

    I don't know much about Keqing to say anything tho. But i don't believe in things like "it wasn't supposed to be like this". Specially the people behind this being Hoyoverse. Anyone who knows or played Honkai, sees how passionate and meticulous they are to reflect exactly what they wish to impart with every detail.

    That is what i think at least.

    That was a nice thought you had there tho, thank you for sharing with us!


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